Current aspects of scientific research within the student scientific society


At the Department of Endocrinology with Children's Infectious Diseases of the Poltava State Medical University within the framework of the student scientific society under the leadership of teachers, a research work was conducted on the topic: "Psychological features of students of higher education of the State Medical University during martial law." A questionnaire was conducted, which made it possible to assess the psychological state of those seeking higher education. The conducted correlational analysis based on the results of the surveys proved the following: - the absence of a reliable relationship between manifestations of anxiety, responsibility and the locus of subjective control. The researchers also noted the connection between the professional activity of future medical workers and the constant emotional interaction with patients, the monotony of work, and the need to solve other people's problems. Another question was considered: humor as a protective reaction to stress. The work is of great importance not only from the psychological and scientific standpoint of the study of humor. The performed analysis is aimed at investigating the validity of the use of existing methods in order to study humor precisely as a mechanism of struggle in stressful situations. The application of elements of research work in the educational and methodological process of the clinical departments of the university increases the effectiveness of the training of students of higher education, promotes the implementation of the latest methods, and also makes it possible to use classroom hours more efficiently and rationally. The time spent by students of higher education in the clinic in this way leaves a very positive effect, stimulates future doctors to study, acquire new knowledge and skills, and also motivates them to preserve their own health. A significant effect of self-education and self-organization of higher education seekers in today's conditions also contributes to the improvement of the professional level of scientific and pedagogical workers, which allows to achieve quality education. The following are important tasks for the work of the acquirers: to involve in full participation; teach participants of group interaction to make balanced collective decisions; be responsible for every action or decision; - to be able to defend one's point of view or position in life.


Ключові слова

the student scientific society

Бібліографічний опис

Pikul K. V. Current aspects of scientific research within the student scientific society / K. V. Pikul, O. А. Shpetnyi, A. V. Mykhailova // Interdisciplinary research: scientific horizons and perspectives : collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, April 12, 2024. – Vilnius : International Center of Scientific Research, 2024. – P. 92–95.