Взаємозв’язки реографічних показників гомілки з соматометричними характеристиками легкоатлетів мезоморфного соматотипу
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Встановлено, що у легкоатлетів мезоморфного соматотипу найчисельніші взаємозв’язки із зовнішніми параметрами тіла мали часові та тонічні показники реограми гомілки, які корелювали переважно з тотальними, поздовжніми, обхватними розмірами, шириною дистальних епіфізів стегна та гомілки, мезоморфним компонентом соматотипу, м’язовою та кістковою масами тіла.
Установлено, что у легкоатлетов мезоморфного соматотипа самые многочисленные взаимосвязи с внешними параметрами тела имели интервальные и тонические показатели реограммы голени, которые коррелировали преимущественно с тотальными, продольными, обхватными размерами, шириной дистальных эпифизов бедра и голени, мезоморфным компонентом соматотипа, мышечной и костной массами тела.
There is a scientific opinion regarding the influence of constitutional features of the body on the various links of the cardiovascular system. The purpose of our study was to study the relationship between the parameters of the rheovasogram of the shin with anthropometric and somatotypological characteristics in athletes with mesomorphic somatotype. Object and methods. 88 athletes of the youth period of ontogenesis (17-21 years) of high level of sports skill (from the first adult class to the masters of sports) were examined. The reovasporgraphic parameters of the shin were determined using tetrapolar reocardiographic on a computer diagnostic complex. The estimation of quantitative parameters was carried out according to time, amplitude indicators and indicators derived from them, using the methodology of Ronkin and Ivanov. We conducted an anthropometric study using the Bunak method, a somatotypological study based on the estimated modification of the Heath-Carter method, and the determination of the component composition of the body mass using the Matejko method. After determining the somatotypes, the athletes were divided into 5 constitutional groups: mesomorphs (51 persons), ectomorphs (11 persons), endomesomorphs (8 persons), ecto-mesomorphs (15 persons), middle intermediate (3 persons). Since the group of athletes with mesomorphic somatotype was the most numerous, for them we conducted a correlation analysis using Spirmen’s statistical method using the STATISTICA 5.5 program. Results. It was revealed that athletes with mesomorphic somatotypes the length of the rheographic wave on the shin had 8 valid feedback connections, the time of the ascending part of the rheovasogram of the shin had 12 direct connections, the time of the downstream part of the rheogram had 8 reliable feedback connections, mostly of average strength, and the time of rapid blood filling had 12 direct connections with the parameters of the external structure of the body. The amplitude indices of the rheogram of the shin in this group of athletes did not have numerical correlations with the parameters of the external structure of the body, which prevailed feedback connections. Diastolic index and speed indicators of blood vessel filling were non-numerical (6 to 8 true) connections, mostly in reverse direction. Indicators of the tone of the tibial arteries in athletes with mesomorphic somatotype had only direct connections with 25% of constitutional indices. Conclusion 1. In the athletes with mesomorphic somatotype, the most numerous interactions with the external parameters of the body were the time and tonic indices of the shin rheograms, which correlated predominantly with total, longitudinal, circumferential dimensions, the width of distal epiphyses of the thigh and shin, and the mesomorphic component of the somatotype. 2. The amplitude indices, rheographic indices, the duration of the rheographic wave and the time of the downward part of the shin rheogram were predominantly feedback connections with the constitutional characteristics, and the indices of the tone of the arteries of the shin, the time of the ascending part of the rheogram and rapid blood filling were only direct connections.
Установлено, что у легкоатлетов мезоморфного соматотипа самые многочисленные взаимосвязи с внешними параметрами тела имели интервальные и тонические показатели реограммы голени, которые коррелировали преимущественно с тотальными, продольными, обхватными размерами, шириной дистальных эпифизов бедра и голени, мезоморфным компонентом соматотипа, мышечной и костной массами тела.
There is a scientific opinion regarding the influence of constitutional features of the body on the various links of the cardiovascular system. The purpose of our study was to study the relationship between the parameters of the rheovasogram of the shin with anthropometric and somatotypological characteristics in athletes with mesomorphic somatotype. Object and methods. 88 athletes of the youth period of ontogenesis (17-21 years) of high level of sports skill (from the first adult class to the masters of sports) were examined. The reovasporgraphic parameters of the shin were determined using tetrapolar reocardiographic on a computer diagnostic complex. The estimation of quantitative parameters was carried out according to time, amplitude indicators and indicators derived from them, using the methodology of Ronkin and Ivanov. We conducted an anthropometric study using the Bunak method, a somatotypological study based on the estimated modification of the Heath-Carter method, and the determination of the component composition of the body mass using the Matejko method. After determining the somatotypes, the athletes were divided into 5 constitutional groups: mesomorphs (51 persons), ectomorphs (11 persons), endomesomorphs (8 persons), ecto-mesomorphs (15 persons), middle intermediate (3 persons). Since the group of athletes with mesomorphic somatotype was the most numerous, for them we conducted a correlation analysis using Spirmen’s statistical method using the STATISTICA 5.5 program. Results. It was revealed that athletes with mesomorphic somatotypes the length of the rheographic wave on the shin had 8 valid feedback connections, the time of the ascending part of the rheovasogram of the shin had 12 direct connections, the time of the downstream part of the rheogram had 8 reliable feedback connections, mostly of average strength, and the time of rapid blood filling had 12 direct connections with the parameters of the external structure of the body. The amplitude indices of the rheogram of the shin in this group of athletes did not have numerical correlations with the parameters of the external structure of the body, which prevailed feedback connections. Diastolic index and speed indicators of blood vessel filling were non-numerical (6 to 8 true) connections, mostly in reverse direction. Indicators of the tone of the tibial arteries in athletes with mesomorphic somatotype had only direct connections with 25% of constitutional indices. Conclusion 1. In the athletes with mesomorphic somatotype, the most numerous interactions with the external parameters of the body were the time and tonic indices of the shin rheograms, which correlated predominantly with total, longitudinal, circumferential dimensions, the width of distal epiphyses of the thigh and shin, and the mesomorphic component of the somatotype. 2. The amplitude indices, rheographic indices, the duration of the rheographic wave and the time of the downward part of the shin rheogram were predominantly feedback connections with the constitutional characteristics, and the indices of the tone of the arteries of the shin, the time of the ascending part of the rheogram and rapid blood filling were only direct connections.
Ключові слова
кореляція, реовазографія гомілки, антропометричні розміри, компоненти соматотипу та маси тіла, легкоатлети, мезоморфний соматотип, корреляция, реовазография голени, антропометрические размеры, компоненты соматотипа и массы тела, легкоатлеты, мезоморфный соматотип, correlation, rheovasography of the shin, anthropometric dimensions, components of somatotype and body mass, athletes, mesomorphic somatotype
Бібліографічний опис
Хапіцька О. П. Взаємозв’язки реографічних показників гомілки з соматометричними характеристиками легкоатлетів мезоморфного соматотипу / О. П. Хапіцька // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (140). – С. 205–207.