Interrelations between some psycho-physiological profile indexes in UMSA Iranian students

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Дніпропетровська державна медична академія


Psychiatrist E.Krechmer (1924) has been trying to establish connection between human constitution and tendency to any psychic disease at the XX-th century beginning. He has stated that the pycnic is tended to maniacal-depressive psychosis, athletic - to epilepsy, asthenic - to schizophrenia. He also has differentiated three main human biotypes: viscerotonics (pycnics), somatotonics (athletics) and cerebro tonics (asthenics). U.Sheldon (1940) has differentiated ectomorphic (similar to asthenic), mesomorphic (to athletic) and endomorphic (to picnic) somatotypes. Rostan (1824) and Sigo (1914) were talking about digestive constitution type, muscular and cerebral one. Later they were related to picnic, athletic and as thenic types correspondingly. Character accentuations types (K.Leongard, A.Lichko) are known all over the world and are widely used by psychologists, psychiatrists and physiologists in part. Hypertymic type is tended to manias; dystymic - depressions; cycloid - maniac-depressive states; stucking - to phobias, neuroses (of persistent states in part); pedantic type - some schizophrenia types; demonstrative one - to hystery. Sexual shade (so-called gender aspect) relates to diseases as well. Girls are more instilled, undergone to hypnosis, conformism. Such disorders as dyslexy and dysgraphy are present in boys more often. Life duration is bigger in women.


Ключові слова

human biotypes, somatotonics, viscerotonics

Бібліографічний опис

Interrelations between some psycho-physiological profile indexes in UMSA Iranian students / E. V. Tkachenko, H. N. Sartipi, N. Hassanzade [et al.] // Матеріали XI наукової конференції студентів та молодих учених «Новини і перспективи медичної науки», м. Дніпропетровськ, 13–15 квітня 2011 р. – Дніпропетровськ : Дніпропетровська державна медична академія, 2011. – Ч. I. – С. 106–107.