Вплив наночастинок гадоліній ортованадату у різних дозах на репродуктивну функцію самців щурів
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Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Досліджено вплив наночастинок гадоліній ортованадату (GdVO4:E3+) на репродуктивну функцію інтактних самців щурів у трьох дозах (0,03, 0,3 та 3,0 мг/кг м. т.). Виявлено, що використання наночастинок протягом 70 діб призводить до негативного впливу на центральні механізми статевої поведінки і, як внаслідок, до зниження копулятивної активності. Застосування наночастинок у дозі 0,3 мг/кг призводить до пригнічення генеративної функції сім’яників, що виявляється в зниженні концентрації та рухливості сперматозоїдів на тлі підвищення патологічних форм. Збільшення дози у 10 разів призводить до порушення нормального перебігу вагітності інтактних самок, внаслідок чого знижується репродуктивний потенціал
Исследовано влияние наночастиц ортованадата гадолиния (GdVO4:E3+) на репродуктивную функцию интактных самцов крыс в трех дозах (0,03, 0,3 и 3,0 мг/кг м. т.). Обнаружено, что введение наночастиц на протяжении 70 дней приводит к негативному влиянию на центральные механизмы полового поведения и, как следствие, к снижению копулятивной активности. Применение наночастиц в дозе 0,3 мг/ кг приводит к угнетению генеративной функции семенников, что проявляется в снижение концентрации и подвижности сперматозоидов на фоне повышения патологических форм. Увеличение дозы в 10 раз приводит к нарушению нормального протекания беременности интактных самок, вследствие чего снижается репродуктивный потенциал самцов.
The effect of gadolinium ortovanadat nanoparticles (GdVO4:E3+) on reproductive function intact male rats in three doses (0,03, 0,3 and 3,0 mg/kg body weight). Animals within 70 days of fasting gadolinium ortovanadat nanoparticles (NP) received three doses: 0,3 mg/kg (group NP-0,3), 0,03 mg/kg (group NP-0,03) and 3,0 mg/ kg (group NP-3,0). Control rats were used as intact (Control group) and males treated under similar conditions trybestan reference drug at a dose of 0,58 mg/kg (group Trybestan). At the end of the experiment was evaluated on male reproductive function parameters of sexual behavior, semen and fertility. Results. Analysis of sexual behavior showed that male sexual activity increased with increasing doses of NP. Thus, the process of pairing group NP-0,03 were able to start only 25% of males (p<0,05, vs. 100% in control) groups NP-0,3 and NP-3,0 quantity of animals increased to 62,5% (p<0,05, vs. 100% in control). A similar picture, but more expressive, observed the registration final stage of sex - ejaculation. The data may be indicative of the possible impact of NP the synthesis and/or secretion of prolactin. It is known that the latter blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, the lack of which, in turn, leads to suppression elements copulation. Sexual behavior of male group Trybestan not been any significant alteration. Perhaps the lack of stimulating action of the drug due to the use of experiments in young and mature sexually active rats, which correction was not necessary, it is known that trybestan nonhormonal drug is a drug that improves libido and quality of erections in men. Inhibition of sexual behavior is not reflected in the ability fertility male subjects, while pairing them with intact females observed a high percentage of fertilized animals. Number of pregnant females in groups decreased slightly but statistically significantly different data groups NP-3,0 (67% vs. 100% control, p<0,05). Integral fertility rate, which reflects the reproductive capacity of males decreased in groups NP-3,0 and Trybestan (26% and 39%, respectively; p<0,05) compared with controls. In terms of fetal loss no statistically significant differences from control group data. Analysis of semen rats showed statistically significant reduction in sperm concentration and motility in male group NP-0,3 against the backdrop of increasing the number of pathological forms compared with the control. In other experimental groups semen parameters did not differ statistically significantly from either control or another. Perhaps this action NP in a therapeutic dose of 0,3 mg/kg of testosterone propionate similar action that the mechanism of feedback causes a decrease in semen parameters intact animals with normal sexual status. Conclusions. Chronic use of nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ negative influence on central mechanisms of sexual behavior and, as a result, reduce copulative activity. The use of nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ at a dose of 0,3 mg/kg results in inhibition of generative function of the testes, shown to reduce sperm motility and concentration against a background of increasing pathological forms. Nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ at a dose of 3,0 mg/kg violate the normal course of pregnancy intact females and lower reproductive capacity of males.
Исследовано влияние наночастиц ортованадата гадолиния (GdVO4:E3+) на репродуктивную функцию интактных самцов крыс в трех дозах (0,03, 0,3 и 3,0 мг/кг м. т.). Обнаружено, что введение наночастиц на протяжении 70 дней приводит к негативному влиянию на центральные механизмы полового поведения и, как следствие, к снижению копулятивной активности. Применение наночастиц в дозе 0,3 мг/ кг приводит к угнетению генеративной функции семенников, что проявляется в снижение концентрации и подвижности сперматозоидов на фоне повышения патологических форм. Увеличение дозы в 10 раз приводит к нарушению нормального протекания беременности интактных самок, вследствие чего снижается репродуктивный потенциал самцов.
The effect of gadolinium ortovanadat nanoparticles (GdVO4:E3+) on reproductive function intact male rats in three doses (0,03, 0,3 and 3,0 mg/kg body weight). Animals within 70 days of fasting gadolinium ortovanadat nanoparticles (NP) received three doses: 0,3 mg/kg (group NP-0,3), 0,03 mg/kg (group NP-0,03) and 3,0 mg/ kg (group NP-3,0). Control rats were used as intact (Control group) and males treated under similar conditions trybestan reference drug at a dose of 0,58 mg/kg (group Trybestan). At the end of the experiment was evaluated on male reproductive function parameters of sexual behavior, semen and fertility. Results. Analysis of sexual behavior showed that male sexual activity increased with increasing doses of NP. Thus, the process of pairing group NP-0,03 were able to start only 25% of males (p<0,05, vs. 100% in control) groups NP-0,3 and NP-3,0 quantity of animals increased to 62,5% (p<0,05, vs. 100% in control). A similar picture, but more expressive, observed the registration final stage of sex - ejaculation. The data may be indicative of the possible impact of NP the synthesis and/or secretion of prolactin. It is known that the latter blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, the lack of which, in turn, leads to suppression elements copulation. Sexual behavior of male group Trybestan not been any significant alteration. Perhaps the lack of stimulating action of the drug due to the use of experiments in young and mature sexually active rats, which correction was not necessary, it is known that trybestan nonhormonal drug is a drug that improves libido and quality of erections in men. Inhibition of sexual behavior is not reflected in the ability fertility male subjects, while pairing them with intact females observed a high percentage of fertilized animals. Number of pregnant females in groups decreased slightly but statistically significantly different data groups NP-3,0 (67% vs. 100% control, p<0,05). Integral fertility rate, which reflects the reproductive capacity of males decreased in groups NP-3,0 and Trybestan (26% and 39%, respectively; p<0,05) compared with controls. In terms of fetal loss no statistically significant differences from control group data. Analysis of semen rats showed statistically significant reduction in sperm concentration and motility in male group NP-0,3 against the backdrop of increasing the number of pathological forms compared with the control. In other experimental groups semen parameters did not differ statistically significantly from either control or another. Perhaps this action NP in a therapeutic dose of 0,3 mg/kg of testosterone propionate similar action that the mechanism of feedback causes a decrease in semen parameters intact animals with normal sexual status. Conclusions. Chronic use of nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ negative influence on central mechanisms of sexual behavior and, as a result, reduce copulative activity. The use of nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ at a dose of 0,3 mg/kg results in inhibition of generative function of the testes, shown to reduce sperm motility and concentration against a background of increasing pathological forms. Nanoparticles GdVO4: E3+ at a dose of 3,0 mg/kg violate the normal course of pregnancy intact females and lower reproductive capacity of males.
Ключові слова
наночастинки гадоліній ортованадату, самці щурів, статева поведінка, спермограма, фертильність, наночастицы ортованадата гадолиния, самцы крыс, половое поведение, спермограмма, фертильность, ortovanadat gadolinium nanoparticles, male rat, sexual behavior, spermogram, fertility
Бібліографічний опис
Вплив наночастинок гадоліній ортованадату у різних дозах на репродуктивну функцію самців щурів / Е. Є. Чистякова, Н. П. Смолєнко, І. О. Бєлкіна [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 3, т. 2 (138). – С. 127–130.