Distribution of cholerics with melancholism and melancholics with cholerism among the iranian students dependently on gender and dominant extremity

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КГМУ им С. И. Георгиевского


The students of medical department were cholerics with melancholism while dentists were melancholics with cholerism in bigger extent. Men were melancholics with cholerism more and women were cholerics with melancholism in bigger per cents. Sinisters were melancholics with cholerism while dexters - cholerics with melancholism more. Ambidexters were both cholerics and melancholics practically in equal extent.


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Бібліографічний опис

Tkachenko E. Distribution of cholerics with melancholism and melancholics with cholerism among the iranian students dependently on gender and dominant extremity / E. Tkachenko ; scientific leader : K. V. Sedyh // Теоретические и практические аспекты современной медицины : материалы 83-й Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. студентов и молодых ученых, г. Симферополь, 26–29 апреля 2011 г. – Симферополь : КГМУ им. С. И. Георгиевского, 2011. – С. 237.