More expressed intra- and interdisciplinary integration applying during the educative process with the foreign applicants

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Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі


Foreign applicants prefer using the intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary integration much more often and in much more significant extent comparatively to the domestic ones. Conjugative reflexes between separate organism systems, particularly between the cardiovascular and the respiratory one must be taken into obligatory consideration. The authors paid and pay much attention at our lessons in the foreign groups to describing the common defensive system including non-specific and specific humoral and cellular mechanisms, inflammation system, kallikrein-kinine system, antioxidative system, vascular-platelet (primary, microcirculative) hemostasis, coagulational (secondary, blood coagulation) hemostasis, primary and secondary anticoagulants, fibrinolytic system, particularly in Dentistry. The representation about hypothalamic-hypophyseal-suprarenal system was widened till hypothalamic-hypophyseal-suprarenal-gonadal-pancreatic. The article contains description of interconnections between hemostasis, inflammation, pain reactions as well as the ones of vascular tone regulating, neuroendocrine-immune interactions, in part, cytokines and cytomedines role in the organism under physiological and pathological conditions.


Ключові слова

student-centered education, individualized education, pedagogy, domestic students, foreign students, higher education International applicants, International students, International applicants, dental students, stomatological faculty students, International faculty students, International faculty applicants, inclusive education, maximal individualized approach to study, humanism, adaptation, foreign students adaptation, International students adaptation, higher education International applicants adaptation, academic adaptation, foreign students academic adaptation, International students academic adaptation, hemostasis anticoagulative link peculiarities in maxillary-facial area, hemostasis anticoagulative link peculiarities in oral cavity, fibrinolysis in maxillary-facial area, fibrinolysis in oral cavity, hemostasis fibrinolytic link in maxillary-facial area, hemostasis fibrinolytic link in oral cavity, saliva role in hemostasis, saliva role in blood coagulation, salivary procoagulants, conjugative reflexes of respiratory and cardiovascular system, peridentitis and parodontitis aggressive course at caries, maxillary-facial area excretory function

Бібліографічний опис

Mistchenko I. V. More expressed intra- and interdisciplinary integration applying during the educative process with the foreign applicants / I. V. Mistchenko, M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Tkachenko // Ресурсно-орiєнтоване навчання в 3D: доступнiсть, дiалог, динамiка : зб. тез доп. III Мiжнар. наук.-практ. iнтернет-конф. (м. Полтава, 22-23 лютого 2023 р.). – Полтава : ПУЕТ. – С. 834–838.