Застосування елементів літотерапії в комплексному лікуванні пацієнтів з невропатіями лицевого нерва

dc.contributor.authorМельник, Владислав Леонідович
dc.contributor.authorШевченко, Василь Кирилович
dc.contributor.authorШевченко, Євген Васильович
dc.contributor.authorМельник, Ірина Василівна
dc.contributor.authorMelnik, V. L.
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko, V. K.
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko, E. V.
dc.contributor.authorMelnik, I. V.
dc.description.abstractТрадиційне медикаментозне лікування пацієнтів із невропатією лицевого нерва зазвичай складне та малоефективне, тому авторами для лікування невропатій запропоновано використання елементів літо- терапії (сердоліку) і голкотерапії (техніки пекінської школи). Методика мала ефективність у 91,2% пацієн- тів основної групи. У результаті лікування на боці ураження була відновлена до норми функція мімічних м’язів обличчя, що виражалось у природній симетрії при посмішці, надуванні щік, примружуванні очей; повернена чутливість шкіри та досягнута довготривала ремісія захворювання в пацієнтів.; Традиционное медикаментозное лечение пациентов с невропатией лицевого нерва, как правило, сложное и малоэффективное. Поэтому авторами для лечения невропатий предложено использование элементов литотерапии (сердолик) и иглотерапии (по технике пекинской школы). Методика была эффек- тивной в 91,2% пациентов основной группы. В результате лечения на стороне поражения была восста- новлена к норме функция мимических мышц лица, что выражалось в природной симметрии при улыбке, надувании щёк, прищуривании глаз; возобновлена чувствительность кожи и достигнута длительная ре- миссия заболевания у пациентов. ; Introduction. Neuropathy of facial nerve occurs in 38% of all cases of mononeuropathy. Traditional medical treatment of patients with this disease is usually complicated and inefficient, so we proposed a specific treat- ment that included the use of elements of lithotherapy (carnelian), acupuncture (Beijing engineering school) and qigong therapy. Materials and Methods. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of patients for neuropathy facial nerve using lithotherapy and acupuncture compared to traditional treatment we created 2 groups of patients. The first (basic) 12 patients have already conducted preliminary traditional medication which didn’t bring the results nor had any complications. The second (comparison) group consisted of 10 patients. They conducted a traditional medication. The first group was of 12 female patients, aged 24 to 56 years who have addressed with complaints of defects of the configuration of the face, speech and vision functions. From history we know that the first pa- tient became ill about two years ago and hospital treatment was not made. One of the patients underwent a course of acupuncture for 1 month. Functional tests showed that all patients had facial asymmetry with a smile, blowing cheeks, closing eyes. This was the motivating factor for the use of alternative therapies – acupuncture complex with application ele- ments, and lithotherapy qigong-therapy. We proposed treatment, which included: application elements of lithotherapy – cornelian treatment; use of unconventional methods of Eastern medicine: reflexology Beijing school with the use of acupuncture and blots applicator. To achieve stabilization process the individual rehabili- tation program developed for each patient was taken into account – Chinese Tuyna facial massage, techniques qigong therapy, exercise of wellness gymnastics. For each of the 12 patients of the main group on the affected side applications of carnelian stone of elliptical form 25x15 mm diameter were applied, water was heated to 600C, followed by application to the damage area of exposure of 3 to 5 minutes. The total number of sessions was from 20 to 30. Microneedles and needles-buttons were used on the affected area of the face with an expo- sure of 45 minutes. Needles with length of working part 1,5-2,5 cm. were used in areas of palmar surfaces by methodologies of Beijing school. At the same time in treatment applicator blots (roller and mat) with step needle 3,8-4,2 mm. were used for cervical part, face, palms. The comparison group included 10 patients (8 women and 2 men) aged 37 to 62 with similar symptoms, which for 2-3 months were treated by traditional methods of physi- cian and neurologist which included dehydration therapy (furasemid 40 mg); neksametylentetramin (10 ml of 40% solution of 5 ml. of 40% glucose solution); B12, B1, C; corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 125 mg – 5 in num- ber gradually reducing the dose); dimexide baths at night; mannitol 15% – 200-400ml. nicotinic acid 1% of 1 ml to 10 ml, then vice versa; analgesics for pain; cortisone acetate 100-300 mg per day; tranquilizers (diazepam); neuroleptics (etakerazyn); antihistamines (diphenhydramine); physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound, iontophoresis 10% solution of trilon, paraffin, ozocerite baths). In the subacute period physiotherapy and massage mimic muscles were prescribed. Each patient got symptomatic therapy of accompanying illnesses. Results and discussion. In 8 patients of the main group after 20 complex medical procedures (1 month) pain on the affected side disappeared, facial feature of facial muscles became normal, smile became symmet- ric, and there were no blowing cheeks. In 4 patients similar results appeared after 30 sessions of treatment (1, 5 months). After treatment in 11 patients sensitivity of the skin was completely restored, appeared the natural symmetry of a smile. As a result of the treatment algorithm applied to the first group of 11 patients (91,2%) re- ceived long-term remission of the disease. In the comparison group in 4 patients out of 10 (40%), regardless of internists doctors, who conducted medical therapy, pain and facial asymmetry was partially remained; in 6 pa- tients out of 10 (60%) natural-looking face on the affected side was observed. It should be note that an inte- grated approach in the treatment of facial nerve was effective enough not only for eliminating the asymmetry of the face and returning of muscle tone, but also for future rehabilitation period. Further study is planned to con- tinue the proposed treatment efficiency in patients with facial nerve neuritis. Conclusions Comprehensive treatment with elements of lithotherapy (carnelian) and acupuncture (Beijing engineering school) had 91,2% effectiveness for patients of the main group. As a result of the treatment facial asymmetry was eliminated. Patients of the main group achieved remission of the disease when viewed up to 1,5-2 years.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationЗастосування елементів літотерапії в комплексному лікуванні пацієнтів з невропатіями лицевого нерва / В. Л. Мельник, В. К. Шевченко, Є. В. Шевченко, І. В. Мельник // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2016. – № 1, т. 1.– С. 57–61.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 616.833.17 – 009.11 – 085.83
dc.publisherВищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»uk_UA
dc.subjectневропатія лицевого нерваuk_UA
dc.subjectневропатия лицевого нерваuk_UA
dc.subjectneuropathy facial nerveuk_UA
dc.titleЗастосування елементів літотерапії в комплексному лікуванні пацієнтів з невропатіями лицевого нерваuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeАpplication elements of lithotherapy in complex treatment of neuropathy facial nerveuk_UA


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