Some peculiarities and principles of remote education in a various countries while taking ethnic, ethno- gender and ethno-age typological aspects into consideration

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The authors demonstrate essentiality to study and to implement remote learning in the educative process taking typological aspects in part the ethnic, ethno- gender, ethno-age ones into obligatory consideration. Separate attention is paid to emergency remote education implementing particularly under COVID-19 conditionsin various countries. The authors present the results of varieties in attitude to remote education in different countries received by the teachers of higher and secondary educational establishments, in part in small rural schools while distinguishing the urbanization and non-urbanization as the ethnic typological aspect separate subtype. The authors emphasize also that the applicants’ attitude to remote education should be taken into obligatory consideration and there are many researches on it. The authors describe the term “blended learning” and its synonyms.


Ключові слова

remote learning, remote education, distance learning, distance education, COVID-19 pandemy, emergency remote education, typological aspects, ethno-gender typological aspect, ethno-age typological aspect, urbanization, rural areas, higher educational establishments, secondary educational establishments, rural schools, blended learning, hybrid learning, mixed-mode learning

Бібліографічний опис

Tkachenko O. V. Some peculiarities and principles of remote education in a various countries while taking ethnic, ethno- gender and ethno-age typological aspects into consideration / O.V. Tkachenko, S. K. Jha, Al-Jawabreh Jad Sami Jadallah // Теорiя модернiзацiï в контектстi сучасноï свiтовоï науки : матерiали I Мiжнародноï науковоï конференцiï, м. Полтава, 23 червня 2023 р. – Вiнниця : Європейська наукова платформа, 2023. – С. 198–200.