Аналіз динаміки диспансерного охоплення учасників бойових дій лікарями
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Полтавський державний медичний університет
На сьогодні динаміка диспансерного спостереження учасників бойових дій є важливим питанням як у медицини так і у вітчизняної психіатрії та психології, проблематика різних після воєнних розладів,
синдромів, посттравматичного стресу потребує низку досліджень. Теоретична та практична обізнаність
фахівців про психологічну опірність, стійкість особового складу, про війну, бій, дію на військового бойових
стрес-факторів, адаптування військового до середовища перебування, колективу, подій, що відбуваються
навколо нього, його готовність до виконання завдань за призначенням, різні порушення психологічного і
психічного характеру, способи та методики надання психологічної допомоги, є важливим питанням для медицини.
Today, the dynamics of dispensary observation of combatants is an important issue in medicine and in national psychiatry and psychology, the problem of post-traumatic stress, various post-war disorders, posttraumatic stress requires a number of studies. Theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists on psychological resistance, stability of personnel, about war, battle, action on military combat stress factors, adaptation of military to the environment of stay, collective, events occurring around it, its readiness for performance of tasks on purpose, various psychological and mental disorders, methods and methods of providing psychological assistance, is an important issue for medicine. Engaging in combat is generally recognized as the stress factor of the highest intensity. Among veterans first recognized as disabled, more than 50.0% are persons of working age. A study of the quality of life of combatants shows that among all the number of injuries they received are psychological (about 80%). In this case, 30-40% of patients suffer irreversible psychogenic injuries. Cases of inappropriate behavior, suicide attempts, problems in family life are recorded. The level of resistance is lowered by the high intensity of shelling and fighting with the enemy, as well as the duration of being in the combat zone without rotation. It is known that in such intense psychological state a person can stay 35-45 days, and many soldiers have been in the ATO area for about 2 months. Efforts are made to avoid memories; nightmares, a feeling of devastation that leads to a general disillusionment with the future of life.
Today, the dynamics of dispensary observation of combatants is an important issue in medicine and in national psychiatry and psychology, the problem of post-traumatic stress, various post-war disorders, posttraumatic stress requires a number of studies. Theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists on psychological resistance, stability of personnel, about war, battle, action on military combat stress factors, adaptation of military to the environment of stay, collective, events occurring around it, its readiness for performance of tasks on purpose, various psychological and mental disorders, methods and methods of providing psychological assistance, is an important issue for medicine. Engaging in combat is generally recognized as the stress factor of the highest intensity. Among veterans first recognized as disabled, more than 50.0% are persons of working age. A study of the quality of life of combatants shows that among all the number of injuries they received are psychological (about 80%). In this case, 30-40% of patients suffer irreversible psychogenic injuries. Cases of inappropriate behavior, suicide attempts, problems in family life are recorded. The level of resistance is lowered by the high intensity of shelling and fighting with the enemy, as well as the duration of being in the combat zone without rotation. It is known that in such intense psychological state a person can stay 35-45 days, and many soldiers have been in the ATO area for about 2 months. Efforts are made to avoid memories; nightmares, a feeling of devastation that leads to a general disillusionment with the future of life.
Ключові слова
психічні захворювання, травми, диспансерне охоплення, учасники бойових дій, mental illness, trauma, dispensary coverage, combatants
Бібліографічний опис
Гавловський О. Д. Аналіз динаміки диспансерного охоплення учасників бойових дій лікарями / О. Д. Гавловський, І. А. Голованова // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2019. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (154). – С. 345–348.