Кафедра пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини
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Перегляд Кафедра пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини за Автор "Borisova, Z."
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Документ Quercetin reduces the transcriptional activity of NF-kB in stable coronary artery disease(Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy”, Str. Shevchenka, 23, 36000, Poltava, Ukraine, 2018) Chekalina, N.; Burmak, Y.; Petrov, Ye.; Borisova, Z.; Manusha, Y.; Kazakov, Yu.; Kaidashev, I. P.; Кайдашев, Ігор Петрович; Чекаліна, Наталія Ігорівна; Бурмак, Юрій Григорович; Петров, Євген Євгенович; Борисова, Зінаїда Олексіївна; Мануша, Юлія Іванівна; Казаков, Юрій МихайловичThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of quercetin on the indicators of chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) in stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: This study included 85 patients with CAD, stable angina pectoris, functional class (FC) II, and heart failure (=F) 0-y. Each patient was prescribed beta-blockers, statins, and aspirin. In addition, a total of 30 patients, forming the study group received quercetin at a daily dose of 120 mg for two months, while the remaining 55 patients made up the control group. The levels of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), interleukin-1b (IL-1b), and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in serum and the expression of the inhibitor of kappa B a (IkBa) gene in blood mononuclear cells, were determined.Документ Распространенность, клиническое течение хронического бронхита у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста(Высшее государственное учебное заведение Украины «Украинская медицинская стоматологическая академия», 2014) Борисова, Зінаїда Олексіївна; Оноприенко, Валентина Миколаївна; Борисова, Зинаида Алексеевна; Оноприенко, Валентина Николаевна; Borisova, Z.; Onopriyenko, V.Вивчали поширеність, клінічний перебіг хронічного бронхіту у осіб похилого та старечого віку. Проведені дослідження клінічного стану хворих ХБ похилого та старечого віку дозволили зробити висновок, що в цієї групи хворих характерна наявність супутньої патології, особливо з боку серцево-судинної системи, в ряді випадків перебігає атипово, приховано. В клінічній картині ХБ переважають бронхо-легеневої та інтоксикаційний синдроми; Изучали распространенность, клиническое течение хронического бронхита у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста. Проведенные исследования клинического состояния больных ХБ пожилого и старческого возраста позволили сделать вывод, что в этой группы больных характерно наличие сопутствующей патологии, особенно со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы, часто заболевание в ряде случаев протекает атипично, скрыто. В клинической картине ХБ преобладают бронхо-легочной и интоксикационный синдромы; This work is a piece of research " Peculiarities of the course and prognosis of the metabolic syndrome based on genetic, age, gender of patients, the presence of the various components of the metabolic syndrome and specific comorbidities and ways of correction of violations», № state registered 0114U001909. Current demographic processes that have a strong tendency to gradual aging of the world population, as well as a high degree of urbanization with deteriorating environmental conditions increase the number of older people with respiratory diseases. Worldwide, there is an increased incidence of chronic obstructive disease of lungs (CODL). It is destructive pathology, significantly affects the quality of life of patients and is a huge social and economic problem. This is due to the significant pollution vehicles, industry, poor social conditions, especially smoking. So, for the last five years the disease has increased by 25 % in men and 61% in women, especially in the population over 40 years. A few of the features of respiratory diseases in elderly patients makes the question of studying the prevalence of chronic bronchitis (CB), and determine the impact of the priority risk factors for its formation. The purpose of the research - the study of the prevalence, risk factors, clinical features of chronic bronchitis in older age groups. To achieve the goal in the study used the following methods: sociological (questionnaire, survey), statistics. Performed electrocardiography (ECG), a study of respiratory function (ERF) to identify those with the reduction in airflow obstruction. The results of an X-ray surveys carried out on the standard fluorograph. If necessary, and on the testimony conducted large-scale X-ray images. At the first stage of the study to investigate the prevalence of chronic bronchitis among elderly, we had formed a random sample of the adult population during the inspection of integrated outpatient residents of Poltava region. The relative risk of developing chronic bronchitis is higher in men and women with a history of hereditary history for chronic lung disease. We have also found that people who suffer from chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to colds. Compared with healthy in these patients is 3,5 times more likely to be recorded during the year acute respiratory viral infections. In our study, 53.7 % of respondents said that they are exposed to the harmful effects of industrial environment (dust, gas pollution, drafts). These circumstances require particularly responsible attitude to patients with respiratory complaints during routine inspections, to see a doctor, and should be considered when developing a set of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures. Studies to clinical CB elderly led to the conclusion that in this group of patients characterized by the presence of multiple pathologies, especially on the part of the cardiovascular system, often the disease in some cases, atypical, hidden. The clinical picture is dominated by CB bronchopulmonary and intoxication syndromes. Identification of the above characteristics of a CB in elderly and senile patients, allowed us to develop complex questions of their treatment, which should be adequate and individualized. Prospects for further research : In the future we plan to study peculiarities of CB in combination with metabolic syndrome.