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Документ Studing the skills attitudes on factors affecting dental health of children(Fundacja Lekarzy Polskich-Pro-Medica, 2018) Holovanova, I. S.; lyakhova, N. A.; Sheshukova, O. V.; Trufanova, V. P.; Bauman, S. S.; Bilous, N. A.; Nesterenko, O. N.; Шешукова, Ольга Викторовна; Труфанова, Валентина Петровна; Бауман, София Сергеевна; Голованова, Ирина Анатольевна; Ляхова, Наталия Александровна; Билоус, Алевтина Николаевна; Голованова, Ірина Анатоліївна; Ляхова, Наталія Олександрівна; Шешукова, Ольга Вікторівна; Бауман, Софія Сергіївна; Нестеренко, Олег Миколайович; Труфанова, Валентина Петрівна; Білоус, Алевтина МиколаївнаIntroduction: Nowadays, the high level of dental morbidity among children is an urgent medical problem. Healthy lifestyles and sanitary-hygienic upbringing in the family is most important components of the formation of dental health of children. But in order to be able to teach their children, parents need to be themselves knowledgeable about hygiene and prevention, have the necessary skills and desire to instill it in their children. The aim: The aim of our study was to assess the level of awareness of schoolchildren parents about the factors affecting the dental health of their children according to the questionnaire. Materials and methods: The article presents the results of a sociological survey in the form of anonymous polls on a specially designed questionnaire. With the help of the sociological method, 408 questionnaires, which were filled up by parents of students of general school №19 in Poltava, were processed and analyzed. Results: Among the interviewed individuals, we investigated groups of predictors that could increase the parents'awareness of the factors influencing the formation of health; to teach children by parents of the rules of personal hygiene of oral cavity and skills of self-prevention of dental diseases; on factors that lead to proper orthodontic pathology. Conclusions: Based on the parents'answers to the factors which form the health of the population, we can conclude that their awareness on this issue is insufficient. The results of the survey show insufficient level of knowledge in the issues of the formation of health and prevention of dental diseases among the respondents. Thus, the necessity to carry out the corresponding work in educational institutions with the involvement of teachers, dental doctors, pediatricians and doctors of other specialties is determined.