Світ медицини та біології. 2022
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Перегляд Світ медицини та біології. 2022 за Автор "Boruta, N. V."
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Документ Changes in corticosterocytes of the zona reticularis and сhromaffin cells of the adrenal gland in rats during the inhibition of testosterone synthesis(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Skotarenko, T. A.; Shepitko, V. I.; Stetsuk, E. V.; Boruta, N. V.; Скотаренко, Тетяна Анатоліївна; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Борута, Наталія ВолодимирівнаMetabolic disorders, which are the main causes of many diseases and can be linked to the pathogenesis of other nosologies, remain relevant objects of scientific research. It has been proved that testosterone is an important biological regulator of metabolic processes in the male body. Modern studies are performed on the effect of testosterone deficiency on the state of neurons, testicles, liver and other body organs and tissues. The paper describes the main morphological changes of corticosterocytes of the reticular zone of the cortical substance and chromaffin cells of the medulla of the adrenal glands of white rats during central deprivation of testosterone synthesis through experimental blockade of gonadotropic hormones. It was established that inhibition of testosterone synthesis led to dystrophic changes and disruption of the synthetic function of corticosterocytes of the reticular zone, which was manifested at the microscopic level by the variability of morphometric indicators.Документ Changes in the trigeminal ganglion of rats with acute carrageenaninduced inflammation(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Danyliv, О. D.; Shepitko, V. I.; Yakushko, O. S.; Stetsuk, Ye. V.; Boruta, N. V.; Данилів, Оксана Дмитрівна; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Якушко, Олена Святославівна; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Борута, Наталія ВолодимирівнаThe purpose of the study was to establish the response of the components of the trigeminal ganglion in rats to aseptic inflammation under experimental conditions. The study was performed on 40 mature white male rats. Trigeminal ganglion of rats was the object of the study. The animals were divided into two groups: the control group of animals (5), which were injected with isotonic NaCl solution and the group of experimental animals (35), which were simulated acute carrageenan-induced inflammation. The rats were sacrificed within days 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 30 under thiopental anesthesia overdose. Histological examination showed that carrageenan-induced inflammation in the trigeminal ganglion of rats had a staged course. Reactive changes in the vessels of the hemomicrocirculatory bed were most pronounced on the 5th day of observation. After that, the blood flow gradually stabilised until its complete normalization on the 14th day. Signs of reactive changes in neurons in the form of gradual oedema of the cytoplasm and nucleus and perinuclear chromatolysis were already noticed in the early stages of the experiment. The nature of the changes intensified with the increase in the observation period. Some cells showed signs of degenerative-dystrophic processes. The proliferative activity of glial cells increased in response to changes in neurons. The signs of inflammation in the parenchyma reached their maximum manifestation on the 14th day with an incomplete regeneration process for up to the 30th day.Документ Molecular and genetic characteristics of adenovirus as causes of acute diarrhea in the people of southern Ukraine(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Appelkhans, O. L.; Kozishkurt, O. V.; Hrytsenko, K. S.; Boruta, N. V.; Shablii, T. P.; Hruzevskyi, O. A.; Naidich, O. V.; Аппельханс, Олена Леонідівна; Козішкурт, Олена Володимирівна; Гриценко, К. С.; Борута, Наталія Володимирівна; Шаблій, Тетяна Петрівна; Грузевський, Олександр Анатолійович; Найдіч, Ольга ВолодимирівнаThe etiological role of adenoviruses as causative agents of acute diarrhea in the southern region of Ukraine was studied. Adenovirus DNA was detected in 10.61±1.05 % of clinical stool samples. Serotypes of two gene groups: C and F were identified during genotyping and sequencing of genetic material of detected adenovirus isolates. Gene group F (HAdV41), proves their role in the occurrence of this infectious pathology. HAdV41 isolates had a significant advantage 75.0±15.31 % and had a pronounced genetic heterogeneity, showed similarities with serotypes circulating in previous years in different regions of the world: Sweden (1978), Japan (2003, 2006), South Africa (2009–2014), Iraq (2016). The obtained results allowed to establish the geographical origin of circulating adenoviruses, as well as to predict a further increase in the intensity of the epidemic process of adenoviral infections in southern Ukraine.