Maxillary-facial area asymmetry as a whol and facial asymmetry in part: different countries experience and HSEEU «UMSA» researches results

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May be, our results can be explained by the fact that right hemisphere and right face half is more dominant in sinisters (and face left half, correspondingly, is less developed and the one that gives bigger tenderness and harmony). For dexters - on the contrary. For ambidexes - the results received probably depend on individual profile peculiarities (correlation between right-typed and left-typed indexes). Probably, our work will have importance in maxillary-facial and plastic surgery, orthopedy, orthodonty (prosthetic medicine) as well as in cosmetology.


Ключові слова

asymmetry study, investigations, explained, dominant

Бібліографічний опис

Maxillary-facial area asymmetry as a whol and facial asymmetry in part: different countries experience and HSEEU «UMSA» researches results / H. Sartipi, E. V. Tkachenko, A. Khalafalla, A. Zohaib, A. Almagri // Актуальні досягнення медичних наукових досліджень в Україні та країнах ближнього зарубіжжя : збірник матеріалів міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 7–8 жовтня 2016р. – Київ, 2016. – С. 16–20.