Вісник проблем біології і медицини, 2022, Випуск 2, Том 1 (164)
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Документ A look at modern achievements and prospects for the development of higher medical education through the prism of bioethics(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Panasenko, S. I.; Kerbazh, N. R.; Panasenko, T. V.; Drabovskiy, V. S.; Панасенко, Сергій Іванович; Кербаж, Нізар Ріда; Панасенко, Т. В.; Драбовський, Віталій СергійовичThe rapid progress of biomedical sciences and medical technologies in recent decades and their application in medical practice have posed new ethical dilemmas to higher medical schools and society. The number of articles in mass and professional journals testifies to the topic’s importance and the concern of higher medical school teachers. The central role of ethics in medical practice cannot be overestimated. Medicine implies specific fundamental values, such as saving lives and alleviating suffering. These values distinguish medicine from other sciences and involve some special responsibilities, particularly for doctors and other members of the medical profession and especially for those seeking medical education. The work aimed to study the achievements and prospects for the development of higher medical education from the standpoint of bioethics based on an analytical review of scientific sources of information. The concept proposed by the famous American philosophers Tom Beechamp and James Childress, covered in the work «Principles of Biomedical Ethics», has received the most comprehensive recognition. The authors put forward four basic, fundamental principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, the desire not to harm, work for the patient’s benefit, and justice. Conclusions: 1. Higher Medical School of Ukraine, despite the constant dynamic changes in the structure of science and education, remains at the appropriate level, but the state of the modern health care system forces doctors to work with a constantly increasing ethical issues number and its nature. 2. Teachers of higher medical and educational establishments must continuously monitor changes in the medical and ethical orientation of the health care system as a whole. 3. With the correct and proper provision of medical education to the student on the principles of medical and biological ethics continuously throughout the training period, great success can be achieved in stabilizing the psycho-emotional population state and representing Ukraine’s global interests to the world communityДокумент The need for a cycle of thematic improvement in herniology for listeners of surgical profile(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Liakhovskyi, V. I.; Lysenko, R. B.; Nyemchenko, I. I.; Krasnov, O. H.; Gorodova-Andreeva, T. V.; Ляховський, Віталій Іванович; Лисенко, Руслан Борисович; Нємченко, Іван Іванович; Краснов, Олег Георгійович; Городова-Андрєєва, Тамара Валер'янівнаThe article notes that medicine is developing rapidly worldwide, so there are problems and changes in the established structure of improving the knowledge level related to the medical profession. General surgery is increasingly fragmented into subspecialties. Many pathological conditions used to be treated by general surgeons and are now treated by specialists. Recently, the view of surgical treatment of hernias among most general surgeons has changed. A deeper problem understanding of the abdominal wall at the current level and its restoration, the introduction of a new surgeries variety for abdominal hernias, which has improved the treatment of these patients, has led to a new specialty – herniologist. In recent years, thanks to the introduction of new open, video laparoscopic, endoscopic, and even robotic techniques and many medical devices, abdominal hernia surgery has acquired entirely different technologies. Given the significant positive developments and trends in herniology, the results of abdominal hernias treatment in general in Ukraine are not satisfactory. There are still many urgent herniotomies and, accordingly, high postoperative mortality. Many hernia surgeries in Ukraine are performed using old, traditional methods, and most surgeons are little or unfamiliar with modern techniques. Therefore, for the widespread introduction and promotion of the latest world technologies in the surgical treatment of abdominal hernias, promoting scientific and practical solutions to modern problems of herniology, training of surgeons in the application of modern methods of abdominal hernias treatment in courses of thematic improvement and improvement of surgical care for patients with abdominal hernias of all types the authors proved the urgent need to create a specialized cycle of thematic improvement in herniology for surgeons, especially in the presence of herniologists and a modern clinical base, which deals with abdominal hernia surgery with good resultsДокумент Anatomical features of the soft tissue structures of the proximal humeral diaphysis revealed by the magnetic resonance imaging(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Kononenko, S. V.; Pelypenko, О. V.; Кононенко, Сергій Володимирович; Пелипенко, Олександр ВасильовичTreatment of humeral diaphysis fractures requires in-depth knowledge of the variant anatomy of the muscular component and other soft tissue structures. The analysis of the findings of magnetic resonance imaging enables the study of the anatomical features without the use of cadaveric material. The aim of the study is to determine the anatomical features of the soft tissue structures of the proximal humeral diaphysis based on the findings of magnetic resonance imaging. 73 consecutive standard MRI scans of the humerus of patients aged 17 to 72 years have been analyzed. The average age of the patients was 48 years; the average age of women and men was 49 and 47 years, respectively. Methods of nonparametric statistics have been used in data processing. After studying and processing the MRI-resulting data, three groups of patients were identified depending on the age and gender. Individual anthropometric parameters of deltoid muscle, greater pectoral muscle, teres major muscle and the broadest muscle of the back have been determined, namely, the width, thickness, and distance from the apex of the greater tubercle to the upper boundary of the insertion site on the humeral diaphysis. Age and gender differences in anthropometric data have been differentiated. The examination of the greater pectoral muscle revealed a clear laminarity of the muscle portions and the retrograde nature of the points of its attachment to the humeral diaphysis relative to their sites of origin. Teres major muscle, in all subjects, had a single-vector fiber structure. The site of insertion of the teres major muscle, in all subjects, was below the site of attachment of the broadest muscle of the back to the humerus. Elderly women, as compared to men of this age group and young and middle-aged women, have a dramatic decrease in anthropometric biofunctional parameters of the deltoid muscle, greater pectoral muscle, teres major muscle and the broadest muscle of the back. This phenomenon indicates the clear age and gender distribution of bone fragment displacement in humeral diaphysis fracturesДокумент Etiopathogenesis problems of the nasal mucosa at atrophic rhinitis(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Bezega, M. I.; Bezshapochnyy, S. B.; Loburets, V. V.; Loburets, A. V.; Bondarenko, R. V.; Bondarenko, V. V.; Dzhirov, O. R.; Безега, Михайло Іванович; Безшапочний, Сергій Борисович; Лобурець, Валерій Васильович; Лобурець, Андрій Валерійович; Бондаренко, Руслан Валерійович; Бондаренко, Валерій Володимирович; Джіров, Олексій РомановичThe article presents and considers common problems of etiology and pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis in our time. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa is relevant and widespread today. Given the complicated etiopathogenetic mechanism, this pathology can lead to nasal cavity complications, such as impaired mucociliary clearance and evacuation function of the nasal mucosa and physiological, histological, and morphological changes in nasal mucosa atrophy. We analyzed an extensive studies number on the pathogenetic aspects of the development of the nasal mucosa atrophic changes that may affect its development, namely: vascular disorders of nasal tissues microcirculation, genetic predisposition, hypoxia of mucous tissues, climate change, environmental conditions, labor conditions, bad habits, exposure to drugs and the mental state of the patient that provoke the atrophic phenomena development and lead to ciliated epithelium dysfunction due to changes in the vascular bed. Another critical factor in the development of nasal mucosa atrophy is damage to the chemical composition of nasal secretions. A weak clinical picture complicates the diagnosis of these pathological conditions because it begins to disturb the patient only in the critical disease stages, which significantly complicates the patient’s treatment. If we ignore this problem, it can progress and provoke more severe complications up to nasal septum perforation, deformation of the outer nose or ozena, and cause disorders of other organs and systems or patient’s mentalityДокумент Prevalence and clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Delva, M. Yu.; Skoryk, K. S.; Дельва, Михайло Юрійович; Скорик, Катерина СергіївнаНейропатичний біль (НБ) при розсіяному склерозі (РС) є поширеним явищем, що обмежує соціальну активність пацієнтів, істотно впливає на рівень їх інвалідизації та якість життя. Мета дослідження – визначити розповсюдженість та клінічні характеристики НБ у пацієнтів з РС. Об’єкт і методи дослідження. Протягом 2-х років в дослідження залучений 321 пацієнт з РС – 110 чоловіків (34,3 %) та 211 жінок (65,7 %), віком від 21 до 55 років. У 247 випадках (76,9 %) спостерігався рецидивноремітучий, у 2 (0,6 %) – первинно прогресуючий та у 72 (22,5 %) – вторинно прогресуючий тип перебігу. В якості контролю залучено 83 практично здорових осіб (ПЗО) – 39 чоловіків (47 %) та 44 жінок (53 %) віком від 19 до 58 років. Обстеження пацієнтів проводили за структурованою схемою: з’ясовували, чи відмічали пацієнти будь-які болі протягом останнього місяця, а при наявності больових відчуттів деталізували їх характер. В аналіз не включали болі, як прояв вісцеральної патології. НБ визначали при одночасній наявності наступних показників шкал болю: шкала DN 4 ≥4 бали, шкала LANSS >12 балів, шкала PainDETECT >18 балів. В усіх інших випадках біль розглядався як ноцицептивний або змішаний. При заповненні шкали PainDETECT визначалася інтенсивність болю протягом останніх 4-х тижнів, локалізація болю та тип перебігу больового синдрому. Кількісні значення були представлені у вигляді медіани (Me) та інтерквартильного розмаху (Q1-Q3) (25 %-75 %). Достовірність відмінностей між кількісними ознаками проводили за допомогою парного U‑критерію Манна-Уітні. Якісні показники представлені у вигляді відсотків з вказанням 95 % довірчого інтервалу. Порівняння частот в окремих групах пацієнтів проводили за допомогою точного двобічного критерію Фішера. Кількісний аналіз частоти розвитку певної події в окремих групах проводили за допомогою показника «відношення шансів» з довірчим інтервалом 95 %. В усіх випадках достовірними вважали відмінності при р<0,05. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Протягом останнього місяця, серед пацієнтів з РС у 75,7 % (70,7 %-80,1 %) спостерігалися больові відчуття, що є достовірно більшим показником, ніж в групі ПЗО – 42,2 % (32,1 %-51,9 %). У пацієнтів з РС, порівняно з ПЗО, ймовірність виявлення больових відчуттів протягом останнього місяця виявилася збільшеною в 4,27 разів (2,58–7,08; p<0,0001), НБ загалом – в 4,43 разів (1,73–11,36; р=0,002), дизестезій – в 3,30 разів (1,28–8,52; р=0,01), не НБ загалом – в 3,81 разів (2,08–6,95; р<0,001). У пацієнтів з РС центральний НБ представлений дизестезіями – у 11,8 % (8,8 %-15,8 %), феноменом Лермітта – у 4,1 % (2,4 %-6,8 %) та тригемінальною невралгією – у 0,6 % (0,2 %-2,2 %) пацієнтів. У пацієнтів з центральними дизестезіями виявлено наступні паттерни болю: «постійний біль однакової інтенсивності» – 18,4 % (9,2 %-33,4 %), «постійний біль з періодами посиленої інтенсивності» – 42,1 % (27,9 %-57,8 %), «періодичний біль з безбольовими періодами» – 39,5 % (25,6 %-55,3 %). За якісними порівняннями пацієнти описували центральні дизестезії як печіння – 81,6 % (66,6 %-90,8 %), морозіння – 76,3 % (60,1 %-87,0 %), поколювання – 68,4 % (52,5 %-80,9 %), болюче затерпання – 65,8 % (49,9 %-78,8 %), стягування – 60,5 % (44,7 %-74,4 %), стискання – 47,4 % (32,5 %-62,7 %), простріли – 39,5 % (25,6 %-55,3 %). Центральні дизестезії у вигляді тільки одного відчуття були у 7,9 % (2,7 %-20,8 %), у вигляді 2-х відчуттів – у 26,3 % (15,0 %-42,0 %), у вигляді 3-х відчуттів – у 42,1 % (27,9 %-57,8 %), у вигляді 4-х відчуттів – у 18,4 % (9,2 %-33,4 %), у вигляді 5-ти відчуттів – у 5,3 % (1,5 %-17,3 %) пацієнтів. При феномені Лермітта достовірно частіше біль локалізувався в шиї та в спині, а при дизестезіях – в нижніх кінцівках. При аналізі топічних характеристик виявлено, що 23,7 % (13,0 %-39,2 %) пацієнтів мали центральні дизестезії в 1-й ділянці, 31,6 % (19,1 %-47,5 %) – в 2-х ділянках, 26,3 % (15,0 %-42,0 %) – в 3-х ділянках, 13,2 % (5,8 %-27,3 %) – в 4-х ділянках, 5,2 % (1,5 %-17,3 %) – в 5-ти ділянках тіла; при феномені Лермітта 7,7 % (1,4 %-33,3 %) пацієнтів відмічали болі в одній ділянці тіла, 46,2 % (23,2 %-70,9 %) – одночасно в 2-х ділянках, 30,8 % (12,7 %-57,6 %) – в 3-х ділянках та 15,3 % (4,3 %-42,2 %) – в 5-ти ділянках тіла. Інтенсивність дизестезій становила 6,0 (5,0–7,0) балів за візуальною аналоговою шкалою та достовірно не відрізнялася від інтенсивності болю при феномені Лермітта – 6,0 (6,0–7,0) балів.60,5 % (44,7 %-74,4 %) пацієнтів з центральними дизестезіями отримували протибольову терапію: нестероїдні протибольові препарати – 13,2 % (5,8 %-27,3 %), габапентиноїди – 13,2 % (5,8 %-27,3 %), трициклічні антидепресанти – 5,3 % (1,5 %-17,3 %), селективні інгібітори зворотнmого захоплення серотоніну – 7,9 % (2,7 %-20,8 %), одночасний прийом препаратів декількох груп – 21,1 % (11,1 %-36,3 %). При феномені Лермітта 84,6 % (57,8 %-95,7 %) пацієнтів отримували протибольову терапію, серед них: габапентиноїди – 38,5 % (17,7 %-64,5 %), трициклічні антидепресанти – 15,4 % (4,3 %-42,2 %), нестероїдні протибольові препарати – 7,7 % (1,4 %-33,3 %), карбамазепін – 7,7 % (1,4 %-33,3 %), одночасний прийом препаратів декількох груп – 15,4 % (4,3 %-42,2 %). Висновки. 1. Пацієнти з РС є групою підвищеного ризику виникнення як НБ, так і інших типів болю (ноцицептивного та змішаного). 2. У пацієнтів з РС центральний НБ представлений центральними дизестезіями, феноменом Лермітта та тригемінальною невралгією. 3. Центральний НБ у пацієнтів з РС в більшості випадків розповсюджується на декілька ділянок тіла з найчастішою локалізацією при феномені Лермітта – в шиї та спині, при центральних дизестезіях – в нижніх кінцівках.Документ Specificity of a lecture in the videoconference format in the postgraduate education of dentists(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Skrypnikova, T. P.; Kulai, O. O.; Khmil, T. A.; Gurzhii, O. V.; Prykhodchenko, S. V.; Tymoshenko, Yu. V.; Скрипнікова, Таїса Петрівна; Кулай, Ольга Олександрівна; Хміль, Олена Всеволодівна; Гуржій, Олена Вікторівна; Приходченко, Світлана Валеріївна; Тимошенко, Юлія ВолодимирівнаHigher education establishments in Ukraine have only just mastered new ways of training and educating doctors in the Covid‐19 pandemic, as martial law conditions have invaded the realities of everyday life. Priority is essential for the country to continue the educational process. The need for communication support for both higher education and teachers and the formation of new forms of interaction between the subjects of the educational process comes first. Currently, there is an urgent need to consider new facets of organizational and methodological conditions of the virtual educational process and the possibility of using and mixing known formats of such traditional pedagogical forms as lectures. The purpose of the article is to determine the organizational and methodological lecture features in a videoconference format in the practice of postgraduate education of dentists in wartime. Among the significant advantages of such a lecture are the following: the absence of geographical restrictions, the size of the audience, which depends on the technical capabilities of the subjects of the educational process; lecture recording, which can be viewed unchanged; use of lecture material in synchronous and asynchronous regime; knowledge transfer takes place in an interactive regime; the opportunity for students to become real interlocutors to share experiences. However, the lecture in the format of a videoconference is not without several disadvantages, such as the need for modern equipment for all participants in the educational process; high-speed Internet connection; availability of an appropriate level of information and communication literacy; it takes more time and effort to create «content» for a lecturer; challenging to keep the audience’s attention; there is an emotional crisis. But the lives, health, and safety of students and teachers are essential, so online classes are becoming the only possible form of learning today. The use of features of various lecture forms in videoconferencing in the practice of postgraduate education of dentists ensures its continuity and effectiveness.Документ Emotional intelligence and manipulations in the educational process in higher medical educational institutions(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Fedorchenko, V. I.; Polianska, V. P.; Zvyagolska, I. M.; Derevіanko, T. V.; Bobrova, N. O.; Федорченко, Віра Іванівна; Полянська, Валентина Павлівна; Звягольська, Ірина Миколаївна; Дерев’янко, Тетяна Василівна; Боброва, Нелля ОлександрівнаA teacher of higher education institutions should be aware of the achievements of psychology in order to create a harmonious atmosphere with students. One of the general competencies provided by the educational program is the choice of interaction strategy. It is the subject of this article. Competent construction of interaction between the participants of the educational process is an essential component for the formation of the ability of applicants for higher medical education to choose constructive communication strategies in their occupation. Knowledge and practical skills acquired in social interaction during the grad days are fundamental in professional activity. The effectiveness of his activities largely depends on his communicative skills. These skills apply to the nature of each doctor’s relationship with patients, subordinates, colleagues, and the management of the medical institution. Conclusions. 1. Today is characterized by the growing importance of awareness of the teacher about the achievements of psychology. 2. The teacher should choose strategies for the interaction of individuals in the learning process to optimize the process. 3. The competent construction of interaction between the participants of the educational process is an important component of the ability to choose constructive communication strategies for future doctorsДокумент Justification of the need for correction of immune and antioxidant system disorders in patients with first diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Filatova, O. V.; Філатова, Олена ВікторівнаToday, tuberculosis is still an urgent social problem of humanity, mainly in countries with underdeveloped economies. Mortality rates from chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis are currently the highest among other dangerous diseases. Sixty patients with first diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis were examined (30 patients were in main (I) and 30 – in control (II) groups. The main group included patients who were taking anti-TB drugs and tocopherol acetate and tincture of Echinacea purpurea). Patients in the main and control groups had had chemoresistant tuberculosis for the first time, and all patients had confirmed bacterial excretion. At the end of treatment in patients of the main group compared to the control, the immunogram significantly normalized. Namely: increase in the lymphocytes number from (12.3±1.12) to (17.2±1.5), (p<0.05), B-lymphocytes increased from (31.2±0.81) to (67.1±0.2) (p<0.05). The indicators of T-helpers were (29.4±1.81) vs (24.1±0.5), (p>0.05). The t-suppressors level was normal (16.3±1.05) vs (20.3±0.5), (p<0.05). HCT test data were (23.1±2.02) vs (15.3±3.5), (p<0.05). Immunoglobulin class A (1.4±0.8) vs (3.1±0.4), (p>0.05). Class M immunoglobulin increased after treatment, (26.2±3.21) vs (48.1±6.4), (p<0.05). Normalization of CEC concentration indicators (3.8±0.25) vs (7.1±0.2), (p<0.05) and natural killers from (22.2±1.25) to (45.1±1.4), (p<0.05). Therefore, according to the results of this study analysis, we can say that all given above immunogram indicators of patients in the main group compared to the control group normalized. Thus, it is necessary to correct changes in the immune and antioxidant systems in patients with first diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis.Документ Origin and use in the educational process of some eponyms of medical biology(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Yeroshenko, G. A.; Klepets, O. V.; Riabushko, O. B.; Vatsenko, A. V.; Ulanovska-Tsyba, N. A.; Kinash, O. V.; Shevchenko, K. V.; Єрошенко, Галина Анатоліївна; Клепець, Олена Вікторівна; Рябушко, Олена Борисівна; Ваценко, Анжела Володимирівна; Улановська-Циба, Наталія Аркадіївна; Кінаш, Оксана В'ячеславівна; Шевченко, Костянтин ВасильовичThe aim of this work is to find out the origin of eponymous terms in molecular biology (Chargaff’s rules, Okazaki fragments, Robertsonian translocation, Morgan unit) and to analyze the possibilities of their use in the educational process. The obtained results showed the considered eponymous terms are widely used in the study of many topics from different sections of medical biology, including molecular biology, as well as integratively related to other theoretical disciplines. Finding out the origin of these terms, their connection with the personalities of scientists, the circumstances of scientific discoveries are prerequisitese for students to get deep theoretical knowledge on the discipline, their effective mastery of professional medical terminology, development of their logical thinking, scientific and cultural outlook. Besides the material of the article is recommended for in-depth study of medical biology, particularly, in preparing for the All-Ukrainian Student Subject Olympiad and organization of the students’ research work.Документ Problem aspects of students practical training in clinical anatomy and operative surgery at the undergraduate stage(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Bilash, S. M.; Koptev, M. M.; Pronina, O. M.; Pirog-Zakaznikova, A. V.; Oliinichenko, Ya. O.; Donchenko, S. V.; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Коптев, Михайло Миколайович; Проніна, Олена Миколаївна; Пирог-Заказникова, Ангеліна Валеріївна; Олійніченко, Ярина Олександрівна; Донченко, Світлана ВладиславівнаГоловною проблемою підготовки здобувачів освіти з клінічної анатомії і оперативної хірургії на сьогодні є тотальне скорочення годин, відведених для практичної аудиторної роботи. Внесення змін до освітніх програм із уведенням обов’язкової освітньої компоненти «Клінічна ана томія і оперативна хірургія» є нагальною потребою, що сприятиме не лише покращанню розуміння морфології людини, але дозволить створити міцну базу практично-орієнтованих знань для практичної роботи у хірургічній галузіДокумент Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of rheumatological patients with comorbidity(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022-06-11) Zhdan, V. M.; Babanina, M. Yu.; Kitura, Ye. M.; Tkachenko, M. V.; Rybalchenko, Ye. V.; Savuliak, T. M.; Ждан, Вячеслав Миколайович; Бабаніна, Марина Юріївна; Кітура, Євдокія Михайлівна; Ткаченко, Максим Васильович; Рибальченко, Євгеній Валентинович; Савуляк, Т. М.The results of the analysis of the importance of the main groups of chronic diseases show that rheumatic diseases have the greatest contribution to reducing efficiency, deteriorating the general condition of the patient, and increasing the number of visits to the general practitioner. Pain is the most common symptom of rheumatological patients. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most popular agent of analgesic therapy in medical practice due to the combination of efficacy, safety, availability, and simplicity of use. The aim of the study was to search and analyze literature data on the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in rheumatological patients with comorbidity. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly and effectively overcome acute pain syndromes and play the role of not only symptom-modifying but also pathogenetic therapy in the treatment of some chronic diseases (including rheumatological), slowing the progression of the pathological process. The variety of effects of certain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on cartilaginous tissue metabolism is directly relevant to clinical practice, as any drugs that inhibit proteoglycan synthesis and impair chondrocyte repair can potentially accelerate cartilage degradation. Responses to treatment and toxic effects vary significantly at the individual level.Variability of efficacy between patients may be due to a number of factors, such as the mechanism of action of NSAIDs (predominant blockade of prostaglandins or other inflammatory mediators), the half-life, protein binding, and pharmacodynamic features. Although there is no strong correlation between the effectiveness of NSAIDs and the halflife/ plasma concentration: lower levels of albumin in synovial fluid cause slightly fewer NSAIDs in the joints, but the concentration of NSAIDs in the joint cavity may be stable over time.Given the presence of comorbidities in rheumatology patients, it is extremely important to evaluate the possible side effects of NSAIDs. First of all, it is recommended to assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular and excretory systems. It is important to remember that allergic reactions, hematological disorders (cytopenia), neurological disorders, etc. can occur sometimes during medication management. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are an important component of the treatment of many rheumatic diseases, however, as with other drugs, they need to assess the benefit-risk balance;Документ Peculiarities of studying and teaching the discipline human anatomy in english in the medical high school(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Hryn, V. H.; Svintsytska, N. L.; Bilash, V. P.; Ustenko, R. L.; Katsenko, A. L.; Piliuhin, A. V.; Гринь, Володимир Григорович; Свінцицька, Наталія Леонідівна; Білаш, Валентина Павлівна; Устенко, Роман Леонідович; Каценко, Андрій Любославович; Пілюгін, Андрій ВалентиновичThe introduction of effective methods of solving problems by teaching morphological disciplines to international students to form their professional competencies remains relevant today. This is due to the high level of necessity for medical education in many countries worldwide, a sufficient level of teaching in Ukrainian higher education institutions and attractive learning conditions. An indisputable step for a comprehensive integration process at the university is the combination and complementarity of educational and scientific processes. Requirements for the training of doctors include the organization of a scientific control system in the learning process. In Ukraine, the essence of modernization of the educational process is most reflected in the Concept of distance education, which due to such a global phenomenon as the Internet, covered broad sections of society and became the essential factor in its development. It has been proved that the efficiency of the educational process can be achieved due to favorable conditions for the work of students, solving problems related to the introduction of various means of their activation and motivation, development of comprehensive measures of educational and control types. However, the training of English-speaking specialists causes some difficulties, namely: mastering the methods of practical classes, presenting lectures and studying anatomical nomenclature in English, forming a high level of spoken English, creating and improving the teaching base, purchasing modern English textbooks and preparation of foreign students for the licenseintegrated exam «Step-1». Despite all the peculiarities, the training of English-speaking doctors is the right step of any domestic higher medical institution and reflects global practiceДокумент Погляд на сучасні досягнення і перспективи розвитку вищої медичної освіти крізь призму біоетики(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022-06) Панасенко, Сергій Іванович; Кербаж, Нізар Ріда; Панасенко, Т. В.; Драбовський, Віталій Сергійович; Panasenko, S. I.; Kerbazh, N. R.; Panasenko, T. V.; Drabovskiy, V. S.The rapid progress of biomedical sciences and medical technologies in recent decades and their application in medical practice have posed new ethical dilemmas to higher medical schools and society. The number of articles in mass and professional journals testifies to the topic’s importance and the concern of higher medical school teachers. The central role of ethics in medical practice cannot be overestimated. Medicine implies specific fundamental values, such as saving lives and alleviating suffering. These values distinguish medicine from other sciences and involve some special responsibilities, particularly for doctors and other members of the medical profession and especially for those seeking medical education. The work aimed to study the achievements and prospects for the development of higher medical education from the standpoint of bioethics based on an analytical review of scientific sources of information. The concept proposed by the famous American philosophers Tom Beechamp and James Childress, covered in the work «Principles of Biomedical Ethics», has received the most comprehensive recognition. The authors put forward four basic, fundamental principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, the desire not to harm, work for the patient’s benefit, and justice. Conclusions: 1. Higher Medical School of Ukraine, despite the constant dynamic changes in the structure of science and education, remains at the appropriate level, but the state of the modern health care system forces doctors to work with a constantly increasing ethical issues number and its nature. 2. Teachers of higher medical and educational establishments must continuously monitor changes in the medical and ethical orientation of the health care system as a whole. 3. With the correct and proper provision of medical education to the student on the principles of medical and biological ethics continuously throughout the training period, great success can be achieved in stabilizing the psycho-emotional population state and representing Ukraine’s global interests to the world community.Документ Challenges of teaching pathomorphology in wartime(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Babenko, V. I.; Starchenko, I. I.; Fylenko, B. M.; Royko, N. V.; Nikolenko, D. Ye.; Бабенко, Вікторія Ігорівна; Старченко, Іван Іванович; Филенко, Борис Миколайович; Ройко, Наталія Віталіївна; Ніколенко, Дмитро ЄвгенійовичMedical education is one of the most important educational segments in Ukraine and worldwide. To increase the competitiveness of our students, the faculty members must constantly modernize the educational process in the current conditions of the pandemic of coronavirus infection and the undeclared war of aggression of russia against Ukraine. The aim of the work was to highlight the key issues of teaching pathomorphology and features of the organization of the educational process in wartime. Pathomorphology plays an important role in the diagnostic process and helps the future physician to understand the symptomatic and syndromic aspects of most diseases and forms a clear and systematic view of the nosological nature of pathology in the study at the organ, tissue and cellular levels. Under the coronavirus pandemic, the educational process was transformed into a distance form, and later into a mixed one. It was during this period that the first wave of declining students’ motivation to actively and persistently obtain new information was noticeable. Therefore, one of the priority areas of work with students during distance learning is their motivation, which requires high organizational skills of the faculty staff members with proper coordination of learning with an individualized approach to each student to ensure interest in the subject. Each graduate has the opportunity to receive full information on the subject «Pathomorphology» on the website of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with the autopsy course and in the repository of the university for productive self-training. Against the background of a long pandemic, the hostilities that suddenly began in our country led to a very deep psycho-emotional shock, which had a wave-like course with the development of posttraumatic stress disorder. Consequently, the motivation to study and work has significantly decreased among students and faculty members. Therefore, in wartime, we must take into account not only material resources, technical support and access to Internet resources, but also the psychological state of students and faculty staff. In the current challenging times, it is necessary to constantly search for the advanced teaching methods in order to ensure a full-fledge educational process. Also, in addition to the continuous mastery of skills in the use of the stateof-the-art technologies, which are being constantly updated, it is important to improve knowledge of psychological pedagogy, which is crucial in wartime.