Ethnic identity maintaining as foreign students’ cross-cultural adjustment’ important contributive factor

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Ethnic identity belongs to important psychological category. Maintaining the ethnic identity represents every personality’s natural desire. It is especially important at the person’s including in another culture, that is actual for the immigrants, refugees, ethnic minorities as well as the education International applicants studying abroad significantly. Every person contains a set of individual typological peculiarities. Belonging to typologies found its assessment in the theoretical and applied aspects in the Science various branches far from Psychology, Physiology and Pedagogy. Differential Psychology has become a separate science since its discovery by A. Shtern in 1901. Ethnopsychology and Ethnophysiology are its pronounced compounds. Differential Psychology deals to the inter-grouped and intra-grouped varieties studying taking the human typologies in obligatory consideration in part the ethnic belonging. Ethnic identity is connected to ethnic typological aspect significantly. The personality’s behavior during intra- and inter- grouped communication is impacted by ethnic belonging and thus ethnic identity together with other typological aspects the main of which are interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, temperament type, gender, age, control locus and behavioral strategies.


Ключові слова

ethnic/racial identity, ethnic identity scales, ethnic/racial identity disturbances, personality, intra-grouped communication, inter- grouped communication, physiology, differential psychology, ethnopsychology, ethnophysiology, age psychology, gender psychology, conflictology, pedagogy, internal locus of control, externals, internals, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, dexters, left-handers, left-handedness, multicultural environment, contextualized science of identity, control locus internal, right- handedness, right-handers, age, temperament, chronobiology, biological rhythms, time difference between countries, the asians, moroccan students, tunisian students, students-muslims, hidjab

Бібліографічний опис

Jha S. K. Ethnic identity maintaining as foreign students’ cross-cultural adjustment’ important contributive factor / S. K. Jha ; scientific supervisor : E. V. Tkachenko // Глобалiзацiя наукових знань: мiжнародна спiвпраця та iнтеграцiя галузей наук : матерiали III Мiжнар. студ. наук. конф., м. Днiпро, 23 вересня, 2022 р. / ГО «Молодiжна наукова лiга». – Вiнниця : ГО «Європейська наукова платформа», 2022. – С. 172–174.