Stress components for the current foreign students receiving their education in Ukraine and some pathways to help them

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Харківський національний медичний університет


The authors paid attention to some acculturation peculiarities in the foreign students while discussing the stress’ reasons and contributive factors in them such as remote education, time differences, language barriers, little velocity of writing, difficult reading the text on the board written with one chalk, with the letters united, little by size, adapted materials insufficiency creating with essentiality to use “pure Internet” as well as improper attitudes from the teachers with their desire only to control without oral explanation, orienting to the student, his/her internal world, individual peculiarities and possible problems. It was emphasized to essentiality to participate in active preventing and liquidating the acculturative stress and shock in the foreign applicants from the side of all the teachers in these academic groups, curators, psychologists, dean-office staff and additional services as well as striving to reach the Student-centered education, but not the teacher-centered one. Some pathways of acculturative stress and shock preventing are discussed for example to give the materials before the lesson/s, to leave the place for translation into the language/s they know well/better, to allow writing the concepts in the languages they know well/better both at the lessons and at home.


Ключові слова

stress, stressors, stress acute, stress sthenic, stress chronic, stress asthenic, anxiety, acculturative stress, Pedagogy, remote education, remote learning, non-remote education, non-remote learning, mixed education, mixed learning, foreign students, foreign applicants, domestic students, domestic applicants, time differences, language barriers, little velocity of writing, difficult reading, educating mean, adapted educative materials, non-adapted educative materials, Tutor-Helper, Tutor-Advisor, Tutor-Friend, Tutor-Controller, Student-centered education, teacher-centered education, cross-cultural experience, adaptation, trans-cultural adjustment, acculturative shock, Psychology

Бібліографічний опис

Tkachenko O. V. Stress components for the current foreign students receiving their education in Ukraine and some pathways to help them / O. V. Tkachenko // Сучаснi концепцiï викладання природничих дисциплін в медичних освiтнiх закладах : матерiали XV Мiжнар. наук.-метод. iнтернет-конф., 15–16 листопада 2022 р. – Харків : ХНМУ. – С. 105–106.