Remote education using expediences, advantages, disadvantages, comparison to the non-remote learning in Ukrainian higher educational establishments under war conditions

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Scientific Journal of Polonia University (PNAP)


The publication was delt to the importance of using the remote learning technologies in the process of the future doctors preparing in wartime conditions in Ukraine. The place and role of distance learning technologies in the system of higher education was determined. It was noted that the means of the teacher's educational activity get changed while developing the technical capabilities of the teaching methods and technology. The emphasis was placed on the need for a medical university teacher to master the modern information, communication and educational technologies. Accordingly to the survey results, the most serious challenge for students (53%) was the lack of direct contact with their classmates and fellow students. For those who lived in the hostel, this problem was not a priority. Instead, for them, the impossibility of staying alone to "attend" the educational classes became a more serious challenge. The large number of people present in the room and their noise prevented a high-quality understanding of the educational material. 37% of surveyed students indicated an increase in workload during distance learning. Some self-critical respondents noted their lack of self-organization and self-discipline, which prevented them from studying well.


Ключові слова

higher medical education, digital education, distance/remote learning, traditional education, mixed learning

Бібліографічний опис

Zhukova M. Yu. Remote education using expediences, advantages, disadvantages, comparison to the non-remote learning in Ukrainian higher educational establishments under war conditions / M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Tkachenko // PNAP : Scientific Journal of Polonia University. – 2022. – Vol. 55, № 6. – P. 122–126.