To the question about foreign students difficulties during remote learning

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Одеський медичний університет


COVID-19 pandemy and war conditions created essentiality of remote learning vast introducing in Pedagogy, especially for foreign applicants. Foreign applicants possess a row of psycho-physiological peculiarities defining necessity to apply special educational methods and approaches different from the ones used while domestic applicants studying. Absent direct contact between the tutor and theapplicants hardens materials proper giving that is of crucial importance especially for the foreign applicants. The work aim was to investigate the difficulties foreign applicants face during remote learning to develop more effective pedagogical and other means to help them to receive better education. Materials and methods: surveys in the students of the English and Russian educating forms from the various courses and faculties. Results: practically all the students mentioned problems with Internet from their side and the tutors’, often short or even absent lessons with the only giving tasks and without good or any explanations, absent scientific materials to prepare and essentiality to use pure Internet, absent adapted materials especially for the students of Russian educating form big percentage of who had no preparing faculty but started learning Russian from the 1-st course and asked to send them as less words but as much essence as possible while using thematic schemes, figures, tables.


Ключові слова

COVID-19pandemy, Russian-Ukrainian war conditions, Pedagogy, foreign students, foreign applicants, higher education foreign applicants, remote education, remote learning, distance education, distance learning, distant education, distant learning, remote education problems, remote learning problems, distance education problems, distance learning problems, adapted scientific materials, distant learning problems, adaptation, cultural adaptation, cross- cultural adaptation, trans-cultural adaptation, individual approach in education, typological belonging, inclusive education

Бібліографічний опис

Jha S. K. To the question about foreign students difficulties during remote learning / S. K. Jha // Сучаснi теоретичнi та практичнi аспекти клiнiчноï медицини для здобувачiв освiти другого (магiстерського) рiвня : тези доп. наук.-практ. конф. з мiжнар.участю, присвяч. 95-рiччю Л. В. Прокоповоï, м. Одеса, 27-28 квiтня 2023 р. – Електронне видання. – Одеса : ОНМедУ, 2023. – С. 95.