Зв’язок рівня особистісної тривожності із станом слизової порожнини рота


В статті проведений аналіз зв’язку поширеності хвороб тканин пародонта, слизової порожнини рота та губ із рівнем особистісної тривожності у пацієнтів. Обстежено 136 осіб, з них 96 пацієнтів – жителі м. Полтава та 40 – мешканці сільської місцевості. У відповідності до загального рівня особистісної тривожності всі респонденти були поділені на групи: I-а – особи з низьким рівнем тривожності та середнім з тенденцією до низького рівня; II-а – особи з середнім з тенденцією до високого рівня; III-я – особи з високим рівнем. Виявлено, що більш високий загальний рівень особистісної тривожності в обстежених хворих, відповідає більшому розповсюдженню і тяжкості патологічного процесу в порожнині рота ; В статье проведен анализ связи распространенности болезней тканей пародонта, слизистой полости рта и губ с уровнем личностной тревожности у пациентов. Обследовано 136 лиц, из них 96 пациентов – жители г. Полтава и 40 – жители сельской местности. В соответствии с общим уровнем личностной тревожности все респонденты были разделены на группы: I-я – лица с низким уровнем тревожности и средним с тенденцией к низкому уровню; II-я – лица со средним с тенденцией к высокому уровню; III-я – лица с высоким уровнем. Выявлено, что более высокий общий уровень личностной тревожности у обследуемых больных, соответствует большей распространенности и тяжести патологического процесса в полости рта ; The modern approach to the diagnosis of periodontal disease and oral cavity mucous membrane (SOPR) is based on the integrated approach to taking into account the effects of both local factors and systemic mechanisms of the onset and development of the pathological process. Today it is proved that the high level of psychoemotional stress associated with information overload, acceleration of the pace of life, unfavourable working conditions, contributes to the emergence and aggravation of the severity of generalized forms of gingivitis, periodontitis, a number of lip diseases and SOR, in particular, exfoliative heilitis. We have found that the severity of clinical manifestations and the degree of metabolic disorders in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis correlates with the individual-typological peculiarities of the nerve regulation. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between the prevalence of periodontal disease, oral mucosal mucosa and lips with a level of personal anxiety in patients living in urban and rural areas. Objects and methods of research. Observations were conducted on 136 persons, including 96 patients – Poltava residents, aged 27-39, and 40 people living in rural areas (Mashivka settlement, Poltava region), aged 23-67 years. We carried out a comprehensive study of the dental status of patients. The state of the psychoemotional sphere was assessed by a questionnaire on the personality scale of anxiety manifestations D. Taylor (1953) from the Minnesota multidisciplinary personal questionnaire, which is based on the analysis of personality traits of patients. In accordance with the general level of personal anxiety, all respondents were divided into groups: I-a – persons with low anxiety and average with a tendency to a low level; II-a person with an average with a tendency to a high level; III is a person with a high level of anxiety. Results of the research and their discussion. We found a high prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in the surveyed, which was 100% of the total number of urban residents (74 women and 22 men) and 82.5% (15 women and 18 men) – in rural areas. Clinical examination revealed a number of lung diseases, namely, exfoliative and meteorological cheiliti. We found that the frequency of their prevalence among rural residents was 12.9% higher than that of urban residents. In this case, the proportion of exfoliative heilitis was higher in patients who lived in the city. It should be noted that women are 2.1 times more likely to suffer from fever than men, respectively, 40 and 19 cases of observation. The traumatized allergic history was documented in 40.0% of rural and 27.1% of urban patients in response to drugs, chemicals, and nutrients. Manifestations of allergic stomatitis are 2.5 times more common in women. The analysis of individual psychophysiological features of the nervous system showed that out of 136 surveyed 35 respondents (25.7%) were included in the first group, 64 men (47.0%) – the second and 37 persons (27.2%) – to the third group. Thus, high levels of general anxiety were detected in 101 patients (74.3%). We have studied the nature of dental diseases in the surveyed, depending on the general level of their personal anxiety. Psychological testing was revealed by residents of the village of the III group with a high level of anxiety in 88.9% of patients (5 women, 3 men) who had a combined pathology: generalized periodontitis, cheilitis, or allergic lesions of SOPR. In the 2nd group, with an average level of anxiety of such patients, 16 (8 women, 8 men), which was 88.9% of the total. In the 1st group with a low level of anxiety – 53.8% of patients (2 women, 5 men). The psychological testing of the examined patients of the city residents revealed a similar tendency as that of the rural inhabitants. Conclusions. Psychological testing in many cases requires a dentist to justify an individual approach in primary and secondary prevention to choose the drugs and therapies for patients with periodontal tissue diseases and oral mucosal tissue.


Ключові слова

психологічне тестування, рівень тривожності, захворювання слизової порожнини рота, психологическое тестирование, уровень тревожности, болезни слизистой полости рта, psychological testing, level of anxiety, mucosal oral cavity

Бібліографічний опис

Зв'язок рівня особистісної тривожності із станом слизової порожнини рота / І. Ю. Литовченко, Т. О. Петрушанко, С. Ю. Чечотіна, В. Л. Прочанкіна // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. ‒ 2018. ‒ Вип. 4, т. 1 (146). ‒ С. 281‒283.