The International students education and adjustment factors in various countries: the common and the different, the applicants’ adjustment connection to Psychology and Pedagogy
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Seattle, USA: ProQuest LLC
The article is devoted to International students’ adjustment common and distinguishing features in separate countries as well as contributive factors. The authors pay separate attention to the Indian students’ adaptation abroad and in Poltava State medical university while mentioning its positive and negative moments, proposing possible ways and mechanisms to its improvement.
Ключові слова
foreign applicants, foreign students, International students, students’ mobility, social adaptation, adaptation to study, cross-cultural adaptation, enculturation, acculturation stress, cross-cultural experience, differential Psychology, Ethnopsychology, ethnophysiology, inclusiveeducation, inter-cultural communication, integration, assimilation, separation, segregation, marginalization, cultural chameleon, poly-ethnic environment, behavioral strategies, typologies, coping, religious coping, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, sinisters, left-handers, sinistrality, left-handedness, hidden sinisters, hidden left-handers, ambidexters, temperament
Бібліографічний опис
The International students education and adjustment factors in various countries: the common and the different, the applicants’ adjustment connection to Psychology and Pedagogy / E. V. Tkachenko, S. K. Jha, U. Rauth [et al.] // Scientific Collection “InterConf” with the proceedings of the III-rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Goals and Purposes in XXI Century (Seattle, USA, July 19–20, 2022). – Seattle : ProQuest LLC, 2022. – № 117. – P. 71–79.