Методична організація навчального матеріалу курсу «Науковий стиль мовлення» на пропедевтичному етапі навчання іноземних студентів
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Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Online Conference
The article looks into the peculiarities in scientific style of speech teaching for international students in higher education at the stage of admission to the Ukrainian state institution of higher education. The experience of selection and methodical organization of educational material of the initial subject course of Natural Sciences is
considered in the article. Some types of tasks and methods are described, which provide conscious mastery of science speech, formation of skills in all types of speech activity using authentic texts for classes of medical and biological profile.
Ключові слова
scientific style of speech, foreign students, language of specialty, propaedeutic stage of study, primary subject courses
Бібліографічний опис
Богиня Л. В. Методична організація навчального матеріалу курсу «Науковий стиль мовлення» на пропедевтичному етапі навчання іноземних студентів / Л. В. Богиня // Current Trends in the Study and Teaching of Foreign Languages : Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Online Conference (Poltava, 04 June 2021). – Poltava : Astraya, 2021 – С. 27–31.