Наукові праці. Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-ортодонтів
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Перегляд Наукові праці. Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-ортодонтів за Назва
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Документ Analysis of photometric full-face parameters with a distal bite taking into account the types of mandibular growth(Aluna Publishing, 2023-09) Halych, L. V.; Halych, L. B.; Галич, Людмила Вікторівна; Галич, Людмила БорисівнаThe aim: Determination of the peculiarities of full-face aesthetics in patients aged 10-13 years with a distal bite with different types of mandibular growth. Materials and methods: 74 patients aged 10-13 years with a distal bite and various types of mandibular growth took part in the study. The methods of photostatic image study described by I.I. Uzhumetskene (1970), V.P. Pereverzev (1979) were used in this research. Results: To determine the type of face, a gl-me: zy-zy index was calculated. Index values ranging from 0.84 to 0.879 are indicative of a mesoprosopic (medium) type of face, an index less than 0.839 defines a europrosopic (broad) type, an index exceeding 0.88 is characteristic of a leptoprosopic (narrow) type. The facial shape in all patients was determined by the Izar facial-morphological index. Similarly, the facial shape can be determined by the facial tapered angle ( < FTA). In all groups of teenagers, a decrease in the angle is noted, which is indicative of an elongated, narrow face. To assess the ratio of the middle and lower parts of the face, the gl-sn:sn-me index was used, which is normally equal to 1. In our case, this index was higher than normal in all groups of children as compared to the control group (1.01±0.03). The p-p:zy-zy and p-p:go-go indices are indicative of the harmonious facial development transversally. Conclusions: Vertical and neutral-vertical type of mandibular growth results in a narrow (leptoprosopic) type of face; medium (mesoprosopic) and wide (europrosopic) types of face result from neutral, horizontal and neutral-horizontal types of growth. Irrespective of the type of mandibular growth, all patients with a distal bite have a short lower third of the face. The strongest aesthetic changes are reported in the group of patients with a predominance of the horizontal type of mandibular growth.Документ Articulator application in orthodontic diagnostics(Aluna Publishing, 2022) Hutovska, Iryna; Kuroiedova, Vira; Гутовська, Ірина Олексіївна; Куроєдова, Віра ДмитрівнаThe aim : The purpose of the stud y wa s to determin e th e indications for th e use of articulator in orthodontic s based on the results o f th e analysis o f scientifi c an d foreign literature. Materials and methods: 23 scientific sources wer e selected, from mor e tha n 11 countries over th e past 39 years (198 1 - 2020 ) devote d to th e use o f orthodontic s articulators. As a result o f processing 23 ke y international scientific papers on th e use o f articulators in orthodontics , w e can tal k abou t thre e areas o f opinio n regarding this problem. Conclusions: To su m u p 30.34 % o f author s consider th e articulator t o be an obligator y orthodontist' s tool for correct diagnosis . Th e idea o f 34.78 % o f specialists is tha t th e articulator canno t simulat e th e physiolog y o f th e TM J - therefore , it is mor e a source o f additiona l errors tha n an assistant in th e orthodonti c diagnostics. Th e rest o f th e scientists (34.78% ) agre e tha t it is advisabl e to use th e articulator selectively - namely , if th e doctor deals wit h "complex"orthodonti c pathologies .Документ Cephalometric characteristics of skeletal forms of distal bite(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Kuroiedova, V. D.; Vyzhenko, Ye. Ye.; Stasiuk, О. A.; Sokolohorska-Nykina, Yu. K.; Petrova, A. V.; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Виженко, Євгеній Євгенович; Стасюк, Олексій Анатолійович; Сокологорська-Никіна, Юлія Костянтинівна; Петрова, Анна ВолодимирівнаThe article highlights the results of research on the differential diagnosis of skeletal forms in distal occlusion. Distal occlusion is the most common anomaly of the dental system after Angle class I occlusion pathologies and ranges from 38 % to 65 %. The clinical method was to examine patients with Angle class II dental anomalies. The radiological method consisted of the study of lateral cephalograms of patients with the software “AudaxCeph”. Nine forms of prognostic distal occlusion have been identified based on cephalometric studies. Among all forms, the most common is maxillary prognathism 35.59 %. The values of cephalometric parameters required for the diagnosis of prognostic distal occlusion are essential for clarifying the form of dental anomaly and permit to detail skeletal forms.Документ Cephalometric skeletal comparative analysis between left and right side of skull for two age groups patients with class one malocclusion by three dimensional cone-beam computed tomography(Українська медична стоматологічна академія, 2020) Al-cablany, Ebrahem Hezam; Makarova, A. N.; Kuroiedova, V. D.; Аль-каблаі, Ебрахим Хезам; Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Аль-каблаи, Эбрахим Хезам; Макарова, Александра Николаевна; Куроедова, Вера ДмитриевнаObjective: The purpose of our research was to study comparative cephalometric analysis between left and right sides of head and evaluate the skeletal facial symmetry in patients with class 1 malocclusion by 3D Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: Pre-treatment by 3D Cone-beam computed tomography radiographs for 20 patients of two age groups with class 1 malocclusion was undergone for 11 angular and 4 liner measurements from right and left sides, anteroposterior, vertical and frontal view by hand except the hard landmarks determination. Chi-test was used to compare the result of both sides (P < 0.05). Results: No difference was found between left and right analysis for linear measurements as for the angular cephalometric measurements. Conclusion: Measurements of skeletal analysis by 3D CBCT cephalograms from right side were found to be similar to left side. So, we can use the left analysis for orthodontics diagnosis as right side. Also, the both sides analysis can be used for symmetric analysis reasons.Документ Change dependence in tissues of submandibular salivary glands at excessive intake of nitrates and sodium fluoride under pectin's and pectin substances activity(Минск Издательский центр БГУ 2016, 2016) Stasiuk, A. A.; Стасюк, Алексей Анатольевич; Стасюк, Олексій АнатолійовичДокумент Computed Tomography Evaluation of Sella Turcica Dimension in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Among Adult Ukrainian Peoples(Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2020-05) Al-cablany, E. H.; Makarova, A. N.; Аль-каблаі, Ебрахим Хезам; Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна; Аль-каблаи, Эбрахим Хезам; Макарова, Александра НиколаевнаIntroduction: The sella Turcica is a midline depression in the sphenoid bone which contains the pituitary gland and distal portion of the pituitary stalk. The Sella in orthodontics is most an important skeletal constant unilateral landmark in all cephalometric analysis of the neurocranial and craniofacial complex which located at the center of sella turcica. It's used to measurement the positions of maxilla and mandible in relation to the cranium and to themselves which help in investigation, diagnosis and treatment plan. Aims : The purpose of this study was to evaluation of Sella Turcica dimension(area and perimeter) in skeletal class III malocclusion (as study group) in comparative with skeletal class I normal occlusion (as control group) among adult Ukrainian peoples by using 3D Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: Pre-treatment 3D Cone-beam computed tomography radiographs for 62 subjects of adult patients (18-27 years old ) , 31 subjects (10 male, 21 female) with class I normal occlusion as control group and 31 subjects (12 male ,19 female) with class III skeletal malocclusion according to ANB (The angle formed at A point, Nasion point and B point of skull) and FMA (The angle formed between the mandibular plane and Frankfort Horizontal plane) angle. The digital tracing of sella Turcica was done by the area and perimeter measures icon tool for all subjects in window of the advanced 3d-imaginag software Ez3d2009. The independent samples T test was used to assessed the relationship between skeletal type and sella Turcica dimension, also was used to determine if skeletal type showed the significant differences. Standard devotions, standard errors, mean values and normality of data were generated for all parameters. Result and discussion: When comparing the area of sella Turcica for two group, there were significant differences between the study group and the control group (P=0.0116) while the sella perimeter were non-significant differences (P=0.0662). Furthermore, when our result was compared with those in other global data, disparities dimensions among different populations were observed. Conclusion: When sella size was compared with skeletal type, a significant difference was found in diameter size between Class I and Class III subjects. Larger diameter values were present in skeletal Class III subjects, while smaller diameter sizes were apparent in Class I subjects, so the size of Sella Turcica and pituitary gland play important role to determine the skeletal developmental, classification and occlusion of jaws. The results of the present study of sella area and perimeter may be used as reference standards for Ukrainian subjects in relation to sella Turcica size.Документ Dependence of morphometric parameters of the dental occlusion on the type of the lower jaw growth in children with class II1 dentofacia anomalies who line in the northern Ukraine(2017) Galych, L. V.; Kuroedova, V. D.; Lakhtin, Yu. V.; Galych, L. B.; Moskalenko, P. O.; Галич, Людмила Викторовна; Куроедова, Вера Дмитриевна; Лахтин, Юрий Владимирович; Галич, Людмила Борисовна; Москаленко, Павел Александрович; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Галич, Людмила Борисівна; Галич, Людмила Вікторівна; Москаленко, Павло Олександрович; Лахтін, Юрій ВолодимировичThe aim of the work was to study the structure of dentofacial anomalies in children and adolescents in Sumy city and Sumy oblast, to identify dentoalveolar morphological peculiarities of the occlusion in 10-13 years old patients with class ІІ1 anomalies according to Angle’s classification with different types of lower jaw bone growth. A retrospective analysis of 2236 outpatient dental cards of urban and rural patients with orthodontic pathology was conducted. Patients were divided into three age groups: 6-9 years old (early mixed occlusion) - 592 children; 10-13 years old (late mixed occlusion) - 1180 children; over 13 years old (permanent occlusion) - 464 persons; besides 76 patients with class ІІ1 anomalies according to Angle’s classification aged 10-13 years were examined. To determine the type of lower jaw growth, the children underwent orthopantomographic examination, diagnostic models were made and biometric indicators were calculated to determine the severity of the morphological changes. It was established that anomalies of individual teeth and dental curve dominated in all age groups (71.24%). Among the occlusion anomalies, a large part falls to class ІІ anomalies according to Angle’s classification (19.18%). A third of these patients have a neutral type of lower jaw growth (36.84±5.53%), horizontal and vertical types of growth reach 18.42±4.47% and 19.74±4.56%, respectively. The combination of neutral and vertical type of growth of the lower jaw occurs in 1.7 times more than the combination of neutral and horizontal. The most pronounced morphological changes were observed in the group of patients with a horizontal type of lower jaw growth. When planning treatment and prophylactic measures among patients of the orthodontic profile, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of both the prevalence of pathology in the region and the morphological changes of different severity in the dental curves of the jaws; Целью исследования явилось изучение структуры зубочелюстных аномалий у детей и подростков города Сумы и Сумской области и выявление зубоальвеолярных морфологических особенностей прикуса у пациентов 10-13 лет с аномалиями ІІ1 класса по Энглю с разным типом роста нижней челюсти. Проведен ретроспективный анализ 2236 амбулаторных стоматологических карточек городских и сельских пациентов с ортодонтической патологией. Пациенты были разделены на три возрастные группы: дети в возрасте от 6-9 лет (ранний смешанный прикус) - 592; 10-13 лет (поздний смешанный прикус) - 1180 детей; выше 13 лет (постоянный прикус) - 464; кроме того, обследовано 76 пациентов с аномалиями ІІ1 класса по Энглю в возрасте 10-13 лет. Для определения типа роста нижней челюсти детям проведено ортопантомографическое исследование, изготовлены диагностические модели и по ним рассчитаны биометрические показатели для выявления степени тяжести морфологических изменений. Установлено, что во всех возрастных группах доминировали аномалии отдельных зубов и зубных рядов (71,24%). Среди аномалий прикуса значительная часть приходится на ІІ класс по Энглю (19,18%). У трети этих пациентов наблюдается нейтральный тип роста нижней челюсти (36,84±5,53%), горизонтальный и вертикальный типы роста составили 18,42±4,47% и 19,74±4,56%, соответственно. Сочетание нейтрального и вертикального типов роста нижней челюсти встречается в 1,7 раза больше, чем сочетание нейтрального с горизонтальным. Наиболее выраженные морфологические изменения наблюдались в группе пациентов с горизонтальным типом роста нижней челюсти. При планировании лечебно-профилактических мероприятий среди пациентов ортодонтического профиля необходимо учитывать особенности как распространенности патологии в регионе, так и морфологические изменения зубных рядов челюстей разной степени тяжести.Документ Diagnostic crtiteria of orthodontic treatment with extraction of some teeth(Українська медична стоматологічна академія, 2019) Makarova, O. M.; Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна; Макарова, Александра НиколаевнаOrthodontic treatment for adults is always difficult process, which requires morphological, functional, aesthetic factors and limited possibilities of dentoalveolar teeth positioning. One of the most actual issues of orthodontic correction in adults is teeth extractions by orthodontic. Nowadays, when there is a concept of «arch development», skeletal enlargement and miniimplants, treatment with extraction should be correctly explained and determined by orthodontic treatment and should not be caused to functional status and face aesthetics, which provides qualitative and stabile result of treatment. Besides, necessity of teeth extraction of some teeth which are written in medical protocol, secures a doctor from law risks.; Планування ортодонтичного лікування дорослих – це завжди складний процес, що потребує врахування великої кількості морфологічних, функціональних та естетичних факторів і розуміння меж та «вичерпності» можливостей дентоальвеолярного переміщення зубів. Одним з найбільш актуальних питань ортодонтичної корекції у дорослих є видалення зубів за ортодонтичним показаннями з метою створення місця та корекції невідповідності верхнього та нижнього зубних рядів. На сьогоднішній день, коли існують концепція «arch development», скелетне розширення та мініімпланти, лікування з екстракцією має бути чітко аргументоване ортодонтичними показаннями, не призводити до погіршення функціонального стану та естетики обличчя, що забезпечить якісний та стабільний результат лікування. Крім того, протокольно доведена на основі об’єктивних методів обстеження необхідність видалення окремих зубів убезпечить лікаря-ортодонта від юридичних ризиків.Документ Electromygraphic potential of mastication muscles of patients with hearing deprivation and dental anomalies(Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 2024) Sokologorska-Nykina, Yu. K.; Kuroiedova, V. D.; Stasiuk, O. A.; Korobov, P. S.; Сокологорська-Никіна, Юлія Костянтинівна; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Стасюк, Олексій Анатолійович; Коробов, Павло СергійовичOne of the important etiological factors in the occurrence of bite pathology is improper work of the muscles of the maxillofacial area. That is why the study of the muscles of the maxillofacial area in normal conditions and with various pathologies of the bite acquire the greatest relevance among scientists all over the world. The purpose of the study is to determine the functional state of musculus masseter and musculus temporalis in children and adolescents with hearing deprivation. Surface electromyography of musculus masseter and musculus temporalis was performed in 25 children and adolescents with hearing deprivation in a state of physiological rest and with maximum jaw clenching. All examined had 100% bite pathology. The obtained results were compared with the results of hearing patients with a physiological bite and patients with orthodontic pathology without hearing pathology. An electromyographic study of masticatory muscles in teenagers with hearing loss allowed us to assess their range of variability, the symmetry of their work during rest and the functional test of maximum voluntary jaw clenching. Increased biological activity of the masticatory muscles during physiological rest of deaf persons compared to hearing persons with both physiological occlusion and occlusion pathology was established (р˂0.05; р˂0.01).Документ Epidemiological data on the detection of immunoglobulins of class IgM, IgG to SARS-Cov-2 among population of Poltava region(© Aluna Publishing, 2021) Marchenko, А. V.; Ananieva, M. M.; Faustova, M. O.; Loban’, G. A.; Lytovchenko, I. Yu.; Nikolishyn, I. A.; Ilenko-Lobach, N. V.; Марченко, Алла Володимирівна; Ананьєва, Майя Миколаївна; Фаустова, Марія Олексіївна; Лобань, Галина Андріївна; Літовченко, Ірина Юріївна; Ніколішин, Ігор Анатолійович; Іленко-Лобач, Наталія ВолодимирівнаThe aim: Of this study was to analyze epidemiological data on the detection of immunoglobulins of class M and G (IgM, IgG) to SARS-CoV-2 among urban and rural population of Poltava region. Materials and methods: We have analyzed the research results of 2841 patients to determine IgM and IgG levels to SARS-CoV-2. The study included the results of patients in Poltava and nearby villages of Poltava region, obtained during July – December 2020. Results: Thus, 84% of patients applied for detection of IgM in the serum of patients with the pathogen COVID-2019. We have found only 135 positive results for the detection of IgM to SARS-CoV-2, which was 5.7% of the total number of people who underwent this study from July to December 2020. Moreover, women received a positive result more often than men. The IP samples for the detection of IgM to SARS-CoV-2 in the serum of patients averaged 2.5 ± 1.04. It was found that patients went to the laboratory to detect IgG to SARS-CoV-2 with the vast majority among them were residents of Poltava. However, in this case the share of positive results was 47.7%, among which the female population outnumbered the male. Conclusions: The frequency of detection of positive results on IgM to SARS-CoV-2 is about 6%. The share of positive results on IgG to SARS-CoV-2 was 47.7%, among them 76.2% were women. The frequency of detection of IgM and IgG to SARS-CoV-2 during October-December 2020 significantly exceeds the indices in July-September of the same year.Документ European position on clinical practice of extraction and nonextraction therapy in orthodontics(Українська медична стоматологічна академія, 2019) Kuroiedova, V. D.; Petrova, A. V.; Rud, Y. V.; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Петрова, Анна Володимирівна; Рудь, Юлія Володимирівна; Куроедова, Вера Дмитриевна; Петрова, Анна Владимировна; Рудь, Юлия ВладимировнаОртодонтичне лікування в будь-якому віці – це тривалий і складний процес, що вимагає комплаєнції між лікарем і пацієнтом, трудомісткість і комплексність, складність і тривалість якого з переходом від молочного до постійного прикусу зростають. Важливим фактором у прийнятті рішення про початок ортодонтичного лікування є його з кожним днем зростаюча вартість, причиною якої є прихід в щоденну практику сучасного лікаря-ортодонта новітніх дорогих технологій і конструкцій, а, найголовніше, переведення стоматології в цілому і ортодонтії, зокрема, в приватний сектор. Способів скорочення термінів ортодонтичного лікування декілька: в періоді зміни зубів – це прийоми корекційного видалення зубів, засновані на різниці мезіально-дистальних розмірів молочних молярів та премолярів, які приходять їм на зміну, метод Hotz, в постійному прикусі – це видалення окремих здорових зубів відповідно до обраної стратегії лікування порушень прикусу, компактостеотомія, застосування різних фізіотерапевтичних методів без лікарських препаратів і з вживанням засобів, що сприяють послабленню кісткової тканини в поєднанні з активною дією фізичних факторів та інші, пов'язані з удосконаленням ортодонтичних конструкцій. Найбільш значущим чинником в ортодонтичному лікуванні, що приводить у великій кількості випадків до переривання корекційного процесу, є його тривалість, що досягає в періоді постійних зубів 2-3 років. Ще одна серйозна проблема в ортодонтичному лікуванні, безпосередньо пов'язана з питанням стратегічного вибору екстракційного або безекстракціонного методу лікування – це стабільність отриманих клінічних результатів. Тільки грамотне лікарське прогнозування стабільних морфологічних і функціональних клінічних успіхів ортодонтичного лікування може бути науковою і моральною основою для вибору стратегії ведення ортодонтичного пацієнта із застосуванням видалення окремих (одного і декількох) здорових зубів. Тому проблема скорочення термінів ортодонтичного лікування як у дітей, так і у дорослих – одна з найважливіших в корекції прикусу в будь-якому віці. Саме тому в комплексному ортодонтичному лікуванні хірургічні заходи займають значне місце. Видалення окремих постійних зубів – це відповідальне узгоджене рішення між пацієнтом і лікарем-ортодонтом, яке повинно бути індивідуальним з урахуванням безлічі факторів. Зі збільшенням кількості пацієнтів в періоді молочного прикусу лікар повинен бути підкований теоретичними знаннями і сучасними напрямками в особливостях ортодонтії зростаючого дитячого організму. Незважаючи на довгі десятиліття застосування в ортодонтичному лікуванні хірургічного прийому видалення здорових зубів, в європейській науковій літературі вибір екстракційного або безекстракційного методу лікування як і раніше є дискутабельним. Нові діагностичні методики, вдосконалені ортодонтичні конструкції, національні особливості будови лицьового черепа і багато інших сучасних поглядів дуже потрібні для правильного формування європейського мислення у ортодонта.; Orthodontic treatment is long-lasting and difficult process which requires compliance between doctor and patient, complexity, duration of which increases with transition from temporary to permanent bite. The main factor of orthodontic treatment is cost of the procedure because there are new and modern tools and equipment. There are several ways to reduce orthodontic treatment: in the period of changing teeth, these are methods of corrective teeth extraction, based on the difference in the mesial-distal dimensions of milk (temporary) molars and method Hotz, replacing them with premolars, is the removal of individual healthy teeth according to the chosen treatment strategy bite disorders, compact osteotomy, the use of various physiotherapeutic methods without drugs and with the use of agents that promote bone tissue relaxation in combination with active physical factors and others related to the improvement of orthodontic appliances. The most significant factor in orthodontic treatment, resulting in a number of cases of interrupting the correction process, is its duration, up to 2-3 years in the period of permanent teeth. One more serious problem in orthodontic treatment associated with strategic choice of extraction or nonextraction method of treatment is stability of received clinical results.Only therapeutic prognosis of stabile morphological and functional clinical advantages of orthodontic treatment can be a basis for choice of orthodontic treatment management with the use of extraction of some healthy teeth.So, the problem of orthodontic treatment both in children and adults is one of the most important in bite correction. That’s why surgeries are involved in complex orthodontic treatment. Extraction of some permanent teeth is coordinated decision between patient and orthodontist considering the number of factors. Orthodontist must be theoretically competitive in the peculiarities of child’s organism.Despite the use of surgery of healthy teeth in orthodontic treatment in European and scientific literature the choice of extraction and nonextraction method of treatment has been yet discussable. New diagnostic methods, modern orthodontic appliances, national peculiarities of face and other features are needed for correct European thought in orthodontist.Документ Functional condition of masseters muscles of patients with class II subdivision(Aluna Publishing, 2017) Kuroedova, V. D.; Makarova, A. N.; Chicor, T. A.; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна; Чикор, Тетяна ОлександрівнаIntroduction: Main functional characteristics of masticator muscles in patients with class II malocclusions is activity dominance of m. temporalis in comparison with m. Masseter. We have not found datum about functional status of the masticators in patients with class II subdivision. The aim: The purpose of our study was to investigate the functional characteristics of m. Masseter, m. temporalis in adult patients with class II subdivision malocclusion. Materials and methods: There have been carried out the surface electromyographic study of m. masseter, m. temporalis in 17 adult patients with class II subdivision. It was realized quantitative analysis of 271 electromyogram, it was determined the average bioelectric activity index activity, symmetry and torsion index. Results: It was observed predominance of the bioelectrical activity of m. temporales on m. masseter for all persons with class II subdivision. Bioelectrical activity for m. masseter was bigger on side of distal ratio and for m. tennporales on side of neutral ratio. In class II subdivision right, the mandible was deviated to the left side and in class II subdivision left is deviated to the right side. Thus, rotational moment generated during compression of the jaws, causes deviation of the lower jaw to the side, with a neutral molar ratio. During voluntary chewing bioelectrical activity of m. masseter and m. temporalis was higher in the right side. Conclusion: In accordance with the functional condition of the masticatory muscles of class.Документ Impact of malocclusion of class ІІ1 according to angle's classification method on facial esthetics(Aluna Publishing, 2021) Halych, L. V.; Halych, L. B.; Галич, Людмила Вікторівна; Галич, Людмила Борисівна; Галич, Людмила Викторовна; Галич, Людмила БорисовнаThe aim: There is no information on the esthetic features of the face, which are typical of the patients with late mixed occlusion with maxillodental anomalies of Angle's class III depending on the types of mandible growth in domestic and foreign literature. To study the esthetic peculiarities in the face profile, which are typical of the patients aged 10-13 with maxillodental anomalies of Angle's class III with different types of mandible growth. Materials and methods: 55 patients aged 10-13 with maxillodental anomalies of Angle's class II1 were examined. Teenagers were divided into five groups depending on the type of mandible growth. 82 photostatic images in profile were analyzed. Soft tissue analysis was performed using the Viasis method. Results: Face profile was studied based on the following indicators: convexity angle of the face profile Viazis (Документ Implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process at the department of post-graduate education of orthodonts(Івано-франківський національний медичний університет, 2023) Stasiuk, O. A.; Sokolohorska-Nykina, Yu. K.; Korobov, P. S.; Стасюк, Олексій Анатолійович; Сокологорська-Никіна, Юлія Костянтинівна; Коробов, Павло СергійовичThe development of medical education in Ukraine, in particular at the post-graduate stage, is an urgent problem today, since the health and well-being of current and future generations largely depends on it. Ensuring the quality of training of medical specialists at the level of international standards is possible under the condition of changing pedagogical methods and introducing innovative teaching technologies.Документ Medico-orthodox problems of deaf children in Ukraine(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2023) Kuroedova, V. D.; Sokolohorska-Nykina, Y. K.; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Сокологорська-Никіна, Юлія КостянтинівнаHearing impairment is one of the most common diseases worldwide. The maxillofacial apparatus of children with hearing deprivation has a number of morphological features due to the lack of specific speech articulation due to the pathology of the auditory analyzer. The prevalence of bite pathology in the deaf is quite high. Also, the prevalence of caries is quite high in children with hearing impairments. The purpose of our study was to assess the condition of teeth and maxillofacial anomalies in children with hearing impairments, to assess their level of knowledge about oral hygiene, to study the condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and to identify accompanying pathology, namely posture pathology. 61 children with hearing impairments were examined. All the examined (100%) had abnormalities of the maxillofacial system. The most common pathology of the bite in the examined children is the pathology of the 1st class. according to Engle – 73.77%. Caries occurred in 77.05%, with age, the number of children with at least one sign of caries (KPV) increases 4 times. Only one-fifth of deaf children (19.67%) were not found to have abnormalities of attachment of the soft tissues of the mouth during the examination. During the examination together with the orthopedist, it was established that only 5.26% of the examined were relatively healthy, in 94.74% of cases there were some or other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of providing dental and orthodontic care to children with hearing impairments, dentists (orthodontists) need to take into account the anatomical and physiological features of patients and pay more attention to the facial reactions of deaf patients.Since the prevalence of malocclusion and deformities in children with hearing impairment is 100%, in order to prevent severe forms of dento-maxillofacial anomalies in such children, it is necessary to conduct scheduled examinations for the purpose of early diagnosis and timely elimination of the etiological factor of their development. The vast majority of examined children with hearing impairments (80.36%) have abnormalities of the attachment of soft tissues of the oral cavity, which is a significant complication of orthodontic pathology. The study of this problem is quite relevant for the determination of methods of prevention and the development of special recommendations for improving the provision of dental care to children and adults with hearing impairments. Key words: malocclusion, deaf children, caries, posture.Документ Morphological features of enamel and dentin in dental fluorosis(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Nikolishyna, E. V.; Ilenko, N. M.; Nikolyshyn, І. A.; Ніколішина, Елла Вячеславівна; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Ніколішин, Ігор АнатолійовичThe direct toxic effect of fluoride on enameloblasts during the development and formation of enamel, leads to a violation of its mineralization, and with prolonged admission to the occurrence of dental fluorosis. It is known that the above processes occur during the maturation of the enamel (secondary mineralization). The authors studied the morphological features of enamel and dentin in dental fluorosis of varying severity. The material for morphological examination was thick and thin histochemically stained sections and sections dusted with gold and silver, made of teeth removed for orthodontic indications. The structural features of enamel and dentin were studied using a binocular magnifier, light and scanning electron microscopes. With a mild form of fluorosis on the sections there was an increase in the pattern of lamellae, uneven color of some tufts of enamel prisms in the direction of the Retzius lines and redistribution of acidic glycosaminoglycans. In moderate fluorosis, destruction and homogenization of enamel prism beads is observed, which was characterized by blue staining on acidic glycosami-noglycans or partial destruction and their fragmentation or loss of clear orientation along the entire width of the enamel. Studies of sections of severe fluorosis have shown that areas of amorphous substance are usually localized near the lamellae and are characterized by almost complete destruction of the direction of enamel prisms, which in some areas reach the enamel – dentin border and painted in intense purple. Enamel of enamel prisms and Retzius lines was observed in enamel with visually unchanged structure. Scanning electron microscopy data show that the structure of the enamel in fluorosis is more contrasting than normal. Areas of enamel destruction are represented by unstructured, homogeneous masses. Therefore, the established pathomorphological changes of the hard tissues of the teeth in fluorosis should be taken into account when prescribing complex therapy with special emphasis on drugs for mineralization.Документ Morphological features of enamel in fluorosis of different degrees of severity(Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М. І. Пирогова, 2024) Marchenko, A. V.; Nikolishyna, E. V.; Ilenko, N. M.; Nikolishyn, I. A.; Kostyrenko, O. P.; Cherniak, V. V.; Марченко, Алла Володимирівна; Ніколішина, Елла Вячеславівна; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Ніколішин, Ігор Анатолійович; Костиренко, Олексій Петрович; Черняк, Валентина ВолодимирівнаВиникненню флюорозу зубів сприяють порушення мінералізації емалі, які викликані фторидами, що надходять до організму людини в надлишковій кількості в період її розвитку та формування, токсично впливають на енамелобласти. Встановлено порушення будови шару емалі зубів при ураженні флюорозом характеризується порушенням ходи емалевих призм з ознаками деструкції. Виявлено фрагментацію і гомогенезацію на всю товщу в окремих ділянках емалі. Dental fluorosis is caused by enamel mineralization disorders, which are caused by fluorides that enter the human body in excessive amounts during its development and formation and have a toxic effect on enameloblasts. A violation of the structure of the enamel layer of the teeth in the case of fluorosis is characterized by a violation of the course of the enamel prisms with signs of destruction. Fragmentation and homogenization of the entire thickness in individual areas of the enamel were revealed.Документ New methods of dental hyperesthesia treatment(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2021) Марченко, Алла Володимирівна; Дворник, Валентин Миколайович; Ніколішина, Елла Вячеславівна; Литовченко, Ірина Юріївна; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Ніколішин, Ігор Анатолійович; Маrchenko, А. V.; Dvornik, V. М.; Nikolishyna, E. V.; Lytovchenko, I. Yu.; Ilenko, N. M.; Nikolishyn, І. А.The article presents the results of eliminating dental hyperesthesia by new effective methods of treatment developed and implemented in practical dentistry. Patients were divided into four groups: with hyperesthesia after professional or home teeth whitening; with hyperesthesia during the preparation of vital tissues for orthopedic structures; with hyperesthesia in pathological abrasion of the enamel and periodontitis. Analysis of the results and their comparison with previous studies showed that the use of drugs based on the eco-mineral complex bischofite is highly effective and ranges from 100 to 66.7 % depending on the observation group.Документ NO-зaлежні мехaнізми пoрушень oкиснювaльнoгo метaбoлізму зa умoв спільнoгo нaдлишкoвoгo нaдхoдження нітрaту тa фтoриду нaтрію у слинних зaлoзaх щурів(ТОВ «Бліц Стайл», 2023) Стасюк, Олексій Анатолійович; Костенко, Віталій ОлександровичВ монографії представлені зміни окислювальних процесів у тканинах слинних залоз білих щурів за умови бінaрнoї хрoнічнoї інтoксикaції нітрaтoм і фтoридoм натрію,та доведено,що введення у рaціοн щурів бοрοшнa вівсянοї крупи дοстοвірнο знижує екскрецію нітрaтів. Висοкий рівень слизοвих речοвин у склaді бοрοшнa вівсянοї крупи дaє мοжливість викοристοвувaти хaрчοві прοдукти нa йοгο οснοві (нaприклaд, сοуси) у лікувaльнο-прοфілaктичнοму хaрчувaнні, щο дοзвοляє при οднοчaснοму зaдοвοленні хaрчοвих пοтреб сприяти виведенню з οргaнізму тοксичних речοвин. Монографія містить нові, статистично доведені наукові дані проведеної порівняльної характеристики та ілюстрована у вигляді 34 рисунків та 23 таблиць.Документ Optical density of mandible in orthodontic patients(Wydawnictwo Aluna, 2018) Kuroedova, V. D.; Vyzhenko, E. E.; Makarova, A. N.; Stasiuk, A. A.; Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна; Виженко, Євгеній Євгенович; Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна; Стасюк, Олексій АнатолійовичIntroduction: The given article is concerned with peculiarities of the change in the bone mineral density of the jaw bones in the dynamics of bone structure growth in the locomotor apparatus of orthodontic patients. The aim of the paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of the mineral density of the bone tissue of the lower jaw (mandible) and the mineral density of the second cervical vertebra (C2) in patients with malocclusion. Materials and methods: 37 computer tomograms of orthodontic patients were studied, which were divided into three age groups according to the periods of the formation of the dentoalveolar system. Measurement of bone density of (second cervical vertebra) C2 was performed in the sagittal projection along the middle of the height of the vertebra. In the mandible, measurements were made on axial sections in the vestibular and oral direction in the region of the alveolar process between the central incisors, between the canine and the first premolar at the mid-root level, in the region of the first molars below the bifurcation level, in the retromolar region and the region of the articular process. Results: The greatest similarity in densitometric parameters of bone density is established between the second cervical vertebrae and the density of the joint head. The most dense site on the lower jaw is the alveolar process between the central incisors, which increases with age from 1274.71 ± 34.7 in group I to 1400.6 ± 7 5 , 5 6 in the III group, these indicators are almost 2-2.5 times higher than the density of C2. Conclusions: Mandible presents irregular density of bone based on optic denstitometry in different areas. Maximal indices of bone density are established in the area of alveolar processes where the jaw is exposed to maximal occlusal loading.