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Документ A retrospection of french philosophy at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries(Донбаський державний педагогічний університет, 2022) Zinchenko, Natalia; Siniavskiy, Alexey; Зінченко, Наталія Олександрівна; Синявський, ОлексійThe article provides a historical and philosophical analysis of French philosophy at the turn of the century, and identifies the main vectors and problematic issues of French thinkers of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. French philosophy has long attracted researchers with its originality and spontaneity, because starting with the apotheosis of reason in the creative legacy of R. Descartes, passing through the path of materialism, paying tribute to social problems, it was French philosophy that gleamed with new postmodern colors in the past century. The problems of French philosophy were, to varying degrees, at the center of attention of Ukrainian and foreign researchers (P. Haydenko, G. Zaichenko, A. Zotov, A. Yermolenko, M. Yosypenko, V. Kuznetsov, S. Kutsepal, V. Lektorskyi, M. Mamardashvili, N. Motroshilova, O. Sobol, E. Solovyov, S. Povtareva, V. Pronyakin, O. Khoma, R. Sloterdijk, E. Trelch, Y. Habermas, U. Eco, M. Heidegger, and others). The aim of the article is to conduct a historical and philosophical analysis of French philosophy of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, to identify the main directions and problems that were the focus of attention of French thinkers.Документ Actual problems of hermeneutics, principles of interpretation of M. Heidegger"s hermeneutics(Донбаський державний педагогічний університет, 2021) Dubinina, Vira; Дубініна, Віра Олександрівна; Дубинина, Вера АлександровнаThe range of problems of hermeneutics, principles of interpretation of the cultural phenomena is an actual object of investigation and reflections in history, philology, the study of art, researches of culture, literary criticism, and various disciplines. The hermeneutics of presence was developed by M. Heidegger. The possible ways of further M. Heidegger’s hermeneutics transformations are examined in the article. The research is aimed at revealing correlations between Heidegger’s hermeneutics of the period of "Existence and Time" and hermeneutics after the "turn" of the middle of the 30th. The results of the investigation, thus, contribute to the understanding of studies of the German thinker in their integrity. An important problem is the influence or degree of influence of ontology, theory of language, and Heidegger’s hermeneutics on the further development of researches in this problem. The author concludes that the theory of philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer may be considered as a direct continuer of the scientist’ works, though is, as well, it touches determination of foundations of the hermeneutics. The problem of investigation of Heidegger’s impact on the further development of philosophical studies becomes an actual problem of the philosophical literature in the last decades. Among the most noticeable works, it is possible to name the following researches: Coltman R. (1998), Lavruhin A.V. (2007), dissertation of Kozlova M.V (2015). The works highlight the most important copulas of philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer, their representation within poetic work. The linguistic task in Gadamer's teachings confirms the value of Heidegger's discourse regarding the ontic and ontological horizons of understanding, supplements the concept of the hermeneutics of factuality. The teaching eliminates its contradictions by reconciling the theoretical and practical plans of existence, implemented in the categorical unity of the language. This unity itself is not at all a kind of technical characteristic of the language, and it is related not only to the language and situations of linguistic interaction, but, as well, correlates with Dasein himself, its fundamental embodiment, and the semantic environment for the development of existence.Документ Alarmism vs Eschatology: Conceptual Analysis (On Material of Ukrainian Discourse)(Armenian State Pedagogical University, 2022) Mozgovoy, Leonid; Dubinina, Vira; Malikova, Yuliia; Steshenko, Volodymyr; Butko, Yuliia; Slabouz, Viktoriia; Fed, Volodymyr; Мозговий, Леонід; Дубініна, Віра Олександрівна; Малікова, Юлія; Стешенко, Володимир; Бутко, Юлія; Слабоуз, Вікторія; Володимир ФедThe article studies and conceptualises alarmism and eschatology in the modern Ukrainian discourse. The approach to understanding the concept developed by G. Frege (“Fregean Thoughts”) was used as the theoretical basis for conceptualising these categories. The research interest of the paper is caused by the identification of the content of the conceptual levels of alarmism and eschatology. The results make it possible to define alarmism as a worldview sensation of an intuitive level that historically emerged from empiricism, reflecting the readiness to overcome the current global challenges. Eschatology arises as a doctrine that accepts the finiteness of individual and universal beings. The conceptualization of alarmism and eschatology allows us to conclude that, although both categories act as a means of characterizing the state of modern global society that has lost its intentions for its development, eschatology is looking for ways to reconcile with the inevitable approaching of “end of history”; the alarmism tries to mobilize the efforts of the global society to overcome the acute challenges of our time, gives one or another problem the status of serious.Документ Analysis of the physical devwlopment of youthand the state of its health(Wydawnictwo Aluna, 2019) Kharchenko, O. V.; Kharchenko, N. V.; Shaparenko, I. Y.; Sakharova, L. M.; Yushchenko, Y. P.; Харченко, Олександр Вікторович; Харченко, Наталія Вікторівна; Ющенко, Юлія ПетрівнаThe sharp deterioration in the physical development of the younger generation is worrying. The morbidity of youth has increased by 29.9% compared with the last century. More than 33% of boys and girls, among first-year students with chronic diseasesДокумент Antique philosophy and modern science: theology, philosophy, science amplification of rationality(Донбаський державний педагогічний університет, 2019) Khlibnikov, Hryhorii; Stepanov, Viacheslav; Yushchenko, Yulia; Хлєбніков, Григорій; Степанов, Вячеслав; Ющенко, Юлія Петрівна; Хлебников, Григорий; Степанов, Вячеслав; Ющенко, Юлия ПетровнаThe article examines the problem of the influence of ancient philosophy on various branches of modern sciences through the prism of the doctrines of such important philosophers of ancient times as Plato, Aristotle, Heraclid and Parmenides. In spite of disputes and mutual criticism in their time, the works of most philosophers have common roots and each of them is an invaluable foundation for the development of modern science and philosophy and and so on. The author asserts that G. Galilei lay the foundation of modern science base oneself upon the works of Plato, which influenced the further development of philosophy to this day and created a deep and original physical conception of the number. Also work of Heraclitus who, due to the dominance of the positivist-pragmatic worldview of philosophy, was not recognized in his time, but gave impetus to the development of the natural sciences of the present are of great importance. Parmenides, in his turn, was the first linguistic philosopher and his contribution to the development of modern languages is difficult to overestimate. In the article, the authors explore the common features and roots in the works of all noted philosophers of antiquity, and reveal that their knowledge and achievements could not be used at that time in full force due to the complete dominance of theocentrism. Nevertheless, it is pointed out that the classical model of science was formed under the influence of the intellectual, political and legal life of antiquity, which was based on the general idea of the mind, which, as the authors note, was largely divine.Документ At the sntersetion of psychology, phenomenology, logic and metaphysics: philosophical work of Alexius Metoing(2020-06) Dubinina, Vira; Дубініна, Віра ОлександрівнаThe paper focuses on the philosophic evolution of Alexius Meinong. Analyzing the ways of genesis of the Austrian philosopher, the author comes to conclusion about an inter-boundary character of Meinong's philosophical conception that finds its place at the intersection of psychology, phenomenology, logic and metaphysics, however managing to keep its autonomy. Such an interboundary position and a certain distance from the mainstreams of knowledge enable him to actualize new philosophical questions and discover new ways to investigate the objects that previously, due to different reasons, were believed to be unknowable.Документ Axiological dimensions of medical deontology in pediatric surgery(ТОВ «Група компаній Мед Експерт», м. Київ, Україна, 2023) Dubinina, V. O.; Ksonz, I. V.; Bilash, S. M.; Abyzova, L.V; Bilanov, O. S.; Ksonz, V. I.; Дубініна, Віра Олександрівна; Ксьонз, Ігор Володимирович; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Абизова, Лариса Віталіївна; Біланов, Олег Сергійович; Ксьонз, Володимир ІгоровичPhilosophy and axiology constitute the worldview and methodological basis of medical deontolo gy, particularly in surgery. The genesis of knowledge about moral and ethical principles and the professional duty of a pediatric surgeon is presented in the form of a logical chain: philosophy – axiology – deontology – medical deontology – deontology in surgery – deontology in pediatric surgery. The process of forming the deontological competence of medical professionals in pediatric surgery will be successful if the organization of deontological training for future healthcare providers is based on principles of humanism, in compliance with the requirements of the social environment, and implemented in the educational process through a productive mechanism. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.Документ Classroom discipline «History of Ukraine cultura» in context of modern models of educational(Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2016) Semergey, N. V.; Семергей, Наталія Володимирівна; Семергей, Наталия ВладимировнаModern models of education are examined as paradigmatic approaches to organization of a future specialist’s cultural preparation. The model of culturological education of students was worked out by the author in terms of systematically important cultural philosophical conceptions (values, cultural standard, cultural activity, cultural selfdevelopment, multicultural surroundings, culture forming surroundings). Teaching of a classroom discipline «History of Ukrainian culture» and other culturological disciplines is fulfilled according to a worked out model. ; Розглядаються сучасні моделі освіти як парадигмальні підходи до організації культурологічної підготовки майбутнього фахівця. Автором розроблена модель культурологічної освіти студентів через призму системоутворюючих куль- турфілософських понять (цінність, культурна норма, культурна діяльність, куль- турний саморозвиток, мультикультурне середовище, культуротворче середовище). Відповідно до розробленої моделі відбувається викладання навчальної дисципліни «Іс- торія української культури» та інших культурологічних дисциплін.Документ Hermeneutics as the Methodology of Interpretation of Languages and Texts of Extraterrestrial Intelligence(International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology, 2019) Dubinina, V.; Tsybulco, O.; Дубініна, Віра ОлександрівнаIn the paper, the authors emphasized the growth of number of publications in the authoritative scientific journals in which the fact of existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is approved and the features of communication with it are considered as well. All incoming information, which may relate to manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence, a candidate SETI signal, is evaluated according to the Rio scale. The authors proposed to call a candidate SETI signal, which had reached according to the Rio scale maximum assessment — the SETI signal. The SETI signal is the established and scientifically proved fact of receiving a fragment of the text or the text of extraterrestrial intelligence. To interpret the SETI signal, the authors proposed to use the possibilities of hermeneutics. In the paper, the authors answered two questions: “Is it appropriate to use hermeneutics to interpret the SETI signal?” and “Does hermeneutics have any ability to interpret the SETI signal?” The authors showed briefly how to use the hypothetico-deductive method, or in what way it is possible to carry out interpretation of the SETI signal in five steps using the example. As a basis, the authors used the ideas of Chrysostomos Mantzavinos.Документ Hermeneutics H.-G. Gadamer as a universal philosophy of understanding(2019-01) Dubinina, Vira; Дубініна, Віра ОлександрівнаConsidered the hermeneutic project of H.-G. Gadamer as the final phase of the development of the circle of ideas of the German philological hermeneutics of the ХІХ-ХХ century. The philosophy of language and the doctrine of understanding and interpretation are explored in connection with the development of philological ideas within the framework of the phenomenological school. The relationship between Gadamer's position and representatives of various linguistic theories of the early twentieth century is shown. The concept of understanding is presented as a key element of the hermeneutic process. Gadamer's hermeneutics is analyzed in the context of his conservative position and his interpretation of Platonic philosophy. Formation of the circle of ideas that formed the basis of the philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer is an integral part of the notion of the essence of language and understanding of its role in the formation of meaning and the entire spiritual culture of mankind, as well as from the concepts of human personality, its creation and development. Consideration of such issues is fundamental to revealing the real role that the hermeneutic project has played and continues to play in the development of European philosophy. The relevance of the theme chosen is determined by the role that the philosophical project of H.-G. Gadamer plays in the development of contemporary ideas about the importance of humanitarian knowledge and, above all, philosophy in the formation of man as such. Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics with the passage of time only increases its importance for the development of philosophical discourse, thereby confirming its great euristic potential. As in modern Ukrainian philosophy, the development of the problems of understanding, first of all, understanding of the semantic component of human activity in the most diverse fields - from the sphere of art to political discourse, has become more relevant than ever. But in our day one can observe some limitations in understanding the significance and relevance of the Gadameric heritage, the study of which is often of a formal nature; the thinker himself and his works are referred to as a kind of 'figure of contention', without the necessary reflection and further development.Документ Humanities as a tool for developing empathy in medical students(2024-09) Verezomska, S.; Kaiun, V.; Perun, S.; Каюн, Вікторія Олександрівна; Перун, Світлана Василівна; Верезомська, Світлана ЖоржовнаEmpathy is essential to a doctor’s competence; it affects the communication between a doctor and a patient. Therefore, medical students study humanitarian subjects: “Medical Ethics and Deontology, Professional Communications. Key Competencies”, “Ethics and Communication in Professional Activities”. Simulators, case methods, and VR are integrated to improve humanities teaching. Purpose: To analyse humanities disciplines in the development of empathy in students. Methodology: Comparative analysis to study the understanding of empathy, case studies, and observation of students’ learning. It was found that empathy decreases during the study, and it is necessary to ensure the teaching of humanities throughout the entire education. Moreover, modern pedagogical technologies “create” conditions for safe medical practice. The results can be taken into account when planning curricula.Документ Institute of education in the information society(ТОВ «Видавництво «Знання України», 2024) Zinchenko, N.; Kharchenko, T.; Kaiun, V.; Perun, S.; Зінченко, Наталія Олександрівна; Харченко, Тетяна Олексіївна; Каюн, Вікторія Олександрівна; Перун, Світлана ВасилівнаThe article contends that the rapidly evolving information society is a presentday reality. The driving force of the information society development has an impact on all social institutions, although the pace of transformation varies significantly among them. Education is widely considered the most conservative institution, as some structural elements of educational and upbringing systems, along with relevant organizations, resist modernization and transformation relating to the information society.Документ Intertextual semiotics of Roland Barthes in the context of Western European post-structuralism(Pomeranian University in Słupsk, 2016) Yushchenko, Y.; Sharbenko, T.; Ющенко, Юлія Петрівна; Шарбенко, Тетяна Вячеславівна; Ющенко, Юлия Петровна; Шарбенко, Татьяна ВячеславовнаУ поданій статті розглядається внесок видатного французького мислителя Р. Барта у західноєвропейський філософський дискурс, аналізується значимість його ідей і концепцій для сучасних філософських пошуків. Акцентується увага на тому, що одним із найбільш вагомих досягнень Барта є концепція «інтертекстуальної семіотики», яка презентує якісно нове некласичне розуміння тексту. Проаналізовано особливості розуміння та розмежування Бартом твору і тексту, з'ясовано сутність постмодерністського текстового аналізу, визначено поняття інтертекстуального коду. Прослідковано взаємовпливи та виявлено схожості і відмінності у тлумаченні феномену інтертекстуальності Р. Барта, Ю. Крістєвої, У. Еко, Ж. Женнетт та ін. ; В данной статье рассматривается вклад выдающегося французского мыслителя Р. Барта в западноевропейский философский дискурс, анализируется значимость его идей и концепций для современных философских поисков. Акцентируется внимание на том, что одним из наиболее весомых достижений Барта является концепция «интертекстуалъной семиотики», представляющая качественно новое понимание текста. Проанализированы особенности разграничения Бартом произведения и текста, выяснено сущность постмодернистского текстового анализа, определено понятие «интертекстуального кода». Прослежены и выявлены сходства и различия в толковании феномена интертекстуальности Р. Барта, Ю. Кристевои, У. Эко, Ж. Женнетт и др.; Artykuł przedstawia wkład wybitnogo francuskiego myśliciela R. Barta w zachodnioeuropejski dyskurs filozoficzny, a także znaczenie jego koncepcji dla nowoczesnych badań filozoficznych. Uwaga koncentruje się nad jednym z najważniejszych osiągnięć Barta - pojęciem „semiotyki intertekstualnej”, prezentującym jakościowo nowe nieklasyczne rozumienie tekstu. Przeanalizowano osobliwości zrozumienia i wyróżnienia utworu i tekstu, opisano istotę postmodernistycznej analizy tekstu, zdefiniowano pojęcie „kod intertekstualny". Pokazano podobieństwa i różnice w interpretacji zjawiska intertekstualności R. Barta, J. Kristevej, U. Eko, Zh. Zhennett i innych;Документ Lev Shestov and Étienne Gilson: A Dialogue Against the Background of the Middle Ages("East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, 2014) Saliy, AnatoliyThe article is devoted to analysis of the invisible dialogue between the two greatest thinkers of the twentieth century - Lev Shestov and Etienne Gilson. This is a conversation on the topic of the middle Ages: its problems and its features.Документ Lev Shestov and Étienne Gilson: A Dialogue Against the Background of the Middle Ages(«East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014) Saliy, A.The article is devoted to analysis of the invisible dialogue between the two greatest thinkers of the twentieth century - Lev Shestov and Etienne Gilson. This is a conversation on the topic of the middle Ages: its problems and its features.Документ Lev Shestov’s philosophic solitude and his influence on the European philosophy of the XX century(Wydawnictwo WAM, Krakow, Polska, 2013) Saliy, AnatoliyLev Shestov (1866 – 1938) is one of those few thinkers whose views do not fit any existing philosophic systems. Generally he objected to any system: when he criticized and dissociated from Solovyov theory of religious philosophy, then he dramatically departed from D.Merezhkovsky school, criticized philosophic positions of N.Berdyaev, disagreed with E.Husserl, argued with M.Buber. L.Shestov's paradoxical speeches as though don't get at all to the course of the Russian philosophical tradition and seem a voice of the single which can't be conformable to any chorus – neither Slavophiles, nor Westerners, metaphysicists, gnoseologists, theologians. On a deep belief of the Russian thinker system as itself kills free creativity, putting it in advance prepared close borders. Shestov’s idea about the individual truth got in absolute solitude was one of the basic moments of the "polyphonic" esthetics which has played an important role in development of the western art of the XXth century. In "Sola fide" Shestov finally separates the internal human life alien to any norms, from truth announced by it. Shestov insists on the view that the person incapable to transfer to "others" the truth learned by him without notable losses. The truth itself is lost in the course of transfer. Therefore the solitude which is deeper than anything underground and at the bottom sea is the beginning and the main condition of approach to the last secret, the last truth born in the deepest solitude. In this regard we can speak about Shestov’s views influence on formation and making process of such French philosophy representatives as A.Camus, J.Maritain, J.-C.Marcadé. Reception of Russian thinker positions is accurately traced in works of G. Marcel and German philosopher M. Buber. L.Shestov's religious philosophy had rather strong influence on B. Martin who translated the main works of the philosopher into English as well as on D. Vernham who focused his attention on philosophical fights between L.Shestov and N.Berdyaev. Actually we can speak today surely about receptivity of Lev Shestov’s philosophical ideas in European philosophical thought of the XXth century.Документ Markers of endothelial injuries in patients with coronary heart disease and autoimmune thyroiditis(ESCBM (Department of Eastern Europe) Prshikop 838, Brno, Czech Republic, 2018) Chekalina, N.; Kazakov, Yu.; Vesnina, L.; Mamontova, T.; Yushchenko, Yu.; Berkalo, L.; Чекаліна, Наталія Ігорівна; Казаков, Юрій Михайлович; Весніна, Людмила Едуардівна; Мамонтова, Тетяна Василівна; Ющенко, Юлія Петрівна; Беркало, Любов ВолодимирівнаДокумент Mediation as a way to resolve disputes related to the contractual regulation of the use of reproductive technologies(“Dr. Humberto J. La Roche”. Maracaibo, Venezuela., 2023) Kharchenko, Tetiana; Bilanov, Oleh; Lavryk, Halyna; Prokopenko, Viktoriia; Харченко, Тетяна Олексіївна; Біланов, Олег Сергійович; Лаврук, Галина; Прокопенко, Вікторія ВікторівнаThe dispute resolution approach, which transfers a conflict to the jurisdictional authorities for examination, is losing its relevance nowadays. The study presents the analysis of the practice related to the resolution of conflicts arising in the field of application of reproductive technologies through mediation. The authors have analyzed statistical data, judicial practice, surveys on the use of reproductive technologies. The advantages of resorting to mediation in the field of reproductive technologies are speed, lower cost, lack of formalism, simpler procedure for resolving this type of conflicts, application at the discretion of the participants, guarantee of full confidentiality, objectivity of conflict resolution with the participation of a neutral third party, taking into account the best interests of the child. The mediation agreement is also an independent segment of civil law and cannot be identified with a settlement agreement, but only be the basis for its adoption already in court proceedings. In conclusion, comparing the disadvantages and advantages of the use of mediation in the field of reproductive technologies, it can be stated that the latter significantly prevail. ; El enfoque de resolución de la controversia que traslada un conflicto a las autoridades jurisdiccionales para su examen, está perdiendo vigencia en la actualidad. El estudio presenta el análisis de la práctica relacionada con la resolución de conflictos surgidos en el ámbito de la aplicación de tecnologías reproductivas a través de la mediación. Los autores han analizado datos estadísticos, práctica judicial, encuestas sobre el uso de tecnologías reproductivas. Las ventajas de recurrir a la mediación en el ámbito de las tecnologías reproductivas son la rapidez, el menor coste, la falta de formalismo, un procedimiento más sencillo para resolver este tipo de conflictos, la aplicación a discreción de los participantes, la garantía de total confidencialidad, la objetividad de la resolución de un conflicto con la participación de una tercera parte neutral, teniendo en cuenta el interés superior del menor. El acuerdo de mediación es también un segmento independiente del derecho civil y no puede identificarse con un acuerdo de conciliación, sino sólo ser la base para su adopción ya en los procedimientos judiciales. En conclusión, comparando las desventajas y ventajas del uso de la mediación en el ámbito de las tecnologías reproductivas, se puede afirmar que estas últimas prevalecen significativamente.Документ Philosophy in the context of higher medical education(Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», 2014) Ющенко, Юлія Петрівна; Ющенко, Юлия Петровна; Yuschenko, Y. P.; Филенко, Борис Миколайович; Филенко, Борис Николаевич; Filenko, B. M.Mastering the basics of philosophical knowledge helps student to become professional expert with the ability to think widely and deeply and act independently. The philosophy promotes creative thinking, helps in the study of clinical disciplines, serves as the basis for perception of new ideas, and uses the acquired knowledge to solve the specific tasks. Consequently, new approaches and mechanisms for forming a positive attitude to the study of philosophy, as well as the need to change existing stereotypes in the society should be found in the process of training of medical students. ; У статті обґрунтовано значення філософії у процесі світоглядного й професійного формування майбутніх лікарів. Розкрито важливі аспекти її взаємодії з медициною та доведено, що філософія є методологічним фундаментом медичного знання. Тому у процесі професійної підготовки студентів-медиків повинні бути знайдені нові підходи та важелі для формування у них позитивного ставлення до вивчення філософії, а також повинні змінитися існуючі стереотипи в суспільстві. ; В статье обосновано значение философии в процессе мировоззренческого и профес- сионального формирования будущих врачей. Раскрыто важные аспекты ее взаимодействия с медициной и доказано, что философия является методологическим фундаментом медицинского знания. Поэтому в процессе профессиональной подготовки студентов-медиков должны быть найдены новые подходы и рычаги для формирования у них положительного отношения к изучению философии, а также должны измениться существующие стереотипы в обществе.Документ Philosophy of leadership: pragmatism and existence(Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności (Łódź, Polska), 2016) Салій, Анатолій Володимирович; Салий, Анатолий Владимирович; Saliy, A.The article focuses on the relevant area of contemporary scientific sphere of leadership, delimitating it from the political aspect, and considering the problem as a natural social phenomenon. The author examines the formation of leader among students, defines its main stages and components. Particular attention is paid to the psychological characteristics of the process of “maturation” of the leader, as well as subsequent development.