Кафедра ендокринології з дитячими інфекційними хворобами
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Документ A clinical case of persistent Lyme disease in a child(2024) Pikul, K. V.; Ilchenko, V. I.; Prylutskyi, K. Yu.; Muravlova, O. V.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Прилуцький, Костянтин Юрійович; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Шаєнко, Златослава ОлексіївнаBackground. The relevance of the study is due to the frequent occurrence of Lyme disease (neuroborreliosis) in the spring-autumn period. Official record of Lyme disease in Ukraine has been conducted since 2000, although the first cases were identified in the 1990s. From 2001 to 2023, the incidence of Lyme borreliosis in Ukraine increased almost by 35 times. Materials and methods. The authors conducted a retrospective analysis of statistical data on Lyme borreliosis morbidity from 2000 to 2023 and the most common cases of infectious pathology in children during this period. As pediatric infectious disease specialists, the authors present a clinical case recently observed in the pediatric infectious unit in Poltava. Results. The diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis is made based on a characteristic clinical picture and a serological confirmation. The latter is crucial in the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis and includes 2 stages. The first stage is the assessment of immunoglobulin M and G titers by the immunofluorescence assay (IFA). If the result is negative, further investigation is conducted within the first 30 days of symptoms onset by repeated IFA 4–6 weeks after the initial test. If the analysis is conducted ≥ 30 days after the onset of symptoms, further examinations are not carried out, and an alternative diagnosis should be suspected. In case of a doubtful or positive IFA result, the diagnosis is further confirmed by the Western blotting (the second stage). The authors present a case report of a 6-year-old girl M., hospitalized in the pediatric infectious unit of the CE “Municipal Clinical Hospital 1” (Poltava) in March 2023 with a diagnosis of Lyme disease (systemic tick-borne borreliosis), early disseminated stage, myalgia, arthralgia, subacute course, moderate severity. Acetonemic syndrome. Stage 1 deficiency anemia. Metabolic cardiomyopathy. Speech development delay. Conclusions. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize Lyme disease with a progressing or remitting disseminated form, as specific therapeutic approaches exist that are effective for this disabling condition.Документ A first clinical case report of West Nile Viral encephalitis in Poltava region of Ukraine(Aluna Publishing, 2020) Kotelevska, T. M.; Pryimenko, N. O.; Dubynska, H. M.; Iziumska, O. M.; Koval, T. I.; Pikul, K. V.; Purdenko, T. Y.; Котелевська, Тетяна Михайлівна; Прийменко, Наталія Олегівна; Дубинська, Галина Михайлівна; Ізюмська, Олена Михайлівна; Коваль, Тетяна Ігорівна; Пікуль, Катерина ВікторівнаWest Nile Fever (WNF) is the most common arbovirus infection caused by West Nile Virus (WNV), which has been responsible for numerous epidemic outbreaks of disease among humans, birds and horses on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, over the past two decades. On the territory of Ukraine, the earliest reports of cases of WNV circulation in humans and birds relate to the 70s of the XX century. In Poltava region WNF was first registered in 2011. Though the epidemiological and clinical patterns of WNF in Ukraine and Poltava region remain understudied, primarily due to the lack of alertness of practitioners to the problem of WNF and to broader access to laboratory diagnosis of the disease. The first clinical case of West Nile Viral encephalitis, registered on the territory of Poltava region, has been given and analyzed.Документ Aspects of the development of hypothyroid cardiomyopathy associated with chronic systemic inflammation(Mìžnarodnij endokrinologìčnij žurnal, 2023) Horodynska, О. Yu.; Muravlova, О. V.; Shaienko, Z. О.; Dvornyk, I. L. ; Городинська, Олена Юріївна; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Дворник, Ірина ЛеонідівнаCardiovascular manifestations are rated first among the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Since the highest prevalence of both coronary heart disease (CHD) and hypothyroidism is observed in the age group over 50 years old, the problem of combination of these nosologies in older people is increasing. Aim of the study is to investigate the structural and functional state of the left ventricular myocardium in hypothyroidism and CHD associated with chronic systemic inflammation. Materials and methods. To reach the objectives of the study, a randomized controlled clinical trial has been conducted in parallel groups of patients with hypothyroidism, CHD and combination of both. To form the main group, a screening analysis of 556 medical histories of patients with hypothyroidism and CHD during the period of 2006–2015 has been made, which were selected for further study.Документ Bactics optimization of the diabetes mellitus of the second type combined with obesity considering genetic, gender, age and hormonal and metabolic disorders(2016) Popruha, A.; Bobyrova, L.; Vesnina, L.; Попруга, Алла Олександрівна; Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Весніна, Людмила ЕдуардівнаToday, diseases such as diabetes and obesity pandemic took nature spread, affecting any - that sections of the population regardless of age, sex, social status, race and ethnicity. If in 2010 the number of cases in the world amounted to 285 mln., In 2014 recorded 387 million people. Every twelfth inhabitant of the planet has diabetes, in 46.3% of cases of diabetes it is not diagnosed, i.e. 1 of 2 people did not know about the disease. About half of the people who died of diabetes in 2013 were younger than 60 years. Despite numerous diabetic activity of associations, medical research programs implemented to eliminate diabetes, according to experts of the International Diabetes Association (IDF) in 2013, the world struggle with diabetes was considered lost. The study examined obesity and type 2 diabetes as a single pathological process, which helped to improve treatment in patients considering genetic, gender, age and hormonal and metabolic disorders. Today adipose tissue is positioned as endocrine organ, since in addition to the secretion of free fatty acids (FFA), it produces proteins with multiple autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions, designated as adipokines/ adipocytokines. The substance has such biological effects as absorption and regulation of energy expenditure, regulation of glucose metabolism and lipid and anti-inflammatory properties. To study the relationship of these processes and determine genetic specificity in patients with type 2 diabetes on a background of obesity studied gene polymorphism (GPX1).Документ Childrens exanthematous infections(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Ilchenko, V. I.; Pikul, K. V.; Prylutskiy, K. Yu.; Dudnikova, A. M.; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Прилуцький, Костянтин Юрійович; Дуднікова, Антоніна МиколаївнаНавчально-методичний посібник підготовлений співробітниками кафедри ендокринології з дитячими інфекційними хворобами (в.о. зав. кафедри доцент О.В. Муравльова) ПДМУ, доц., к.мед.н. В.І. Ільченко, доц., к.мед.н. К.В. Пікуль, к.мед.н. К.Ю. Прилуцьким, асистентом А.М. Дудніковою.Документ Chronic systemic inflammation in the pathogenesis of comorbid pathology and its correction(2018) Shaienko, Z. О.; Vynnyk, N. I.; Bobyreva, L. Ye.; Popruga, A. O.; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Винник, Наталія Іванівна; Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Попруга, Алла ОлександрівнаThe paper presents the findings of our own study on the changes of the systemic inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) during the combination treatment with metformin and pioglitazone. 95 patients with IHD concomitant with DM2 have been treated. Patients, enrolled into study, have been randomized into 2 groups: the comparison group (n=37) treated with metformin and sulphonylureas, and the study group (n=58) treated with metformin and pioglitazone. The proposed course of therapy lasted 6 months. Before, after 3 and 6 months of treatment the control over the state of inflammatory responses was made and C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, Interleukin-6 was assessed. The resulting data confirmed a statistically significant reduction under the effect of the combined treatment with the proposed combination of marker drugs and the degree of chronic systemic inflammation that is specific for IHD and DM2, which has a positive impact on the development and progress of IHD in DM2 patients, is well tolerated and can be considered as a pathogenic factor in the therapy of the presented comorbid nosologies.Документ Combination of Metformin and Pioglitazone and its Effect in Treatment of Comorbid Pathology(Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 2018) Shaienko, Z. O.; Bobyreva, L. Ye.; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Бобирьова, Людмила ЄгорівнаIntroduction: The early development and high incidence of cardiovascular lesion in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious challenges for the diabetology worldwide. Aim: The purpose of the paper is to determine the dynamics of the insulin resistance indices in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus concomitant with coronary heart disease in the combination therapy with metformin and pioglitazone during 3 and 6 months. Materials and Methods: 95 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease have been treated and randomized into two groups: the comparison group (n=37), treated with metformin and sulfonylureas, and the study group (n=58), treated with metformin in combination with pioglitazone. Prior, after 3 and 6 months of treatment C-peptide was assessed and index of the insulin resistance was calculated. Results: The resulting data proved the statistically significant lowering of the markers and level of the insulin resistance under the effect of combination treatment with metformin and pioglitazone. Conclusions: The proposed variant of the combination therapy has a positive effect on the clinical course of the coronary heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, well tolerated by the patients and can be considered as the pathogenetic factor in the treatment of these diseases.Документ Comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory characteristics of measles in vaccinated and unvaccinated children in the Poltava region (Ukraine)(Aluna Publishing, 2022) Ilchenko, V. I. ; Syzova, L. M.; Pikul, K. V.; Dvornik, I. L.; Muravleva, O. V.; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Сизова, Людмила Михайлівна; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Дворник, Ірина Леонідівна; Муравльова, Оксана ВасилівнаThe aim: To study the clinical and laboratory characteristics of measles, as well as to compare the course of this disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated children in the Poltava region (Ukraine). Materials and methods: 104 inpatients with measles were examined: vaccinated (n=27) and unvaccinated (n=77). The patient examination program included: assessment of complaints and anamnestic data obtained by questioning (during admission to hospital treatment, during treatment and after discharge) and detailed analysis of medical records (Form № 003/у), physical examination, general clinical study of peripheral blood. Statistical processing of the study results was carried out by methods of variation statistics using the program «SPSS 17.0». Results: The clinical and laboratory picture of measles in the examined patients is typical for this disease. Measles vaccinated children are significantly less likely to have fever (р=0.001) and Koplik’s spots (χ2 =3.80, р=0.051), the duration of fever (р=0.001), cough (р=0.000), and the length of hospital stay (р=0.000), as well as 3.0 times less often leukopenia is detected (р=0.043) and 2.0 times less often − acceleration of ESR (р=0.023). Conclusions: The obtained data raise the question of expanding the explanatory work on the importance of a full course of preventive vaccination among children, as well as increasing the volume of public procurement of necessary drugs to increase public access to free vaccination.Документ Condition and optimisation of children athletes protein-energy metabolism(Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Издательский дом «Белорусская наука», 2017) Shkurupiy, D. A.; Pikul, K. V.; Kushnereva, T. V.; Prilutsky, K. Yu.; Шкурупій, Дмитро Анатолійович; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Кушнерева, Тетяна Вікторівна; Прилуцький, Костянтин ЮрійовичThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of additional nutritional components in the diet of children of athletes in order to ensure an adequate balance of the protein-energy component against the background of increased energy and formative consumption, which is associated with training and competitive activities.Документ Current aspects of scientific research within the student scientific society(2024) Pikul, K. V.; Shpetnyi, O. А.; Mykhailova, A. V.; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Шпетний, Олександр Андрійович; Михайлова, А. В.At the Department of Endocrinology with Children's Infectious Diseases of the Poltava State Medical University within the framework of the student scientific society under the leadership of teachers, a research work was conducted on the topic: "Psychological features of students of higher education of the State Medical University during martial law." A questionnaire was conducted, which made it possible to assess the psychological state of those seeking higher education. The conducted correlational analysis based on the results of the surveys proved the following: - the absence of a reliable relationship between manifestations of anxiety, responsibility and the locus of subjective control. The researchers also noted the connection between the professional activity of future medical workers and the constant emotional interaction with patients, the monotony of work, and the need to solve other people's problems. Another question was considered: humor as a protective reaction to stress. The work is of great importance not only from the psychological and scientific standpoint of the study of humor. The performed analysis is aimed at investigating the validity of the use of existing methods in order to study humor precisely as a mechanism of struggle in stressful situations. The application of elements of research work in the educational and methodological process of the clinical departments of the university increases the effectiveness of the training of students of higher education, promotes the implementation of the latest methods, and also makes it possible to use classroom hours more efficiently and rationally. The time spent by students of higher education in the clinic in this way leaves a very positive effect, stimulates future doctors to study, acquire new knowledge and skills, and also motivates them to preserve their own health. A significant effect of self-education and self-organization of higher education seekers in today's conditions also contributes to the improvement of the professional level of scientific and pedagogical workers, which allows to achieve quality education. The following are important tasks for the work of the acquirers: to involve in full participation; teach participants of group interaction to make balanced collective decisions; be responsible for every action or decision; - to be able to defend one's point of view or position in life.Документ Current issues of pedagogy at the international medical faculty(Полтава : Астрая, 2024) Pikul, K. V.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Ilchenko, V. I.; Muravlova, O. V.; Prylutskyi, K. Yu.; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Прилуцький, Костянтин ЮрійовичПроцеси європейської інтеграції охоплюють дедалі більше сфер життєдіяльності нашої держави. Принцип свідомості, самостійності та активності з інтенсифікацією самостійної роботи здобувачів, відпрацювання практичних навичок на тренажерах та муляжах. Ми чітко окреслюємо реалії входження у європейський науковий і освітній простір задля підвищення професійного рівня наших випускників до конкурентоспроможного працевлаштування на європейському ринку праці, щоб одержані знання й уміння могли бути реалізованими. Сучасне молоде покоління суттєво відрізняється від ровесників минулого століття, оскільки його становлення та виховання відбуваються в період руйнації старих цінностей та формування нових перспектив, про що має пам ’ятати викладач.Документ Current status of polio vaccination in children(Громадська організація «Львівська медична спільнота», 2020) Kushnereva, T. V.; Pikul, K. V.; Prylutskyi, K. Iu.; Chebotar, O. V.; Кушнерева, Тетяна Вікторівна; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Прилуцький, Костянтин Юрійович; Чеботар, Олександр ВіталійовичThe Polio Eradication Initiative for 2019-2023 contains non-epidemic, poliovirus-infected high-risk countries, including Ukraine, India, Ethiopia, Uganda and other African countries. The most important tasks facing Ukraine are to help strengthen the health and immunization system against polio, stop the spread of all wild polioviruses, all outbreaks of circulating polioviruses of the vaccine origin and eliminate the risk of their occurrence in the future.Документ Diabetes mellitus and COVID-19: living with double risk(Zaslavsky O.Yu., 2023) Muravlova, O. V.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Dvornyk, I. L.; Sizova, L. M.; Ilchenko, V. I.; Purdenko, T. I.; Shpetnyi, O. A.; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Дворник, Ірина Леонідівна; Сизова, Людмила Михайловна; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Пурденко, Тетяна Йосипівна; Шпетний, Олександр АндрійовичThe purpose is to analyze and summarize the studies conducted to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the course of diabetes mellitus and the manifestations of chronic complications of this disease. Materials and methods. We did the search in PubMed and ScienceDirect databases using the following line: “SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 and diabetes or hyperglycemia”. Results. It was found that in patients with diabetes, the severity of COVID-19 is increased. In particular, the number of those who needed intensive care or artificial ventilation has elevated. The same negative trend is noted for the overall mortality rate in patients with diabetes. It has been found that COVID-19 contributes to an increase in the development of diabetes, including diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar syndrome, brain stroke and mental health disorders, which can potentiate the effect of COVID-19 in enhancing the manifestations of diabetes and double risk for these patients. Along with this, the common pathways of the pathogenesis of diabetes and COVID-19 determine the bidirectionality of the interaction in their comorbidity. Conclusions. We have demonstrated numerous links between COVID-19 pathogenetic mechanisms and diabetes. Despite this, current research shows only modest evidence of an increased risk of metabolic, neurological, and psychiatric complications in patients with diabetes who had COVID-19. However, along with the direct impact of patients’ infection, the conditions of pandemic are also affected, which complicate access to the necessary care and should be taken into account when studying the clinical consequences of COVID-19 in patients with diabetes.Документ Diabetes therapy in wartime conditions(Scientific Publishing Center “Sci-conf.com.ua”, 2023) Muravleva, O. V.; Pikul, K. V.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Шаєнко, Златослава ОлексіївнаThe article highlights the most urgent problem of endocrinology - diabetes mellitus (DM), which is spreading at a catastrophic rate, becoming a real epidemic of the XXI century. Metformin is a hypoglycemic drug that has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of type 2 diabetes for many years. Therefore, it is metformin that is stable in the choice of the drug of the first line of glucose-lowering therapy. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common diseases characterized by metabolic disorders as a result of many pathophysiological processes. The leading pathophysiological disorder of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance of muscle and adipose tissue together with pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. Further processes take place in adipose tissue, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, α-cells of the pancreas, and kidneys. All this leads to the development of chronic hyperglycemia.Документ Diphtheria: current public health challenge in ukraine and worldwide (literature review)(Aluna Publishing, 2021) Pikul, K. V.; Syzova, L. M.; Il'chenko, V. I.; Zvyagolska, I. M.; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Сизова, Людмила Михайлівна; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Звягольська, Ірина МиколаївнаThe relevance of the topic is determined by the priority and importance of preserving the health of Ukrainian population by improving the current rate of vaccinated individuals against diphtheria. Diphtheria is assigned to one of the dangerous and life-threatening diseases in humans. Immunization is the only means of creating a favorable epidemic situation. Ensuring of non-susceptibility of people to this infection prevents the incidence and spread of diphtheria in the population.Документ Endocrinology in dental practice(Poltava : Published by S. V. Hovorov, 2021) Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Бобирьов, Віктор Миколайович; Гордієнко, Людмила Петрівна; Городинська, Олена Юріївна; Дворник, Ірина Леонідівна; Жарін, Владислав Миколайович; Ждан, Вячеслав Миколайович; Іваницький, Ігор Олексійович; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Кононова, Діана Олександрівна; Коровіна, Лідія Дмитрівна; Кравченко, Інна Павлівна; Марченко, Алла Володимирівна; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Ніколішина, Елла Вячеславівна; Ніколішин, Анатолій Карлович; Петрушанко, Тетяна Олексіївна; Попруга, Алла Олександрівна; Розколупа, Ніна Василівна; Самарченко, Лариса Анатоліївна; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Шепітько, Костянтин Володимирович; Шпетний, Олександр Андрійович; Bobyreva, L. Ye.; Bobyrev, V. M.; Hordiienko, L. P.; Horodynska, O. Y.; Dvornyk, I. L.; Zharin, V. M.; Zhdan, V. M.; Ivanytskyi, I. O.; Ilenko, N. M.; Kononova, D. O.; Korovina, L. D.; Kravchenko, I. P.; Marchenko, A. V.; Muravleva, O. V.; Nikolishina, E. V.; Nikolishin, A. K.; Petrushanko, T. O.; Popruha, A. O.; Rozkolupa, N. V.; Samarchenko, L. A.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Shepitko, K. V.; Shpetnyi, O. A.The publication of this manual is based on the need for a strong link in the teaching of the main subjects of the medical profession: dentistry and endocrinology. The curricula of these disciplines provide for the teaching of disorders of neuroendocrine regulation of the body, which are directly related to dentistry. Unfortunately, it is given very little time in the curriculum to study the manifestations of endocrine pathology in the oral cavity. Additionally, in existing textbooks (A. Nikolishin et al., 2012; A. Borisenko et al., 2018) and monographs (N. Danilevsky et al., 2001; I. Mashchenko, 2003) we did not find a proper reflection of the features of clinical manifestations of major endocrine diseases in dentistry. Oral manifestations are often the first sign of general pathology, including endocrine disorders. This emphasizes the need for a thorough interdisciplinary link between curricula and teaching subjects at the Faculty of Dentistry. The main focus is usually on the the manifestations of the connection between diseases of periodontal tissues and type 2 diabetes mellitus at the dentist appointment. Other pathology of the endocrine system is not so common, but is of great practical importance in the diagnosis of symptomatic oral lesions in case of somatic pathology. The functions of neuroendocrine regulation of patients should be considered in the diagnosis of dental diseases. The dentist performs analysis and synthesis of the identified clinical and laboratory symptoms after a thorough clinical and laboratory examination of patients. Thus, the external and internal aspect of the disease is taken into account, using the main approaches: primary (self-acting) or secondary (symptomatic) lesion (disease) of organs of the oral cavity. Symptomatic lesions of organs of the oral cavity (mainly periodontal tissues and oral mucosa) occur in case of somatic pathology (gastrointestinal tract, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, infectious diseases, blood diseases, etc.). If necessary, the dentist involves other specialists in the consultation (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, hematologist, infectious disease doctor, etc.). They usually prescribe additional clinical and laboratory examination, make the final diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment together with the dentist. 6When examining patients, the dentist usually pays attention to the general condition of the patient (possible hypothermia, excessive physical or mental stress, lack of sleep, eating junk food, etc.), which usually leads to a decrease in the body's immunological reactivity and the appearance of auto-infectious diseases. Among them, fungal and necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis are directly related to endocrine pathology. The authors of the manual aimed to emphasize the importance of studying endocrine pathology in dental practice. The manual presents the main endocrine diseases related to dental pathology. We hope that our work will help future dentists and interns to obtain occupational skills.Документ Epidemiology of diseases of the circulatory system among the population of Poltava region(Wydawnictwo Aluna, 2019-11-29) Ждан, Вячеслав Миколайович; Дворник, Валентин Миколайович; Бєлікова, Інна Володимирівна; Голованова, Ірина Анатоліївна; Дворник, Ірина Леонідівна; Ждан, Вячеслав Николаевич; Дворник, Валентин Николаевич; Беликова, Инна Владимировна; Голованова, Ирина Анатольевна; Дворник, Ирина Леонидовна; Zhdan, V. M.; Dvornyk, V. M.; Bielikova, I. V.; Holovanova, I. A.; Dvornyk, I. L.Вступ: В Україні більше половини смертей спричинили серцево-судинні захворювання (ССЗ). Серед працездатного населення частка ССЗ у структурі причин смертності становить 29,9%. У структурі причин смертності серед осіб пенсійного віку ССЗ складали 75,9% і перевищували частку новоутворень у 6,5 разів. Метою є аналіз рівня захворюваності та смертності від захворювань на ССЗ серед населення України та Полтавської області, проведення порівняльного аналізу даних для виявлення можливих шляхів покращення ситуації. Матеріали та методи: Проведено ретроспективне дослідження рівня захворюваності та смертності за віком, статтю та причиною (2014-2018 рр.) Та використаний статистичний метод для аналізу динамічних (часових) рядів. Огляд: Аналіз динаміки смертності населення свідчить про значні коливання її рівнів протягом десяти років. Водночас методом вирівнювання динамічного ряду встановлена тенденція до незначного зниження рівня смертності населення з 17,1% o до 16,9% o. Смертність населення України у 2018 році від захворювань кровоносної системи становила 1000,8 на 100 тис. Осіб. Дані про рівень смертності в Полтавській області значно вищі, ніж в Україні. Висновки: Вікова структура населення Полтавщини належить до регресивного типу. Рівень смертності серед населення Полтавщини незначно знижується, але залишається на дуже високому рівні (16,9%). У структурі причин смерті захворювання кровоносної системи на першому місці (70,8%), друге місце належить новоутворенням (13,5%), третє - зовнішнім причинам смерті (4,8 %). Введение: в Украине более половины смертей были вызваны сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями (ССЗ). Среди трудоспособного населения доля ССЗ в структуре причин смертности составляет 29,9%. В структуре причин смертности среди лиц пенсионного возраста ССЗ составили 75,9% и превысили долю новообразований в 6,5 раза. Целью является анализ показателей заболеваемости и смертности от заболеваний ССЗ среди населения Украины и Полтавской области, проведение сравнительного анализа данных с целью выявления возможных путей улучшения ситуации. Материалы и методы. Было проведено ретроспективное исследование показателей заболеваемости и смертности в разбивке по возрасту, полу и причине (2014–2018 годы), а статистический метод использовался для анализа динамических (временных) рядов. Обзор. Анализ динамики смертности населения свидетельствует о значительных колебаниях его уровней в течение десяти лет. В то же время методом выравнивания динамических рядов была выявлена тенденция к незначительному снижению уровня смертности населения с 17,1% до 16,9% o. Смертность населения Украины в 2018 году от болезней системы кровообращения составила 1000,8 на 100 тыс. Человек. Данные по уровню смертности в Полтавской области значительно выше, чем в Украине. Выводы. Возрастная структура населения Полтавщины относится к регрессивному типу. Уровень смертности среди населения Полтавской области несколько снижается, но остается на очень высоком уровне (16,9%). В структуре причин смерти на первом месте находятся заболевания системы кровообращения (70,8%), на втором месте - новообразование (13,5%), на третьем - внешние причины смерти (4,8). %). Introduction: In Ukraine more than half of deaths have been caused by cardio-vascular diseases (CVD). Among the able-bodied population, the share of CVD in the structure of causes of mortality is 29,9%. In the structure of causes of mortality among the persons of retirement age, CVDs accounted for 75,9% and exceeded the proportion of neoplasms in 6,5 times. The aim is to analyze of morbidity and mortality rates of diseases of the CVD among the population of Ukraine and Poltava region, to conduct a comparative analysis of data to identify possible ways to improve the situation. Materials and methods: A retrospective study of morbidity and mortality rates by age, gender and cause (2014-2018) was conducted and the statistical method was used to analyze dynamic (time) series. Review: An analysis of the dynamics of population mortality indicates significant fluctuations in it's levels over ten years. At the same time, by the method of alignment of the dynamic series, a tendency to a slight decrease in the mortality rate of the population from 17,1%o to 16,9 %o was established. The mortality of the population of Ukraine in 2018 from diseases of the circulatory system was 1000,8 per 100 thousand people. Data on mortality rate in the Poltava region significantly higher than those in Ukraine. Conclusions: The age structure of the population of Poltava region belongs to the regressive type. The mortality rate among the population of Poltava region is slightly decreasing but remains at a very high level (16,9 %). In the structure of causes of death, diseases of the circulatory system are at the first place (70,8%), the second place belongs to neoplasm (13,5%), and third are the external causes of death (4,8%).Документ Features of the myocardium remodeling in patients with hypothyroidism, coronary heart disease and provided comorbidity(Проблеми ендокринної патології спеціальний випуск, 2019) Bobyreva, L. Ye.; Horodynska, O. Y.; Бобирьова, Людмила Єгорівна; Городинська, Олена Юріївна; Бобырева, Людмила Егоровна; Городинская, Елена ЮрьевнаIn modern medical science the thyroid gland dysfunction is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Many studies, devoted to the mechanisms of the influence of reduced function of the thyroid gland on the cardiovascular system, have been organized. Slight disorders of the thyroid function may be accompanied by an increasing of cardiometabolic risk This leads to the search for additional influence on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the hypothyroidism in order to treat effectively these threatening manifestations and consequences of the disease.Документ Frequency of microangiopathy in diabetes mellitus (according to capillaroscopy)(Національний університет охорони здоров’я України імені П. Л. Шупика, 2022) Shaienko, Z. O.; Шаєнко, Златослава ОлексіївнаДокумент HIV/AIDS in Ukraine during martial law(Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-10-30) Pikul, K. V.; Ilchenko, V. I.; Muravlova, O. V.; Shaienko, Z. O.; Kiziun, M. A.; Пікуль, Катерина Вікторівна; Ільченко, Валентина Іванівна; Муравльова, Оксана Василівна; Шаєнко, Златослава Олексіївна; Кізюн, Маргарита АндріївнаThere are several million HIV-infected children worldwide. In Ukraine, 99% of infants are infected with HIV through perinatal transmission. A rapid progression of the spread has been noted - 15-20% of cases result in AIDS or death by the age of four. In cases of slower progression, 75-80% have an average survival rate of 8-9.5 years. Unfortunately, scientists report that not only changes in the environment, but also social upheavals and war indirectly lead to an increase in infectious diseases.