Вісник проблем біології і медицини, 2024, Випуск 1 (172)

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  • Документ
    Methods of activation of cognitive activity of interns during the study of paediatric dentistry
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-02) Sheshukova, O. V.; Polishchuk, T. V.; Mosiienko, A. S.; Trufanova, V. P.; Maksymenko, A. I.; Kazakova, K. S.; Bauman, S. S.; Шешукова, Ольга Вікторівна; Поліщук, Тетяна Вікторівна; Мосієнко, Анна Сергіївна; Труфанова, Валентина Петрівна; Максименко, Аліна Іванівна; Казакова, Катерина Станіславівна; Бауман, Софія Сергіївна
    Важливим принципом навчання на післядипломному етапі є використання методів активізації діяльності лікарів-інтернів. Саме тому підготовка лікаря-інтерна до активної професійної діяльності зобов'язує викладача оцінити рівень його знань, а також допомогти йому розібратися у масиві нової інформації. Співробітниками кафедри були визначені оптимальні методи активізації пізнавальної діяльності лікарів-інтернів під час вивчення розділу дитячої стоматології, які на сучасному етапі можуть бути застосовані при підготовці майбутнього лікаря-стоматолога. Важливим є формування у лікарів-інтернів здатності до продуктивної діяльності, коли всі необхідні лікарські діагностичні та лікувальні маніпуляції хоч і виконуються за аналогією до того, що було засвоєно на теоретичних заняттях, але з необхідними змінами в кожній новій ситуації, з кожним новим маленьким пацієнтом. Індивідуалізація навчання виявляється у тому, що кожен викладач на практиці навчає лікарівінтернів основам клінічного мислення, аналізує всі етапи лікувально-діагностичного процесу з його труднощами і помилками безпосередньо на прикладі конкретного пацієнта. Також одним із важливих напрямів роботи співробітників кафедри є залучення інтернів до наукової роботи. Дослідницька робота формує усвідомленість дій та розуміння своєї ролі у створенні цінностей. Результати виконаних досліджень за їх наукової значущості дозволяє інтернам відчути реальну діяльність. Тому формування наукового підходу до практичної діяльності для самих інтернів благотворно позначається на клінічному мисленні, дає можливість відчувати себе творцем, збільшує креативну складову лікарської професії. The application of methods to enhance interns’ activity is an important principle of postgraduate education. Solving diagnostic and therapeutic tasks, problem situations, participation in educational games, and scientific work provide high-professional training. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal methods of activating the cognitive activity of interns, which at the present stage can be used in the training of a future dentist in paediatric dentistry. Main part. It is essential to develop in interns the ability to perform productive activities when all the necessary medical diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations are performed by analogy with what was learnt in theoretical classes, but with the changes needed in each new situation, with each new young patient. Individualisation of training means that each lecturer teaches interns the basics of clinical thinking in practice and analyses all stages of the treatment and diagnostic process, including its difficulties and mistakes, directly based on the example of a particular patient. Mastering the cycle of paediatric dentistry implements the principle of professional responsibility, which every intern is aware of concerning their young patient, personal activities and life. When in direct contact with a child and their parents, the intern needs to establish communication and be able to attract attention, inspire trust and prove themselves as a specialist. One of the important areas of work of the department’s staff is the involvement of interns in scientific work. Along with the basic training in the speciality, postgraduate education also contributes to developing a broad-minded personality and allows for the complete unlocking of a person’s creative potential. Comprehensive training allows us to prepare a competent specialist with a penchant for analytical work. Research work is important in the process of internship training, as interns cannot be limited to basic knowledge but should strive to expand and deepen it to apply it in practice. The staff of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry is constantly working on the formation of a teaching style that aims to intensify the work of the intern, develop clinical thinking, motivate the need to master practical skills, the ability to make independent decisions, and the ability to formulate a diagnosis. Conclusions. The formation of a scientific approach to practical activity for interns has a beneficial effect on clinical thinking, makes it possible to feel like a creator, and increases the creative component of the medical profession. Due to the intensification of cognitive activity, interns implement their skills at a high level of professional knowledge and skills.
  • Документ
    Prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Ilenko-Lobach, N. V.; Ilenko, N. M.; Boychenko, O. M.; Іленко-Лобач, Наталія Володимирівна; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Бойченко, Ольга Миколаївна
    Abstract. One of the most urgent problems in dentistry today is periodontal disease. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), tooth loss from gum disease develops 5 times more often than from complications of caries, and is the second most common cause of tooth loss. Chronic kidney disease is a large group of diseases that have different causes, but are united by the fact that they have a long course and a tendency to progress up to the complete loss of kidney functions. The aim of the work was to study the frequency of occurrence and the structure of periodontal tissue diseases in patients with CKD and to determine the features of their clinical course. As a result of a clinical and laboratory study of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), a high prevalence of periodontal diseases was revealed – 100%. The structure of diseases was dominated by generalized lesions of the periodontal tissues. Generalized periodontitis was diagnosed in 93.7±4.55% of examined patients. In particular, chronic generalized periodontitis of the I degree was found in 22.1±1.54%, II degrees in 41.23±3.77%, generalized periodontitis of the III degree of severity – in 30.41±5.33%. The nature of the course of generalized periodontitis (GP) in the examined persons depended on the age and duration of the main disease (CKN). The development of HP is characterized by a positive increase with increasing age. We found that CKD accelerates the development of pathological processes in the periodontal complex, which is manifested by a sharp decrease in the prevalence of GP of the initial and I degree of severity when the duration of the main disease is up to 3 years and a significantly high level of prevalence of GP of the II and III degree of severity for a longer duration The analysis of the obtained data makes it possible to reach the following conclusion: chronic kidney diseases contribute to the early manifestations and faster development and more intensive course of periodontal tissue diseases. Prospects for further research consist in the development of optimal methods of effective complex treatment and prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases, taking into account the peculiarities of their course in patients with chronic kidney diseases. Резюме. Однією з найактуальніших проблем стоматології сьогодення є захворювання пародонта. На основі даних Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ), утрата зубів від захворювань ясен розвивається у 5 разів частіше, ніж при ускладненнях карієсу, й займає друге місце за поширеністю. Хронічна хвороба нирок – це велика група захворювань, що мають різні причини, але об’єднуються тим, що мають тривалий перебіг та тенденцію до прогресування аж до повної втрати функцій нирок. Метою роботи було визначення частоти виникнення та структуру захворювань тканин пародонта у хворих на ХХН та особливостей їх клінічного перебігу. У результаті проведеного клініко-лабораторного дослідження хворих на хронічні хвороби нирок (ХХН) виявлена висока поширеність захворювань пародонта – 100%. В структурі захворювань переважали генералізовані ураження тканин пародонта. Генералізований пародонтит діагностували у 93,7±4,55% обстежених хворих. Зокрема хронічний генералізований пародонтит І ступеню виявили у 22,1±1,54%, ІІ ступеню у 41,23±3,77%, генералізований пародонтит ІІІ ступеню важкості – у 30,41±5,33%. Характер перебігу генералізованого пародонтиту (ГП ) в обстежених осіб залежав від віку, та тривалості основного захворювання (ХХН). Розвиток ГП характеризується позитивним приростом із збільшенням віку. Нами встановлено, що ХХН прискорює розвиток патологічних процесів в пародонтальному комплексі, що проявляється різким зниженням розповсюдженості ГП початкового та І ступеня тяжкості при тривалості основного захворювання до 3 років і значно високим рівнем розповсюдженості ГП ІІ та ІІІ ступеня тяжкості за більшої тривалості. Аналіз отриманих даних дає змогу дійти наступного висновку: хронічні хвороби нирок сприяють раннім проявам і більш швидкому розвитку й інтенсивнішому перебігу хвороб тканин пародонту. Перспективи подальших досліджень полягають у розробці оптимальних методів ефективного комплексного лікування та профілактики запальних захворювань пародонта, з урахуванням особливостей їх перебігу у хворих з хронічними хворобами нирок.
  • Документ
    The value of biomechanical properties "speed" and "strength" (according to Bernoulli's principle) of the pterygoid muscles in the development of pathological tooth abrasion
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Коваль, Юрій Павлович
    The muscles that raise, laterally move and advance the mandible contribute to the development of pathological abrasion of the hard tissues of the teeth. However, only the temporalis and masseter muscles are available for unobstructed external electromyographic examination. Due to their anatomical location, the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles can only be studied using magnetic resonance imaging, determining their physical dimensions, which can be used for further mathematical analysis and knowledge of their biomechanical properties. The Bernoulli principle was applied to further study the influence of the biomechanical properties of these muscles. Its essence is as follows: it is not the cross-sectional area of the muscle that matters but the ratio of length to cross-sectional area. Given the same cross-sectional area, the shorter muscle will be "strong", and the longer one will be "fast". Strong contracts and relaxes slowly, with a low contraction amplitude. The fast one contracts and relaxes rapidly with a high contraction amplitude. We have proposed a formula for calculating the dimensionless coefficient of the Bernoulli principle of the ratio of muscle length to cross-sectional area. The calculated numerical expressions of this coefficient for the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles in individuals without signs of dental hard tissue damage and in patients with pathological tooth abrasion of varying severity were compared. The biomechanical properties of "speed" and "strength" of both pterygoid muscles in each study group were determined. In the control group, the average values of the coefficients of the same-named pterygoid muscles on the priority and secondary sides of mastication differ insignificantly, and the balance between the properties of "speed" and "strength" is maintained. In patients with pathological tooth abrasion, with increasing severity of the disease, both pterygoid muscles acquire the biomechanical property "speed" rather than "strength", which, in combination with the dominant biomechanical property "strength" of the temporalis and masseter muscles, leads to the development of generalised pathological tooth abrasion. На розвиток патологічного стирання твердих тканин зубів впливають м’язи, що піднімають, зміщують вбік та висувають нижню щелепу вперед. Проте, доступні для безперешкодного зовнішнього електроміографічного дослідження доступні лише скроневі та жувальні м’язи. Латеральні і медіальні крилоподібні, через їхнє анатомічне розташування, можливо дослідити лише за допомогою магнітнорезонансної томографії, визначивши їх фізичні розміри, які використати для наступного математичного аналізу і пізнання біомеханічних властивостей. Для подальшого вивчення впливу біомеханічних властивостей названих м’язів застосований принцип Д. Бернуллі. Його суть якого полягає в наступному: значення має не площа поперечного перерізу м’яза, а відношення довжини до його площі перерізу. При однаковій площі перерізу м’язів коротший буде «сильним», а довший «швидким». Сильний скорочується і розслаблюється повільно, з невеликою висотою амплітуди скорочення. Швидкий скорочується і розслаблюється стрімко з високою амплітудою скорочення. Нами запропонована формула обчислення безрозмірного коефіцієнта принцип Д. Бернуллі співвідношення дожини м’яза до площі його поперечного перерізу. Порівняні обчислені числові вирази вказаного коефіцієнта для латерального і медіального крилоподібних м’язів у осіб без ознак ураження твердих тканин зубів та у пацієнтів з патологічним стиранням зубів різного ступеня тяжкості. Визначено біомеханічні властивості «швидкість» і «сила» обох крилоподібних м’язів в кожній досліджуваній групі. У контрольній групі осіб середні значення коефіцієнтів однойменних крилоподібних м’язів на пріоритетному та другорядному боці жування відрізняються несуттєво і утримується баланс між властивостями «швидкість» і «сила». У пацієнтів з патологічним стиранням зубів, з посиленням ступеня тяжкості захворювання, обидва крилоподібні м’язи більше набувають біомеханічної властивості «швидкість» ніж «сила», що у поєднанні з домінуючою біомеханічною властивістю «сила» скроневих та жувальних м’язів призводить до розвитку генералізованого патологічного стирання зубів.
  • Документ
    Cognitive and motor impairments in different motor subtypes of parkinson disease and patients’ quality of life
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Shkodina, A. D.; Шкодіна, Анастасія Дмитрівна
    Numerous motor and non-motor symptoms characterize Parkinson's disease. Modern research increasingly focuses on their relationship and role in patients' quality of life. Our study aimed to evaluate cognitive and motor impairment in different motor subtypes of PD and analyze their relationship with quality of life. The study included 64 patients with Parkinson's disease, divided according to motor subtype: group 1 - patients with PD subtype with a predominance of postural instability and gait disorders; group 2 - patients with PD subtype with a predominance of tremor or intermediate subtype. The patients were examined using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, the Hoehn and Yahr scale, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale, and the Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Scale. It was found that group 1 had a statistically significant higher score on the "mobility" (p=0.004) and "emotional well-being" (p=0.013) scales, indicating a greater severity of motor function impairment and psychoemotional disorders in these patients. At the same time, the score on the "stigmatization" scale was found to be higher in group 2 (p=0.049). There were no differences in the scales of "daily activity", "social support", "cognition", "communication" and "body discomfort". The total score on the PDQ-39 scale was higher in group 1 compared to group 2 (p=0.042), indicating a worse quality of life. We found a worse quality of life in patients with PIGD subtype of PD, in particular in the domains of mobility and "emotional well-being", while patients with non-PIGD subtype were characterized by a more acute perception of disease stigma, in the absence of differences in the severity of clinical symptoms and cognitive impairment.
  • Документ
    Peculiarities of the relationship between microbiome, matrix metalloproteinases and morphological changes of epithelium in patients with functional and organic intestinal pathology
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-13) Кир'ян, Олена Анатоліївна; Kyrian, O. A.
    Intestinal dysbiosis has recently been considered as one factor that significantly impacts the development of both functional and organic intestinal pathology. Therefore, determining the relationships between the microbiota, morphological changes in the epithelium, and immune abnormalities that may occur under the influence of microbiotic disorders can help to identify a predisposition to intestinal diseases and correct treatment in a timely manner. The aim of our study was to investigate in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis (UC) and adenomatous colon polyps (ACP) in Poltava Region the possibility of a relationship between intestinal dysbiosis activity of matrix metalloproteinases -1,-3,-9, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 in blood serum, morphological changes and the degree of accumulation of mucins MUC1 and MUC5AC in the intestinal epithelium. The study was conducted in 127 patients with IBD, UC, and ACP; the control groups consisted of 34 healthy individuals and 18 patients with CRC. The most pronounced abnormalities in the microbiota were found in patients with UC with high disease activity (p≤0.05), in the general group of patients with UC (p≤0.01) (r=0.69) and in patients with CP that occurred on the background of IBS compared to the groups of IBS and CP (p≤0.05) (r=0.88). In dysbiosis of II and III degrees, the amount of MMP-1 in the blood increased in all patients, most pronouncedly in UC (p≤0.001) and with high UC activity (p≤0.01). The average content of MMP-9 in all patients went beyond the range of fluctuations of reference values, most pronounced in UC (p≤0.01) (r=+0.61). Among the examined groups, the association of dysbiosis of II and III degrees with severe acuteness of the CM lesion in UC (p≤0.05) and a sharp decrease in the PAS response of goblet cells (p≤0.05) and with moderate acuteness of the process in IBS (p≤0.001) was revealed. In patients with UC with II and III degrees of dysbiosis, the frequency of detection of weak or absent MUC1 expression in the crypt epithelium significantly increased compared with the first degree of dysbiosis (p≤0.05), which worsened the protective functions of the intestinal mucosal barrier. The data obtained indicate the presence of a relationship between the increase in the degree of dysbiosis, the quantitative content of serum matrix metalloproteinases MMP-1,-9 and the increase in the severity of colon epithelial damage, most pronounced in patients with UC. The detected changes have a negative prognosis for the course and progression of intestinal diseases and require the development of corrective therapy.
  • Документ
    Polyps-changed mucosa of the ostiomeatal complex in chronic rhinosinusitis
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-20) Hasiuk, Yu. A.; Avetikov, D. S.; Netyukhailo, L. G.; Гасюк, Юрій Анатолійович; Аветіков, Давид Соломонович; Нетюхайло, Лілія Григорівна
    The purpose of the study was to determine the morphological changes that occur in the polypoidal mucosa of the osteomeatal complex in chronic rhinosinusitis. For the study, the surgical material was used - polypomatous mucosa of the osteomeatal complex obtained during FESS. In many cases, modern treatment methods are unable to provide long-term remission of the disease. This prompts the search for new methods of surgical and medical rehabilitation of the mucous membrane in chronic rhinosinusitis, the polypoidal mucosa of the osteomeatal complex is covered with goblet-transformed epithelium, which is unable to perform the transport function of the mucociliary apparatus in themeatus. In the intrinsic layer of the mucous membrane, edema occurs first, which has a vascular origin, and then leukocyte infiltration occurs, which blocks the ostiomeatal complex. Inhibition of mucociliary transport and blockade of the osteomeatal complex are the main pathogenetic factors in the occurrence of exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Dysregenerative processes in the stromal component also play an essential role in the genesis of polyposis changes in the mucous membrane. Our studies indicate that in chronic rhinosinusitis, the polypoidal mucosa of the ostiomeatal complex is covered with goblet-transformed epithelium, which is unable to perform the transport function of the mucociliary apparatus in the middle nasal meatus. The obtained materials were used to make histological preparations according to generally accepted methods, which were stained with histological and histochemical stains. In chronic rhinosinusitis, the polyposis-altered mucosa of the osteomeatal complex is covered with goblet-transformed epithelium. The mucosa has edema with a pronounced vascular genesis. Blockade of the ostiomeatal complex is the main pathogenetic factor in the occurrence of exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis.
  • Документ
    Effect of quercetin on lipid peroxidation state in experimental chemical rhinitis caused by alkaline burn
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-20) Netyukhailo, L. G.; Avetikov, D. S.; Hasiuk, Yu. A.; Нетюхайло, Лілія Григорівна; Аветіков, Давид Соломонович; Гасюк, Юрій Анатолійович
    Treating inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa, particularly rhinitis, is one of the most pressing issues in medicine. Rhinitis is usually infectious and often seen in influenza and respiratory viral infections. This pathology can lead to dangerous complications, such as inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, meningoencephalitis, brain abscess, and others. It is well known that inflammation is the basis for developing rhinitis. Inflammation involves several complex molecular reactions aimed at tissue repair and the fight against harmful factors. A significant amount of scientific research has been conducted to investigate the potential of antioxidants to prevent diseases that occur in the context of inflammation. However, the results have led to considerable uncertainty about the impact of antioxidants on inflammation. This prompted the need to study this issue as part of our work. In view of the above, there is a need to conduct studies using quercitin as a potential antioxidant agent. It will allow us to determine the effect of antioxidant properties on the course of the disease, particularly on the development of rhinitis. Quercitin, due to its antioxidant properties, protects the body from free radical damage and may be useful in treating various diseases. This study aimed to investigate the effect of quercetin on lipid peroxidation (LPO) during experimental chemical rhinitis. Chemical rhinitis was induced using a wet swab moistened with a 40% caustic soda solution inserted into each nostril. The drug is a bioflavianoid with the active ingredient quercetin. Assessment of the state of lipid peroxidation in the blood was performed by the following indicators: the content of diene conjugates (DC) - the initial products of lipid peroxidation, TBA-reagents. Indicators were studied in blood serum on the third and fourteenth days of the experiment.
  • Документ
    Anaphylaxis to vascular injection of tomohexol in a patient from the risk group (a clinical case)
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Nikolenko, D. E.; Prylutskyi, O. K.; Zadvornova, A. P.; Ніколенко, Дмитро Євгенійович; Прилуцький, Олексій Костянтинович; Задворнова, Анна Петрівна
    Elucidation of the patency of the arteries of internal organs affected by atherosclerosis by the introduction of an X-ray contrast agent (XCR) – tomohexol, improved the quality of diagnosis of this pathology. At the same time, the surgical procedure became problematic due to side effects on the body in patients with sensitivity to iodine. At the same time, in the clinic, such cases, sometimes with a fatal outcome, are from 1.5 to 35%, depending on the age of the patient, overdose of yRKR, complex of diseases, place of residence and even speed of administration. An important role in the verification of the side effect and the cause of its occurrence is assigned to a thorough investigation of the patient's life history to identify sensitivity to iodine from the problematic region of residence. This is necessary for clinical and pathomorphological diagnosis of IgE reagin antibodies. This work presents a retrospective analysis of the patho-anatomical protocol of an autopsy, the study of micropreparations of the internal organs of a deceased elderly patient from systemic anaphylaxis type I. A confirmed complex of heart diseases (hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease), complicated atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, as well as coronary, renal, and cerebral arteries. In this work, it was found that the deceased patient from general anaphylaxis type I had signs of individual exposure to the allergen – iodine, as an antigen, against the background of sensitization of IgE reagin antibodies on lung mast cells and myocardium. This is confirmed pathomorphologically (histochemically) by severe damage to vital organs – lungs, myocardium, brain and others as a result of degranulation by mast cells of histamine, a slowly reacting substance in the form of an asphyxic course of anaphylaxis (bronchiolospasm, hypersecretion of mucus), as well as hemodynamic disorders in the form of collapse of arterioles, non-cardiogenic edema of organ tissue, Minakov's spots under the endocardium, "empty heart", "muscular death of the heart" and venous edema of the brain with wedging in the large occipital foramen. A mixed goiter was detected, which was clinically indeterminate. The research will interest therapists, immunologists, vascular surgeons, and pathologists.
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    Study of antioxidant activity of carbon dioxide gas on the model of the acute inflammatory reaction
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Shtroblia, V. V.; Lutsenko, R. V.; Штробля, В. В.; Луценко, Руслан Володимирович
    Lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the leading causes of inflammation. Therefore, substances that correct it can be considered in the treatment of inflammatory processes. The aim is to establish the presence of carbon monoxide's antioxidant effect on the model of inflammatory reaction caused by formalin. In experiments on white rats of both sexes, the presence of antioxidant effect (effect on the content of TBA-AP, the activity of antioxidant (AO) enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in carbon monoxide (0.5 ml) and in its combination with diclofenac (4 mg/kg) or chondroitin (3 mg/kg) was studied on a model of formalin inflammation. Rectal temperature was measured with an electronic thermometer 5 hours after the start of the experiment. Formalin-induced inflammation disrupted blood peroxidation processes, manifested by a significant increase in TBA-AP and catalase activity, and hyperthermia developed. Diclofenac, combined with carbon dioxide and chondroitin, did not significantly affect the lipid peroxidation processes and oxidative stress in the blood against the background of formalin-induced inflammation. Carbon dioxide or its combination with chondroitin significantly reduced the content of TBA-AP and catalase activity and, along with diclofenac, corrected the hyperthermic reaction in rats under conditions of experimental pathology. Carbon dioxide used prophylactically or therapeutically or in combination with chondroitin showed AO, reduced TBA-AP content, and catalase activity in the model of acute inflammation caused by formalin.
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    Abraham Flexner: a man, teacher, and reformer
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Bieliaieva, O. M.; Bilash, S. M.; Lysanets, Yu. V.; Rozhenko, I. V.; Taran, Z. M.; Buhaienko, K. S.; Hurai, L. P.; Бєляєва, Олена Миколаївна; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Лисанець, Юлія Валеріївна; Роженко, Інеса Віталіївна; Таран, Зінаїда Михайлівна; Бугаєнко, Ксенія Сергіївна; Гурай, Людмила Порфирьевна
    Engaging in an interdisciplinary exploration at the crossroads of United States history and medical pedagogy, this study focuses on Abraham Flexner's biography. A thorough analysis unfolds against the backdrop of historical epochs shaping Flexner's impactful contributions. The study highlights the imperative nature of the radical reforms enacted in the early 20th century. Flexner led the way in these transformative actions, which included closing and radically reorganizing institutions that trained future doctors. This initiative was carried out at the request of the American Medical Association for Medical Education, with steadfast support from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. This paper highlights the necessity of these reforms for the "sanitation" and progressive evolution of both medical education and the US healthcare system, despite encountering staunch opposition from the academic and medical communities of the time. Central to the discussion are the criteria put forth by Flexner for evaluating the quality of medical education. Emphasizing crucial aspects like the quality of students, having an educational license, standardized admission procedures, a strong material and technical setup, qualified faculty, and students' access to clinical facilities, the study clarifies the essential role these elements played in Flexner's vision. The research sheds light on the success of Flexner's reforms, attributing a significant portion to his personal qualities and pedagogical education. His ability to dispassionately evaluate medical schools across the USA and Canada showcases the depth of his insights. Despite some critical remarks, the study emphasizes the invaluable contribution Flexner made to the radical transformation of the American medical school, elevating his figure to an almost legendary status.
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    The effect of quercetin on the structural organisation of the testicular interstitial space in the dyshormonal state induced by tryptorelin at day 270 in the experiment
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Stetsuk, Ye. V.; Shepitko, V. I.; Zaporozhets, T. M.; Pronina, O. M.; Boruta, N. V.; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Запорожець, Тетяна Миколаївна; Проніна, Олена Миколаївна; Борута, Наталія Володимирівна
    The objective of this study was to assess the morphological changes in the interstitial space of rat testes, determine the sources of nitric oxide production, and evaluate the intensity of oxidative stress in the rat testes during longterm experimental central blocking of the synthesis of luteinising hormone by tryptorelin, with the addition of quercetin to the diet. The experimental group of ten animals received a subcutaneous injection of tryptorelin at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg of active ingredient for 270 days, with simultaneous addition of quercetin to the diet, to model central blocking of luteinising hormone synthesis. Morphologically, the number of macrophages on day 270 was increased at the expense of perivascular macrophages. During the biochemical study of the testicular interstitium, we found that the main production of superoxide anion radical on the 270th day of observation was slightly reduced. The addition of quercetin to the diet reduces changes in the structure of the interstitial space of the testes and impaired nitric oxide production by constitutive isoforms of NO synthase induced by tryptorelin on the 270th day of observation.
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    Prevalence of inflammatory diseases of the nose among patients with odontogenic purilent-inflammatory diseases of maxillo-facial location
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-20) Steblovskyi, D. V.; Kopchak, A. V.; Lokes, K. P.; Bilokon, S. O.; Voloshyna, L. I.; Popovych, I. Yu.; Стебловський, Дмитро Валерійович; Копчак, А. В.; Локес, Катерина Петрівна; Білокінь, Сергій Олександрович; Волошина, Людмила Іванівна; Попович, Іван Юрійович
    According to domestic and foreign authors, the incidence of chronic sinusitis has increased more than 2 times over the past 10 years, and the specific weight of patients hospitalized in ENT – inpatients increases annually by 1.5-2% and has no tendency to decrease. Such information, apparently, is due not to the true ratio of sinusitis of various etiologies, but to the peculiarity of the examination of patients with this pathology in dental and otorhinolaryngological hospitals. The peak of admissions of patients with odontogenic sinusitis to the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital occurred in 2019 – 272 (16.7%) cases of sinusitis, the lowest rate of hospitalization was recorded in 2008 – 195 (about 11.9%). The most common diagnosis was: “Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic sinusitis” – 817 (50.2%) cases, which is consistent with the literature data. Patients with the diagnosis: “Acute odontogenic sinusitis” accounted for the minimum rate – 2.4% of cases. Recurrence of sinusitis was observed on average in 2017-2023 in 5.2% of cases. In 19.3% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the diagnosis of the referring institution and the clinical diagnosis. In 2.6% of cases, the clinical diagnosis did not correspond to the described clinical data. 59.2% of patients were referred from dental polyclinics and offices; 15.7% of patients were referred by related specialists (ENT, neurologist); 14.7% went to the hospital themselves; in 10% of cases, data on the sending institution were missing. The problem of prevention, diagnosis (including differential) and treatment of odontogenic sinusitis is an urgent task of dentistry. Among the causes of the development of the disease, a significant part is pathological processes, the development of which was facilitated by inadequate medical tactics for the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes in the area of molars of the upper jaw. The use of traditional methods of radical surgical treatment is often accompanied by chronicity of the process.
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    Application of platelet-riched plasma in the complex treatment of patients with complete dislocation of maxillary teeth
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-20) Ivanytska, O. S.; Bilash, S. M.; Lychman, V. O.; Toropov, O. A.; Avetikov, D. S.; Horban, I. I.; Іваницька, Олена Сергіївна; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Личман, Віталій Олександрович; Торопов, Олександр Анатолійович; Аветіков, Давид Соломонович; Горбань, І. І.
    Restoring the connection between the tooth and the periodontium is the primary goal of complex treatment, which involves the formation of new bone and cement, restoring the periodontal ligament and blood supply to the pulp from the surrounding tissues. The study aimed to investigate the effect of platelet-rich plasma as a medium for temporarily storing a dislocated tooth on the regeneration and reconstruction of its tissues after replantation of an extracted tooth compared to saline and water. In this study, 30 adult male Wistar rats were used, and a tooth was extracted and then replanted. A fibroblast cell activity analysis was performed after 72 hours to determine cell viability. Cells incubated in platelet-rich plasma medium had a higher percentage of cell viability (82.7±5.1), followed by saline (74.3±4.2) with statistical significance (p>0.001). The minimum percentage was recorded in cells in the medium with tap water (68.8±3.9). The pulp, dentin and cementum of the group where the teeth were placed in platelet-rich plasma showed normal histological features, demonstrating optimal tissue remodelling and attachment to the surrounding bone. There were no signs of root resorption. In summary, this study used several temporary storage procedures and evaluated changes in histological events that occurred during the storage of extracted teeth and replantation until the time of recording of the success of the replantation. The study's results indicate the use of platelet-rich plasma as a storage medium, as it significantly preserves the viability of dental cells compared to water and saline solutions.
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    The role of immunogram in the diagnostics of chronic sialoadenitis and tumors of the salivary glands
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-20) Havryliev, V. M.; Avetikov, D. S.; Pronina, O. M.; Skikevych, M. G.; Yatsenko, I. V.; Bukhanchenko, O. P.; Гаврильєв, Віктор Миколайович; Аветіков, Давид Соломонович; Проніна, Олена Миколаївна; Скікевич, Маргарита Георгіївна; Яценко, Ігор Володленович; Буханченко, Ольга Петрівна
    Epidemiological studies show a high prevalence of dental caries among children in Ukraine, ranging from 53.84% to 96.67%. Somatic pathology is a significant risk factor for the onset and development of caries. In Ukraine, the number of children in need of mental development correction is growing. Therefore, our study aimed to investigate the features of dental caries in children with neuropsychiatric disorders. We examined 108 children aged 13-18 years with neuropsychiatric disorders (main group) and 86 practically healthy children (comparison group). The main group consisted of 48 children with mild to moderate mental retardation, 38 children with autism, and 22 children with Down syndrome. We studied the prevalence of caries (in %), caries intensity (CSI) and level of dental care (LDC). It was found that in children with neuropsychiatric disorders, the prevalence of dental caries is significantly higher than in children in the comparison group and on average is 92.60±2.52% with a caries intensity of 8.56±0.54 teeth, and 75.58±4.63% and CSI = 5.17±0.47 teeth, respectively (p<0.001). It was found that the prevalence of caries was higher in children with Down syndrome than in children with mild mental retardation and autism. The level of dental care for children was analyzed and it was found that children aged 13-15 years, including the comparison group, have an insufficient level of dental care, which is, however, at the age of 16-18 years the level of dental care has significantly improved
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    Preparation of sixth-year students for the licensing test exam "Krok 2. Paediatric profile": the search and ways to solve problems
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-01) Kryuchko, T. O.; Kuzmenko, N. V.; Poda, O. A.; Ruban, Yu. V.; Oliinichenko, M. O.; Крючко, Тетяна Олександрівна; Кузьменко, Наталія Валентинівна; Пода, Ольга Анатоліївна; Рубан, Ю. В.; Олійніченко, Марина Олександрівна
    Unfortunately, at PSMU, there is a tendency to decrease the Krok 2 exam results in the subtests of the paediatric profile for the 2020-2021 and 2022-2023 academic years compared to the average percentage value among higher medical education institutions of Ukraine. In search of explanations for this phenomenon and ways to solve the problem further, the Department of Paediatrics No. 2 staff surveyed 6th-year students in the specialties 222 “Medicine” and 228 “Paediatrics”. The analysis of the survey results showed that more than half of the respondents (52%) study test tasks from the booklets of recent years, and only 42% of respondents work on tasks from the Krok 2 database in all disciplines, which is, in fact, the key to the maximum result of successful exam. Students chose this principle of allocating time for independent study: 65 survey participants reported spending at least half an hour a day studying tasks from the Krok 2 database, while 22 of them devoted the same amount of time to paediatrics tasks. The majority of students (62% of respondents) are satisfied with the way they are prepared for testing at the university’s paediatric departments, some of them (21%) have complaints about individual teachers or structural units, and nine sixth-year students lack time in practical classes to analyse test tasks and justify the correct answer by a teacher. Considering the results of the survey and suggestions of students, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Paediatrics No. 2, in cooperation with the staff of other structural subdivisions of the University, which teach paediatric disciplines, took the following actions: • the procedure for testing students during the cycle of paediatrics in the 6th year of study was changed, and sections of tasks from the “Krok 2” database were added to topics studied in the 4th and 5th years (all collections of test tasks with marked correct answers are freely available on the Department’s website); • the number of academic hours devoted to the analysis of test tasks in practical classes with the participation of the Department’s teachers was increased; • a study guide, “Paediatric Test Tasks with Explanations”, was developed and prepared for publication, which includes the most problematic paediatric tasks.
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    Analysis of the various teaching methods using effectiveness in the future doctors training
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024-03-25) Sorokina, S. I.; Shevchenko, T. I.; Shaposhnyk, O. A.; Kudrya, I. P.; Prykhodko, N. P.; Сорокіна, Світлана Іванівна; Шевченко, Тетяна Іванівна; Шапошник, Ольга Анатоліївна; Кудря, Ірина Павлівна; Приходько, Наталія Петрівна
    Under martial law, the introduction of a variety of modern educational opportunities is of particular importance. This requires not only the availability of high-tech equipment but also the effective use of traditional and modern interactive learning technologies. The article analyses students' attitudes to the introduction of certain interactive and traditional teaching methods and evaluates the effectiveness of their use in the training of future doctors. Based on the analysis of the student survey results, a fairly high assessment of the introduction of new technologies in the teaching process in the internal medicine clinic, in particular, the case-study method, was revealed. The simulation method was also recognised as optimal for learning the educational material, which has proved itself in recent years due to certain changes in the patient selection process at clinical sites.
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    Development of general and professional competences of future healthcare professionals through the implementation of training in the educational process
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Bilanova, L. P.; Bobukh, V. V.; Andreyko, S. S.; Svintsytska, N. L.; Bilash, V. P.; Bilanov, O. S.; Біланова, Лариса Павлівна; Бобух, Валерія Валеріївна; Андрейко, Світлана Станіславівна; Свінцицька, Наталія Леонідівна; Білаш, Валентина Павлівна; Біланов, Олег Сергійович
    The article considers the relevance and effectiveness of training in the educational process for students in the field of Knowledge 22 Healthcare to form general and professional competencies. During the training, informal, relaxed communication is created, which opens up many options for students to develop and solve the problem for which they have gathered. Trainings fight against passivity among students and generate interest in them. It is associated with non-material motivation and can be an impetus for enthusiasm, the desire for discovery, and the search for the root causes of pathologies and radical changes in medicine. They are considered to be an encouragement and an educational breakthrough because, at low cost, they benefit education, medicine, and society in general. The subtleties and nuances that the future medical elite learn from them allow them to maintain energy and professional endurance. Training plays an important role in the professional development of practising doctors, and postgraduate students who are expanding the boundaries of knowledge for medicine also need it. It naturally joins the stream of lifelong learning, which has been chosen as the slogan of modern scientists and personalities who want to improve themselves throughout their lives, hold respected positions and be an unquestionable role model.
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    Typical topographic-anatomical characteristics of the structure of the submandibular vegetative node in elderly and old people
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2024) Rozhnov, V. G.; Pronina, O. M.; Bilash, S. M.; Bilash, V. P.; Serbin, S. I.; Dubyna, S. O.; Tkachenko, O. T.; Рожнов, Валерій Георгійович; Проніна, Олена Миколаївна; Білаш, Сергій Михайлович; Білаш, Валентина Павлівна; Сербін, Сергій Ігорович; Дубина, Сергій Олександрович; Ткаченко, Олексій Тарасович
    At the current stage of the development of morphology and clinical medicine, the interest in vegetative nodes, which are complex peripheral nerve centers connected to the central nervous system and are trophic and communication and distribution centers, does not decrease. In this regard, it becomes clear that without the doctor's knowledge of the features of the topography and individual structure of the submandibular node (SMN) and its connections with neighboring nerves, it is not possible to provide significant help in understanding the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of diseases of the node, developing new ones and optimizing already existing methods of treatment. Before starting the main part of our study, we determined the shape of the head (skull) and face – head and face indices. In the future, we used anatomical preparation of the SMN after cosmetic access to it. The sizes of the node were measured using a millimeter ruler. Photography of the prepared SMN was carried out using a digital camera. Based on the results of the research, we determined the main topographical positions of the SMN; revealed variants of the external structure of SMNs by frequency of occurrence and their sizes; the extreme types of the structure of the SMNs are established and it is shown in which forms of the head and face they occur; the topography of the branched connections of the SMN – adductor roots: tympanic-lingual, sympathic and efferent roots has been clarified. The revealed dependence of the topographic-anatomical variability of the human SMN on the shape of the skull will help clinicians to justify the choice of the node blockade method in various pathological conditions