Peculiarities of morphoetiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis and consequences after appendectomy


The aim: To study the features of morphoethiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis and the consequences after appendectomy. Materials and methods: 10 preparations of human appendix were studied, from which 5 appendixes were normal in people who died in adulthood and old age and 5 processes were taken intraoperatively during appendectomy. Morphometric characteristics of the tissue structures of the preparations were compared with the systematic review data, the literature search by the following keywords: morphoethiopathy”, “vermiform process”, “lymphoepithelial formations”, “digestive system”, “lymphoid nodule”, “Peyer’s patches”, “mucous membrane”. Results: Pathogenesis of acute appendicitis – it is a consistent, staged process that is completely subject to the laws of exudative inflammation in response to microbial aggression. Removal of the appendicular process should be approached carefully and based on possible immunological consequences. Removal of the appendix as an immunocompetent organ Unreasonable removal of pathohistological unchanged appendix has medical consequences (can lead to consequences such as colon cancer) and not only. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the vermiform appendix retains its active function throughout human life. The study provides an overview with current knowledge about the etiology, pathogenesis and possible consequences of appendectomy as the main method of treatment of acute appendicitis. The search for ways to prevent appendicitis can be successful only by finding out the causes and factors that in some individuals cause the inability of the appendix to resist bacterial invasion. Appendix is necessary to fully support the immune responses of the digestive tract, but it belongs to the category of those organs, the loss of which during forced surgery does not cause significant damage to the body


Ключові слова

appendicitis, lymphoepithelial formations, acute surgical pathology

Бібліографічний опис

Ukrainepeculiarities of morphoetiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis and consequences after appendectomy / V. H. Hryn, V. S. Drabovskiy, D. A. Sytnik [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. LXXV, issue 6. – P. 1492–1498.